Jennifer Aschoff, Ph.D.

Dr. Jennifer Aschoff
Geological Sciences


  • Ph.D., Geology, University of Texas at Austin, 2008
  • M.S., Geological Sciences, New Mexico State University, 2003
  • B.S., Earth Sciences, Montana State University, 2000

Teaching Responsibilities

  • GEOL A221 Historical Geology
  • GEOL A310 Professional Practices in Geology
  • GEOL A331 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
  • GEOL A432 Sedimentary Petrology Laboratory
  • GEOL A490/690 Advanced Topics in Geology
  • GEOL A689 Geology Graduate Professional Practices
  • GEOL A699/698 Graduate Thesis/Research

Research Interests

The formation, fill and economic resource potential of ancient sedimentary basins is the primary focus of my academic research. To understand the linkages between tectonics, sedimentary process and basin dynamics, I use an integrated approach using a range of datasets. Typically, I use a mixture of outcrop, seismic, well-log and core in my research. The methods I use include detailed sedimentology, regional-scale outcrop-to-subsurface sequence stratigraphy, geologic mapping, provenance analysis, and paleocurrent analysis. Geographically, my research is centered in the Rocky Mountain Region. Because much of my work is mega-regional (hundreds to thousands of kilometers), I'm currently investigating stratigraphic problems in Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, northern Arizona and eastern California. Stratigraphically, I'm interested in the Mesozoic with considerable past and current research in the Cretaceous, and recent interests developing in the Permo-Triassic. 

Core research themes that I am currently pursuing:

1. Understanding basin dynamics and their fill- especially the role of dynamic subsidence,
2. Applied stratigraphy and sedimentology as it pertains to the oil and gas industry,
3. Unconventional resources such as shale, tight-gas and tight-oil.

Current Funded Projects

*2018-2022: National Science Foundation Research Grant, (Co-PI) ($1.05 Million; $357,000 for Aschoff) 鈥淐ollaborative Research: Linking sediment dispersal, stratal architecture, and tectonic subsidence mechanisms in the Late Cretaceous Cordilleran Foreland Basin鈥

*2018-2022: ConocoPhillips Joint Industry Research Grant (Sole PI) ($165,000) 鈥淟inking Brookian Outcrops to the Subsurface to Understand Reservoir Distribution, Connectivity and Heterogeneity, North Slope, AK鈥

*2017-2022: Arctic Science and Engineering Endowment Research Grant (Lead PI) ($100,000) 鈥Reinvigorating Arctic Oil/Gas Exploration With New Shelf-edge Exploration Concepts鈥

Grants, Awards and Recognition

  • *2018-2022   National Science Foundation Research Grant, (Co-PI) ($1.05 Million; $357,000 for Aschoff) 鈥淐ollaborative Research: Linking sediment dispersal, stratal architecture, and tectonic subsidence mechanisms in the Late Cretaceous Cordilleran Foreland Basin鈥
  • *2018-2022   ConocoPhillips Joint Industry Research Grant (Sole PI) ($165,000) 鈥淟inking Brookian Outcrops to the Subsurface to Understand Reservoir Distribution, Connectivity and Heterogeneity, North Slope, AK鈥
  • *2017-2022     Arctic Science and Engineering Endowment Research Grant (Lead PI) ($100,000) 鈥Reinvigorating Arctic Oil/Gas Exploration With New Shelf-edge Exploration Concepts鈥
  • *2019-2021     ENI Research Subcontract with UT-Austin (Sole PI) ($20,000)Evaluating External Controls on Reservoir Distribution and Quality in Brookian Topsets, North Slope, AK鈥  
  • *2018-2019     ENI Research Subcontract with UT-Austin (Sole PI) ($20,000)Evaluating Depositional Process Change and Associated Reservoir Quality in Beaufortian Deposits, North Slope, AK鈥  
  • *2017  IHS In-kind Software Donation- 香港六合彩资料 (Sole PI) ($1.2 Million)
  • *2017     Arctic Science and Engineering Endowment Research Grant (Lead PI) ($100,000) 鈥Reinvigorating Arctic Oil/Gas Exploration With New Shelf-edge Exploration Concepts鈥
  • *2016     Arctic Science and Engineering Endowment Research Grant (Co-PI) ($100,000) 鈥淭raining 香港六合彩资料 Students in Subsurface Data Analysis Lab鈥
  • *2015     Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society Research Grant (Sole PI) ($70,000)鈥淢egaregional Correlation and Sequence Architecture of the Fox Hills Sandstone: Implications for Unconventional and Conventional Reservoir Prediction鈥
  • *2015    Schlumberger In-kind Software Donation-香港六合彩资料 (Sole PI) ($33 Million) 
  • *2014  IHS In-kind Software Donation-香港六合彩资料  (Sole PI) ($144,500)
  • *2014   Advanced Logic Technology In-kind Software Donation-香港六合彩资料 (Sole PI) ($90,000)


Li. Z. and Aschoff, J.L., 2022, Shoreline evolution in the Late Cretaceous North American Cordilleran foreland basin: An exemplar of the combined influence of tectonics, sealevel, and sediment supply through time: Earth-Science Reviews, v. 226, no. 103947, pp. 1-32 DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.103947

Li, Z. and Aschoff, J.L., 2021 Constraining the Effects of Dynamic Topography on the Development of Late Cretaceous Cordilleran Foreland Basin, Western United States: GSA Bulletin v.134, no. 1-2, pp. 446-462 DOI: 10.1130/B35838.1 

Zhang, J., Flaig, P., Wartes, M., Aschoff, J. L., Shuster, M., 2021, Integrating stratigraphic forward modelling, inversion analysis, and shelf-margin records to delineate sediment sources: An example of Cretaceous Colville Basin, Arctic Alaska: Basin Research v.33, no. 5, pp. DOI: 10.1111/bre.12543 

Aschoff, J.L., and Rust, C.B., 2019, Megaregional Correlation and Sequence Architecture of the Fox Hills Sandstone: Implications for Unconventional and Conventional Reservoir Prediction Year 1 Annual Report: PRF Annual Report 13 p. 

Aschoff, J.L., Olariou, C. and Steel, R.J., 2018, Recognition and significance of bayhead delta deposits in the rock record: Sedimentology, v.65, p.62-95, DOI: 10.1111/sed.12351 

Aschoff, J.L. and Rust, C.B., 2018, Megaregional Correlation and Sequence Architecture of the Fox Hills Sandstone: Implications for Unconventional and Conventional Reservoir Prediction Year 2 Annual Report: PRF Annual Report 2 p.

Schmitt, J.G., Fisher, J.W., Pac, D.F., Jackson, F.D, Patterson, S.J., Aschoff, J.L. and Challender, S., 2017, Geoecology of the Marias River Canyon, Montana, USA:  Landscape Influence on Human Use and Preservation of Late Holocene Archaeological and Vertebrate Remains: GSA Special Paper #528, 51 pp. 

Aschoff, J.L., Butler, K. and Rust, C.B., 2017, Megaregional Correlation and Sequence Architecture of the Fox Hills Sandstone: Implications for Unconventional and Conventional Reservoir Prediction Year 1 Annual Report: PRF Annual Report 10 p. 

Aschoff, J.L., Plink-Bjorklund, P. and Trudgill, B.D., 2016, Predicting higher-than-average permeability zones in tight-gas sands, Piceance Basin, CO: An integrated stratigraphic and structural analysis, RPSEA- Department of Energy RPSEA Final Report 112 p.

Steel, R.J., Plink-Bjorklund, P. and Aschoff, J.L., 2012, Tidal deposits of the Campanian Western Interior Seaway, Wyoming, Utah and Colorado, in Principles of Tidal Sedimentology, Springer Publishing, pp. 437-471. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0123-6_17 

Valora, P.M. and Aschoff, J.L., 2012, Geologic map and sections of the Thistle 7.5 Quadrangle: Insights into tectono-stratigraphic development of the Southern Provo Salient, Utah: Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication #12-1. 

Aschoff, J.L. and Steel, R.J., 2011, Anomalous clastic wedge development during the Sevier-Laramide transition in the Cordilleran Foreland Basin, USA: GSA Bulletin; DOI: 10.1130/B30248.1 

Aschoff, J.L., and Steel, R.J., 2011, Anatomy and development of a low-accommodation clastic wedge, Upper Cretaceous, Cordilleran Foreland Basin, USA: Sedimentary Geology; DOI: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2010.10.006 

Aschoff, J.L., 2010, Preliminary regional sequence-stratigraphic framework and characterization of potential fluvial reservoirs of the Upper Mesaverde Group, Uinta Basin, Utah: Utah Geological Survey Open File Report #569, 46 p.

Aschoff, J.L. and Steel, R.J., 2009, Development of an anomalous clastic wedge: A 鈥渟ink-to-source鈥 transect through Upper Cretaceous Cordilleran Foreland Basin fill, Utah and Colorado, USA: SEPM Fieldtrip #8 Guidebook 

Aschoff, J.L. and Schmitt, J.G., 2008, Distinguishing syntectonic unconformity types to enhance analysis of growth strata: An example from the Cretaceous, southeastern Nevada, U.S.A.: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 78, p. 608 - 623. DOI:10.2110/jsr.2008.069  

Aschoff, J.L. and Giles, K.A., 2005, Salt diapir-influenced, shallow marine sediment dispersal patterns: insights from outcrop analogs: AAPG Bulletin, v. 89, no. 4, p. 1-23. DOI:10.1306/1023040416 

Lawton, T.F., Shipley, K.W., Aschoff, J.L., Giles, K.A. and Vega, F.J., 2005, Basinward transport of Chicxulub ejecta by tsunami-induced backflow, La Popa basin, northeastern Mexico: implications for distribution of impact-related deposits flanking the Gulf of Mexico: Geology, v. 33, no. 2. DOI:10.1130/G21057.1 

Aschoff J.L., 2005, High-resolution sequence stratigraphy, seismic facies interpretation, and detailed depositional environment (DDE/GDE) mapping of the Lower Miocene (M20, M15): West Cameron, Gulf of Mexico, USA: BP America North American Gas, Gulf of Mexico Shelf Confidential Internal Report 

Aschoff, J.L. and Schmitt, J.G., 2004, Geologic map of the 1:24,000 Dell, MT 7.5鈥 quadrangle, Cordilleran Fold and Thrust Belt, Southwestern Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open File Report #520, 30 p.