Community Living Standards

The Community Living Standards for the 2024-25 Academic Year are a set of policies all residents agree to abide by and ensure their guests comply with to help create a safe and secure community. Violations of the Community Living Standards are considered violations of the , and may be addressed through the student conduct process. Students found responsible for a violation of the Community Living Standards may be assigned appropriate disciplinary sanctions, up to and including housing agreement cancellation and a restriction from being present on any University of Alaska residential campus. Violations of the Community Living Standards may also result in appropriate charges being placed on a student’s account. Examples of possible charges include, but are not limited to, damages, cleaning, removal of trash/property, etc. In the event the individual(s) responsible for a violation cannot be identified, charges may be assessed to all residents in the impacted area.    

Residents are responsible for ensuring compliance with the standards in their assigned bedroom, suite/apartment, as well as any other space on the residential campus in which they are present. In the event a resident witnesses or has knowledge of a policy violation, and/or conditions that negatively impact the comfort or safety of members of the community, they should either remove themselves from the situation or contact a Residence Life staff member for assistance. Residents also have the option to submit an on the Dean of Students website. Students are expected to be knowledgeable of all university policies and signed agreements, including, but not limited to, the , the , the Community Living Standards, and the Housing and Dining Agreement. The development of a successful community requires that students follow community standards and policies and approach interactions with honesty and respect.

Confidentiality and Policy Enforcement

Residence Life staff members are obligated to address and report violations of policy according to established procedures. At its discretion, and with consistency as a top priority, Residence Life investigates reports and evidence of policy violations. Investigations may include interviewing involved individuals, performing inspections, partnering with the University Police Department, reviewing residents’ card swipe history, reviewing security camera footage, etc. In most instances, inspections performed by Residence Life staff members are limited to visual inspections (i.e., what can be plainly seen inside a suite or apartment without opening drawers, cabinets, bags, boxes, etc.), unless the situation necessitates a more thorough approach. In the event residents are informed that they must remove an item from campus or come into compliance with a policy, Residence Life staff will return within the designated time frame to recheck the space, generally 24 hours later.

To the greatest extent possible, while still taking seriously our obligation to enforce policy, the privacy of our residents is respected. Residence Life staff members are trained and certified in compliance with the .

All Residence Life staff members are designated as , which means that they are obligated by law to report any information related to a Title IX incident to the Office of Equity & Compliance. Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender including harassment, stalking, discrimination, dating/domestic violence and sexual misconduct. To the extent permitted by law, Residence Life protects the identity and privacy of individuals involved in these types of incidents. The extent to which anonymity can be honored partially depends on the measures and resources in which the resident is interested (for example, Residence Life needs to know the name of a resident who wishes to change their room assignment). At a minimum, details of incidents, including the names of individuals involved, are required by law to be reported to the Title IX Coordinator.

Residence Life staff members are also designated as Campus Security Authorities (CSA) by the federal law known as the Clery Act. This designation requires Residence Life staff members to report information regarding certain crimes to the University Police Department (UPD) in order for UPD to determine if a timely warning should be sent to the community. More information regarding Campus Security Authorities can be found on the Dean of Students website.

Mid-Semester Health and Safety Inspection 

Each fall and spring semester, Residence Life staff members may enter every occupied and unoccupied suite and apartment to perform an inspection of the spaces. The inspections will occur approximately at the midterm, and residents will be given reasonable notice prior to the inspection. 

The purpose of these inspections is first and foremost to protect the safety of the residential community by enforcing compliance with these Standards. However, while the inspections are being performed, staff members are obligated to report any evidence of other policy violations they come across. Residents are encouraged to understand these Standards and prepare for inspections appropriately. 

Requests for Exception

The Standards were developed to address a majority of scenarios under generally normal conditions. TheDepartment of Residence Life acknowledges that there are times when it is appropriate for reasonable exceptions to the Community Living Standards to be made. Residents may request an exception to these policies by contacting the Residence Coordinator for their area. Residents should allow at least two business days for the Residence Coordinator to respond to requests for exceptions. 

Residential Communities Policies


  • Facilities and Safety


    Bicycles may only be parked in designated areas including the racks outside each apartment or residence hall, or stored inside residents' rooms or apartment/suite storage areas. Bicycles locked to or stored anywhere other than in designated areas, or left for longer than 30 days, may be removed from campus. Bicycles are prohibited inside the Gorsuch Commons.

    Business Ventures Policy

    Residents are prohibited from operating a private business or commercial enterprise from their university suite or apartment, which includes any of the following activities in relationship to the operation of a private business or commercial enterprise: 

    • Use of a University address 
    • Use of University property for meetings or hosting any other person 
    • Making associations with the University whether overtly or implied

    These restrictions still apply even if the university or one of its affiliates is engaged in the business or commercial activity.

    Residents are permitted to engage in the following business-related activities, as long as the activities are legal and ethical: 

    • Purchasing and selling items online 
    • Perform remote work activities for which they may receive compensation


    It is the responsibility of each resident to ensure the grounds and facilities on the residential campus are kept clean and reflect proper care and respect. Common areas within apartments/suites should be kept clean and prepared for a new resident to move-in at any time. Residents are responsible for preventing their suite/apartment from becoming excessively unclean. Spaces are considered excessively unclean if any of the following conditions exist (this is not an exhaustive list):

    • The condition of the space may pose a risk to the health or safety of residents and/or their guests
    • The condition of the space may cause damage to the facility (i.e., stains, odors, etc.)
    • The condition of the space is conducive to the presence of pests or a pest issue exists. In the event that a student's individual room or common space becomes excessively unclean, Residence Life reserves the right to coordinate the cleaning of the space.

    Damages and Vandalism

    The preservation of all common spaces on the residential campus is the joint responsibility of all residents assigned to a specific area (residence hall, wing, floor, apartment building, stairwell, etc.). If individual responsibility cannot be determined, all residents of that area may be held financially responsible. Financial responsibility extends to abandoned belongings, excessive cleaning and damages. Examples of damages and vandalism include, but are not limited to:

    • Actions that cause damage to university or personal property (or activities that foreseeably could have caused damage, disturbance or distress)
    • Public urination/defecation/vomiting
    • Tampering with door or window locks 
    • Tearing, burning or removal of posters, bulletin board displays or community decorations
    • Removal or destruction of peepholes


    Hallways, windows, doorways and stairways must have a clear passage at all times, including clear passage to exits within residents’ bedrooms. Residence Life staff may remove any object obstructing egress and charge students for that removal.


    Tampering with or misuse of university elevators is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, overcrowding, overloading, jumping in, vandalizing, tampering, blocking or leaving unattended items and/or trash inside.

    Emergency Response

    In the event of an emergency, such as incapacitation, inability to independently care for self or transport to hospital, university personnel may notify a resident's emergency contact or other individuals as deemed necessary.

    Evacuation Procedures

    In the event of a fire alarm or fire drill, all residents must evacuate the building, completely and immediately. Residents must remain at least 50 feet away from the exterior of the building until the "all clear" signal has been given by the University Police Department, the Anchorage Fire Department or Residence Life professional staff members. Interference or non-compliance with emergency evacuation procedures is prohibited and could lead to disciplinary action and monetary fines. Residents must exit the building within three minutes of the alarm sounding. Do not use elevators. Emergency exits are to be used during emergency evacuations or fire drills only. Any misuse of emergency exits is prohibited. Please remember to dress quickly and appropriately for Alaska weather conditions.

    Fire Alarms--Resident Initiated

    Starting a fire, pulling a fire alarm without due cause, tampering with or disabling smoke detectors, falsely reporting a fire emergency to police, the fire department or university administrators, or the unauthorized use or damage done to any emergency or safety equipment, are all prohibited. Residents should never leave their cooking unattended. Should your actions set off the alarm without causing a fire, you may be responsible for all or part of a $500 charge to Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ for fire department response.

    Fire Prevention

    Residence Life takes fire prevention seriously. Residents must abide by the following:

    • Residents are not permitted to hang anything from the ceiling. Items must be stored a minimum of 18 inches from the ceiling.
    • Wall hangings and/or other items cannot block fire suppression equipment.
    • Tampering with pull stations, smoke or heat detectors, fire extinguishers, sprinkler heads or other life safety equipment is prohibited.
    • Items cannot be hung from sprinklers or pipes.
    • Residents must comply with all recall notices of products stored on the residential campus.
    • Posting flammable materials covering more than one third of the total surface of doors or walls is prohibited.
    • A maximum of three strands of decorative lights can be linked together per electrical outlet.
    • Any organic materials used for decorations (ex. pumpkins/jack-o-lanterns) must be disposed of within three days of a holiday or when the items show signs of decomposition.
    • Extension cords and surge protectors should be UL listed and free from punctures or exposed wires, with no more than one item per outlet. The utilization of an extending device on a surge protector to create additional outlets is prohibited. Tethering extension cords and surge protectors together is prohibited.

    The following items and actions are prohibited on the residential campus (this is not an exhaustive list, and Residence Life reserves the right to evaluate individual items and determine their eligibility to be present on campus). Generally, the rule Residence Life follows is – if a piece of paper would catch fire should it land on a heating source, then the item would be prohibited:

    • Personal gas and charcoal grills
    • Containers of flammable fuels such as gasoline, kerosene and propane (outside of small tanks used for quick boil camping grills)
    • Gasoline-powered engines
    • Any open flame source other than a basic lighter
    • Engaging in activities or utilizing devices that produce smoke 
    • Micro-mobility devices charged with lithium-ion batteries (hoverboards, e-bikes, e-scooters, etc.) 
    • Halogen lamps
    • Open-coil heaters and cooking elements
    • Pressure cookers
    • Hot plates
    • Deep fat fryers
    • Electric griddles
    • Toaster ovens
    • Full sized appliances (unless provided by Residence Life), including, but not limited to, washers, dryers and freezers
    • Toasters (unless in Templewood, MAC apartments or in the residence hall kitchens)
    • Living trees indoors, not to include common house plants


    Residents are permitted to possess space heaters on the residential campus under the following conditions:

    • Suites and apartments experiencing issues with heat should be reported to Housing Maintenance by submitting a work order.
    • The space heater must comply with all of the following specifications:
      • Underwriters Laboratories (UL) approved
      • Heating elements that are protected from contact
      • Tilt-proof (heat turns off when tipped over) 
      • Thermostat-controlled 
      • Fuse protected cords
      • Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI) protected
    • Space heaters must be completely turned off any time the resident is not present in the suite or apartment.


    Exceptions to this policy to accommodate religious or spiritual beliefs and practices may be requested by submitting the

    Indoor Sports and Physical Activities

    Playing sports in residential buildings, including but not limited to, basketball, bicycle riding, hackysack, frisbee/disc golf, skateboarding, hockey, football throwing, running, Nerf activities and squirt gun/water fights is prohibited.

    Building/Suite/Apartment Access, Key/Wolfcards and Lockouts

    The following policies must be adhered to:

    • Delivering, surrendering or otherwise relinquishing possession of your Wolfcard, temporary room card, Templewood garage door opener or PIN number to an individual or permitting the card to be duplicated or modified is prohibited.
    • Residents must present their Wolfcard upon request of a university official, including upon entrance to the residence halls when the front desk is staffed.
    • Allowing another person into the building who is not your guest (i.e., piggybacking) is prohibited.
    • Students are prohibited from entering restricted access areas. This includes, but is not limited to, accessing bedrooms not assigned to a resident, roofs, storage areas, crawl spaces and maintenance areas, even if the door is unlocked or open. 
    • Do not prop open apartment/suite doors unless a resident is present in the common area with a clear line of sight to the door and all roommates agree to the propping. 
    • Do not tape/modify apartment/suite/bedroom doors in order to prevent complete closure.


    Students are permitted two lockouts, free of charge, per semester. Each additional lockout will result in a charge equivalent to the cost of a replacement Wolfcard being placed on the student's account.

    Kitchens in Residence Halls

    North, East and West Halls have community kitchens in the lobbies that are available for resident use according to the following policies: 

    • In order to gain access to the kitchens, students must first pass a kitchen safety test. 
    • Guests are permitted to accompany residents in the kitchen, but guests are not permitted to utilize any of the equipment in the kitchen. Failure to comply with this policy may result in the loss of the resident’s kitchen access and privileges. 
    • Residents are prohibited from using cookware on the stovetop other than the items provided.
    • Students are expected to clean up after themselves when using the kitchen and are prohibited from storing personal items in the refrigerator. Failure to do so may result in cleaning charges and the loss of kitchen privileges. If the individual responsible cannot be determined, the community kitchen may be closed for all residents for a period of time.
    • Items in the kitchens are intended for community use and should not be removed. 


    For more information and to access the kitchen safety quiz, visit our Dining page.


    The parking lots on the residential campus are meant to be utilized for parking vehicles residents are actively using. Vehicles that are not moved for more than one week must be parked in the Cottonwood Lot off of Residential Drive. 


    Each resident is permitted one ten-gallon tank, for a non-poisonous/venomous freshwater fish. Possession of any other pet, even if the pet is visiting, is prohibited. Residence Life reserves the right to charge any restoration and/or cleaning costs related to an unauthorized pet. Evidence of a pet being present in a suite or apartment (e.g. food, leashes, hair, carriers, bedding, etc.) may be grounds for a full inspection of the space. 

    For more information regarding animals on campus, please refer to the Residence Life Animal Policy

    Room/Suite/Apartment Modification, Personal Items, and Storage

    Residence Life allows for room personalization in accordance with the following policies:

    • Residents are not permitted to apply permanent or nonpermanent color (paint) or any kind of wallpaper anywhere inside their suite/apartment.
    • Personal furniture is allowed but must be removed upon move out.
    • University furniture and/or resources may not be removed from the residence halls, apartments or any common area at any time. This includes items from lounges, lobbies or other common areas into suites or apartments. 
    • Residents are responsible for returning university property and furnishings to their original location and condition (excluding beds that have been (de)lofted) upon moving out.  
    • Wall hangings are allowed; students should use removable Command Strips or hooks. Do not remove Command Strips as this is handled by Housing Maintenance to avoid damaging the walls. The use of pins, thumbtacks, tape or nails to hang items on walls is prohibited.
    • Drawing on any surface is prohibited.
    • Personal items left/abandoned in the residential areas may be stored, at the student's expense, for up to 30 days. After that time period, they will be disposed of. For more information, refer to the Residence Life Move-Out Guide.
    • Installation of air conditioners, ceiling fans, wall shelves, hanging lamps, TV wall mounts, TV/cable antennas or satellites or other non-approved items in suites or apartments is prohibited.
    • Personal washing machines, waterbeds and dartboards are prohibited. 
    • Decorative string lights must be LED.
    • Residents are responsible for ensuring their suite or apartment is prepared at all times for incoming residents if there is an unoccupied bedroom in their apartment or suite. This includes having a reasonable amount of storage available in common areas and cleanliness. Residence Life reserves the right to fill vacant spaces at any time.
    • Residents are not permitted to hang any item from the exterior of any residential building.

    Stairwells, Ledges, Roofs, and Windows

    The following must be adhered to:

    • Residents may not place anything (i.e., furniture, satellite dishes, boxes, signs, food, etc.) in the stairwells, on roofs or on the window ledges of buildings on the residential campus.
    • Students are not allowed on any roof structures. If personal property accidentally lands on a roof, you may request assistance for retrieval from Residence Life.
    • Removal of and/or modifications to the windows, screens or window locks in rooms or common areas is prohibited.
    • Except in the event of an immediate emergency, nothing should pass the threshold of the windows within Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ housing facilities. This includes, but is not limited to: 
      • Throwing items out of or into the window
      • Hanging items such as flags or banners outside of the window
      • Leaning outside of the window 
      • Climbing in or out of the window
    • Metal guards on the windows of the first-floor rooms of residence halls should not be opened unless students are using windows as egress in the case of an emergency. When residents are not present in the room, the windows on the first floor of the MAC apartments should be shut and locked (the wooden bar should be in place for the large windows in the kitchen).
    • Refrain from leaving windows open during winter months, particularly in the Templewood Townhomes where open windows can cause snow on the roof to melt and form large ice mounds in front of the garages.


    For risk management purposes, residents are prohibited from constructing structures on the residential campus. This includes, but is not limited to, the installation of hammocks, rock walls, trampolines or snow forts.

    Trash/Waste Removal

    Residents are responsible for properly disposing of trash and other waste in designated dumpsters and recycling containers. Trash taken to the dumpster may not be placed anywhere but fully inside the dumpster. In the event that a dumpster is full, trash must be taken to an alternative dumpster or authorized area/container. Trash and recycling containers in common areas of the residential community, including containers located outside in the parking lots and the entrances to the residence halls, should only be used for single items or small amounts of loose trash. When possible, large or bulky items should be broken down prior to being disposed of, such as cardboard boxes.


    The following is a list of weapons prohibited in Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ's residential community. This list includes but is not limited to:

    • Ammunition
    • Guns/firearms (including BB guns, Taser/stun guns, potato cannons or guns, etc.)
    • Bows and/or arrows
    • Brass knuckles
    • CO2 or compressed air weapons
    • Nunchucks
    • Sling shots
    • Spears
    • Sporting or hunting knives in excess of 5 inches (excluding fish filet knives)
    • Swords
    • Any other device that could reasonably be determined as dangerous to an individual or the facility


    The university provides a weapons safe for residents and their guests to store all legal weapons/firearms in the Gorsuch Commons. Storing a weapon elsewhere in a residential community building is prohibited, with the exception of a locked vehicle (as long as the vehicle is not parked within a Templewood Townhome garage). UPD supervises registration of weapons and provides 24-hour access to the weapons safe. Call the University Police non-emergency line, (907) 786-1120, for access. 

    Wildlife and Vegetation

    Do not pet, feed or approach any animals for any reason. Residents are permitted to take pictures of or observe docile animals from a safe distance. Please alert Residence Life or University Police of aggressive animals on campus or situations that may threaten the safety of the community (including the presence of bears or moose on campus).

    During the summer months, it is common to encounter aggressive gulls on the residential campus attempting to protect their nests. Residents should avoid these areas and are prohibited from disturbing sea birds or their nests. Residents are not permitted to cut down trees or otherwise disturb the ecosystem on campus.

    Fishing from bridges on the residential campus is prohibited.

  • Civility

    Excessive Noise/Quiet Hours

    Creating excessive noise which is reasonably disruptive to other students either inside or outside of residential buildings is prohibited. Noise may be deemed disruptive if it can be heard through a closed door and/or two doors down. These standards are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Students are expected to respond courteously to requests to reduce noise and respectfully approach others with requests for noise reduction.

    Quiet hours, during which noise from outside a resident’s suite, apartment or bedroom should not reasonably be heard, are from:

    • 10:00 p.m. - 8:00 a.m. Sunday through Thursday
    • 12:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday
    • 24-hour quiet hours go into effect during final exam periods


    Use of amplified instruments or equipment on the residential campus is prohibited. Placement of sound equipment or speakers in windows and common areas of the residential community without the express permission of Residence Life is prohibited.

    Felonies and Misdemeanor Sex Crimes Disclosure

    In accordance with , residents are required to disclose to the Department of Residence Life information pertaining to the following items, if they exist in the resident’s criminal/behavioral history: 

    • Conviction of a felony for any reason
    • Pending charges for any felony crime
    • Conviction of a misdemeanor sex crime as identified in
    • Pending charges for a misdemeanor sex crime as identified in


    In the event a student is unsure whether or not charges or convictions are reportable under this policy, they must contact the Department of Residence Life for clarification.

    Disclosures can be made by providing the appropriate response to questions on the housing application pertaining to criminal history. In the event a resident is charged with a felony or a misdemeanor sex crime after submitting the housing application, this information must be disclosed to the Director of Residence Life. Failure to disclose this information on the housing application or to the Director of Residence Life will likely result in an immediate restriction being placed upon the resident prohibiting their presence on the residential campus until the conclusion of the student conduct process, and the termination of their housing agreement.

    Decisions regarding a student’s eligibility to live on campus based on criminal history are determined on a case-by-case basis. The individual circumstances of each case are taken into consideration. Students who disclose their criminal history will have the opportunity to provide supporting evidence and documentation pertaining to their request to live on campus. Requests are thoroughly reviewed and responded to by the Director of Residence Life.

    Guest Policy

    For the purposes of this policy, a guest is defined as any person present on the residential campus under any of the following conditions: 

    • The individual was invited by the resident.
    • The individual is attending an event hosted by the resident.
    • The individual is attempting to contact or visit the resident.
    • The individual is delivering or attempting to deliver something to the resident. 
    • The individual is picking up or attempting to pick up the resident. 


    Residents may host guests according to the following policies:

    • Residents are responsible for accompanying their guests at all times, and for ensuring that their guests follow all university policies and procedures. Residents may be held responsible for the actions of their guests to the same degree as if they violated the policy themselves.
    • Residence Life staff members may ask any guest to leave Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ’s residential community.
    • Each resident may have no more than 3 guests at one time.
    • All residents are required to register any guests attempting to enter an area on the residential campus behind a secured door by submitting the form located in Roompact. If asked to do so by a university official, including desk attendants staffing the residence hall front desks, residents must provide a copy of the registration confirmation for any guest they are hosting with accurate date and time information. Residential students visiting other areas of campus are not required to complete the guest registration form.
    • Residents are responsible for checking out their guests by updating the guest’s registration form in Roompact with the accurate date and time of the guest’s departure. Failure to properly check out a guest will result in the guest’s visit being counted as an overnight stay. 
    • When requested by a university official, all guests must present a valid form of government-issued identification that includes a photo, their date of birth and card identification number. This information is required to be submitted on the , and will be verified by the desk attendant if the guest is checked in when the front desk is staffed. 
    • The rights of residents supersede the rights of the guest/the right of a resident to host guests. Overnight guests are permitted only if all residents of the apartment/suite have been informed and have given their consent. Residents should document in their Roommate Agreement any expectations and limitations related to guests in their suite/apartment. Guest expectations and limitations from roommates should be reasonable and mutually agreed upon.
    • An individual is defined as an overnight guest if they are present in a building as a guest any time between 1:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
      • A guest may not accumulate more than three consecutive overnight stays. 
      • Regardless of the number of residents who host them, a guest may not accumulate more than eight overnight stays in a 30-day period.
    • Students found responsible for violating the guest policy may be restricted from hosting guests. Residence Life reserves the right to notify the roommate(s) of any resident who is restricted from hosting guests or guests who have been restricted. Guests who violate any policy or procedure may be restricted from being present on the residential campus.


    Minor Guest Visitation Policy: Guests 16 & 17 Years of Age

    • Any individual 16 or 17 years of age may visit and also stay overnight in a residence hall or apartment if their parent or guardian provides written permission to Residence Life a minimum of 2 business days in advance of the guest’s arrival.
    • Whenever possible, written permission from the parent or guardian must be given by submitting the following online form: .
    • If the parent or guardian cannot access the online form, permission can be submitted via some other medium or given verbally to a Residence Life staff member. The information provided must include: 
      • the parent or guardian’s phone number
      • the full names of the minor, parent or guardian and host
      • specified dates of the proposed stay 
      • the date of birth of the minor guest
    • Permission can be granted for up to one semester though the limits on overnight guests still apply.
    • A staff member from Residence Life will contact parents or guardians who submit permission forms to verify the information in the form. The minor guest is not permitted to visit campus until permission has been granted by the parent or guardian and verified by a Residence Life staff member.
    • This provision does not apply to approved camps and programs using residential buildings for approved activities.


    Please note: Current residents under the age of 18 are exempt from the parent/guardian permission requirement as a guest when visiting a residence hall or apartment other than their own.  

    Minor Guest Visitation Policy: Guests 15 Years of Age & Younger 

    Guests younger than 16 years of age are permitted under the following conditions: 

    • They must be accompanied by their parent or guardian
    • The guest’s parent or guardian must accompany them during their entire visit. 
    • Visits are permitted only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 
    • In the event the resident is the parent or guardian, the minor guest is permitted to be present on the residential campus between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. with no permission or notification to Residence Life required.


    Hostile Living Environment

    The Department of Residence Life prohibits harassing behavior by residents or their guests so severe or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or hostile living or learning environment. Residence Life is deeply committed to protecting our residents’ right to free speech, but does not permit that speech to be expressed in a manner that is intimidating or creates a hostile environment.

    Joint Responsibility

    Residents may be held responsible for the violation of policies by others in the following circumstances: 

    • The resident did not properly report a policy violation they witness
    • The resident did not properly report a policy violation of which they have knowledge 
    • The resident was discovered in the presence of a policy violation 
    • The resident is a passive participant in a policy violation


    Residents should report policy violations they witness or have knowledge of in a timely manner following the violation or the resident learning of the violation. Residents found jointly responsible for a violation may receive up to the same disciplinary action that would be assigned to a student who violated the policy.


    Residents are prohibited from possessing class 2 and 3 lasers on the residential campus. Laser pointers intended for use during presentations or other academic activities are permitted, but should never be pointed at another person or inside another resident’s suite or apartment.

    Lounges and Other Common Areas

    The lounges and common areas of buildings on the residential campus are meant to be enjoyed by all residents assigned to the living area in which these spaces are located. 

    • Unless the space has been appropriately reserved through the Department of Residence Life or Event Services, residents are prohibited from denying access to lounges and common areas to other residents and their guests. 
    • Residents are expected to be respectful of others when occupying lounges or common areas. 
    • Residents are responsible for ensuring lounge spaces and common areas are clean, well maintained and that supplies/furniture reset after each use. 
    • Residents are prohibited from sleeping in lounges or common areas.


    Roommate Conflicts

    Residents are expected to resolve conflicts amongst themselves to the best of their abilities.  If residents are unable to resolve conflicts on their own, the Resident Advisor should be contacted to facilitate a mediation. If the conflict persists after intervention by the Resident Advisor, the Residence Coordinator will determine next steps to resolve the conflict. The Residence Coordinator has the right to require residents to participate in a mediation process. Residents who refuse to participate in the mediation process may be involuntarily moved to another suite/apartment.

    When conflicts are unable to be resolved amicably, all residents involved in the conflict may be required to relocate to new living spaces. Only those residents refusing to participate in a mediation process will be required to move.

    Room changes due to roommate conflicts will generally not be approved unless the Roommate Agreement has been completed and mediation attempts with a Residence Life Staff member have been documented.