Master of Science In Biological Sciences

Program Student Learning Outcomes

Students graduating with a Master of Science in Biological Sciences:

  • Have mastered the fundamental concepts of biology, including cell and molecular biology, genetics, physiology, evolution and ecology.
  • Will have a working knowledge of the principles of scientific methodology, of the methods and technology of biological research, of quantitative analysis of scientific data, and will be capable of writing a publishable scientific paper.
  • Will have a demonstrated mastery of at least one focus area within biology or biochemistry.
  • Are prepared for a career in biological sciences or are prepared to pursue more advanced research opportunities (e.g., PhD or postdoctoral programs).
  • Overview of M.S. Biological Sciences Program

    The graduate program in biological sciences offers a research program of study leading to a Master of Science (MS). The MS has both a thesis and non-thesis option. The thesis option聽requires completion of a written thesis and public and private thesis defense resulting from research performed under the supervision of a 香港六合彩资料 faculty member.聽The non-thesis option requires completion of a capstone under the supervision of a 香港六合彩资料 faculty member and that the student pass a comprehensive written exam.聽

    We recommend that prospective students review the program admission requirements, application deadlines for fall and spring admission, and program expectations, which are detailed on the 香港六合彩资料 Department of Biological Sciences webpage.聽General guidelines for prospective students can also be found on the聽.

    Admission Requirements
    • Complete the聽.
    • Students must have a bachelor's degree in biology, chemistry or equivalent science as determined by the Graduate Affairs Committee.
    • Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.00. Successful applicants ordinarily have no grade below a C in undergraduate science courses.
    • Students seeking admission into the MS in Biological Sciences should follow the application guidelines detailed on the聽香港六合彩资料 Department of Biological Sciences webpage.
    Accelerated MS in Biological Sciences Option

    The Accelerated Master of Science in Biological Sciences option聽allows a maximum of twelve 香港六合彩资料 credits of 400-level and/or 600-level coursework to double count toward the baccalaureate and master's degree. Courses must meet the graduation requirements detailed below. Students must receive a minimum grade of B in all 400-level courses, and a minimum grade of C in all 600-level courses, for the credits to count.

    Students interested in pursuing an Accelerated MS in Biological Sciences option (for both thesis and non-thesis options) are encouraged to discuss the possibility with their prospective graduate advisor (see Admission Requirements detailed on the 香港六合彩资料 Department of Biological Sciences webpage).

    In addition to the Admission Requirements listed above, the Accelerated MS in Biological Sciences option applicant must:

    • Be currently enrolled at 香港六合彩资料.
    • Have earned at least 24 credits at 香港六合彩资料.
    • Have a minimum GPA of 3.00 in all coursework completed within the UA system.

    Additionally, the letter of support from the prospective graduate advisor must detail and provide rationale for the course work that will be double counted聽toward the baccalaureate and master's degree.

    The regular application deadlines apply for the Accelerated MS in Biological Sciences option.

    Graduation Requirements (Thesis Option)
    • Complete the聽.
    • Complete 30 credits of coursework approved in advance by the student's graduate study committee (GSC).
    • Satisfactorily complete thesis research as detailed in a written thesis proposal and approved in advance by the student's GSC.
    • Submit a written graduate thesis that has been approved by the GSC, departmental director, and deans of the College of Arts and Sciences and the Graduate School.
    • Pass an oral thesis defense.
    • Students must receive a minimum grade of B in all 400-level courses and a minimum grade of C in all 600-level courses, provided that the cumulative GPA does not drop below 3.00.
    • Complete the following program requirements:
    叠滨翱尝听础601Experimental Design and Statistics3
    叠滨翱尝听础605Graduate Proseminar in Sciences3
    叠滨翱尝听础606Advanced Analysis and Interpretation 13
    叠滨翱尝听础698Directed Research 29
    叠滨翱尝听础699Thesis 23
    600-level science electives (does not include 叠滨翱尝听础698, 叠滨翱尝听础698A or 叠滨翱尝听础699 credits)9

    This requirement can be substituted with 3 credits of 600-level science elective credits (but not including , 叠滨翱尝听础698A 辞谤听 credits) with the approval of student's graduate study committee if the student has sufficient other experience or coursework in statistical analysis.


    While additional credits can be taken, a maximum of 9 credits for 叠滨翱尝听础698 and 3 credits for 叠滨翱尝听础699 will apply towards the 30 credits required for the degree.

    A minimum of 30 credits is required for the degree.

    Additional Requirements聽for Thesis-based MS in Biological Sciences
    • Within the first semester of study, each student must select a graduate study committee (GSC) consisting of a minimum of three members (no more than five is recommended). Two of the three members must be full-time, tenure-track faculty in the Department of Biological Sciences. The committee chair will be the student's primary research advisor if that person is a full-time 香港六合彩资料 faculty member. If the primary research advisor is an affiliate faculty member, the chair will be shared with a full-time 香港六合彩资料 faculty member from the Department of Biological Sciences, and both will be designated as co-chairs. To be a co-chair, a non-香港六合彩资料 faculty member must have official affiliate status within the department.
    • A student's GSC must meet at least once each year to review a student's progress. The annual report on student progress (available online from the Graduate School) must be completed by the student and committee, signed by the GSC, filed with the graduate affairs administrative assistant, and submitted to the 香港六合彩资料 Graduate School no later than聽惭补测听15听for students who started the program in the summer or fall semesters 辞谤听December 15聽for students who started the program in the spring semester. Failure to file annual progress reports will be taken as an indication of inadequate progress, and is grounds for probation and subsequent dismissal from the program.
    • Each student must submit a graduate studies plan (GSP) by the end of the first semester of graduate work. The GSP formally establishes the specific program requirements that will, upon satisfactory completion, entitle the student to receive the graduate degree or certificate. This GSP must be approved by the student's graduate study committee and also by the department director and the dean of the Graduate School.
    • All graduate students must remain in good standing throughout their program. At a minimum, students not in good standing will not be able to compete for teaching assistantships or be awarded tuition waivers from the department, college or Graduate School. Students not in good standing risk being placed on probation and/or removed from the program. In order to remain in good standing in the program, students must:
      • maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 in all coursework listed on their GSP;
      • file a GSP by the end of their first semester in residence; and
      • file satisfactory progress reports during each year in residence.
    • Within their first year in the program, each graduate student is required to submit a written thesis proposal that details the plan for the student's graduate work. This document is developed in consultation with the graduate advisor, and once prepared must be submitted and approved by the student's graduate study committee. A copy of the approved proposal shall be placed in the student's departmental file.
    • Students will conduct the research outlined in the thesis proposal and present their results as a graduate thesis following guidelines provided by the Graduate School. This written thesis must be approved by the GSC, the director of the Department of Biological Sciences, the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and the dean of the Graduate School in order to be considered complete. No student shall graduate without completing a written thesis.
    • Following submission of their thesis to their GSC, students must present a thesis defense seminar, which will be followed by a private meeting with their graduate study committee to finalize the defense. The student must successfully defend the thesis in order to graduate.
    Graduation Requirements (Non-thesis Option)
    • Complete the聽.
    • Complete 30 credits of coursework approved in the student's graduate study plan, as detailed below.
    • Students must earn a minimum grade of B in all 400-level courses and a minimum grade of C in all 600-level courses, provided that the cumulative GPA does not drop below 3.00.
    • Complete the following program requirements:
    叠滨翱尝听础601Experimental Design and Statistics3
    叠滨翱尝听础605Graduate Proseminar in Sciences3
    叠滨翱尝听础698ANon-thesis Capstone Project 16
    600-level science electives (does not include 叠滨翱尝听础698, 叠滨翱尝听础698A or 叠滨翱尝听础699 credits)15
    贰狈骋尝听础414Research Writing 23

    While additional credits can be taken, a maximum of 6 credits for 叠滨翱尝听础698A will apply towards the 30 credits required for the degree.


    An equivalent course can be substituted as approved by the student's graduate advisor.

    A minimum of 30 credits is required for the degree.

    Additional Requirements聽for Non-thesis-based MS in Biological Sciences
    • Within the first semester of study, each student must select a graduate advisor who is either a 香港六合彩资料 faculty member or an individual eligible to be a 香港六合彩资料 affiliate faculty member. If the primary advisor's main appointment is from outside the Department of Biological Sciences, there must be a co-advisor who is a full-time Department of Biological Sciences faculty member, and both will be designated as co-advisors.
    • An annual report on student progress (available online from the Graduate School) must be completed by the student and advisor(s), filed with the graduate affairs administrative assistant, and submitted to the 香港六合彩资料 Graduate School no later than聽May 15聽for students who started the program in the summer or fall semesters 辞谤听December 15聽for students who started the program in the spring semester. Failure to file annual progress reports will be taken as an indication of inadequate progress, and is grounds for probation and subsequent dismissal from the program.
    • Each student must submit a graduate studies plan (GSP) by the end of the first semester of graduate work. The GSP formally establishes the specific program requirements that will, upon satisfactory completion, entitle the student to receive the graduate degree or certificate. The GSP must be approved by the student's graduate advisor and also by the department director and the dean of the Graduate School.
    • All graduate students must remain in good standing throughout their program. At a minimum, students not in good standing will not be able to compete for teaching assistantships or be awarded tuition waivers from the department, college or Graduate School. Students not in good standing risk being placed on probation and/or removed from the program. In order to remain in good standing in the program, students must:
      • maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 in all coursework listed on their GSP;
      • file a GSP by the end of their first semester in residence; and
      • file satisfactory progress reports during each year in residence.
    • Within their first year in the program, each graduate student is required to submit a written capstone proposal that details the plan for the student's graduate work. This document is developed in consultation with the graduate advisor. A copy of the approved proposal shall be placed in the student's departmental file.
    • Students will conduct the work outlined in the capstone proposal and present their results in written format (in quality similar to a manuscript suitable for publication). No student shall graduate without completing a capstone written document.
    • Students must orally present the results of their capstone in a context available to the department and university community.
    • Students must pass a written comprehensive exam.
  • General University Requirements for Graduate Degrees
    General University Requirements

    To complete a graduate degree, a student must complete the General University Requirements (GURs) for graduate degrees, school or college requirements, and program requirements. GURs for all graduate degrees are as follows:

    1. A student must be admitted to the degree program and establish an approved graduate studies plan (GSP).
    2. No more than 9 credits may be completed in the student's graduate program before program admission, unless a student wishes to apply credits from a previous graduate certificate in the same or closely related subject area.
    3. The student must complete at least 30 approved semester credits beyond the baccalaureate degree for a master's degree, and must complete at least three years of post-baccalaureate study for a doctoral degree. For a master's degree, individual programs may place limits on the number of credits derived from thesis, individual research and/or independent study courses. No more than 45 credits may be required by any master's degree program, unless specifically approved by the University of Alaska Board of Regents. The actual number of credits required for each graduate degree program, including prerequisites for required courses, are specified in the current catalog. While no minimum or maximum credits are specified for doctoral programs, a student is expected to be affiliated with the university for at least two years. On approval by the dean of the Graduate School and college dean, an official GSP may stipulate other course credit requirements, including leveling courses.
    4. Up to 9 semester credits not used toward any other degree (graduate or 400 level) may be transferred to 香港六合彩资料 from an accredited institution and counted toward a graduate degree. In the case of a second master's degree, up to 9 credits may be transferred from a previous master's degree. In the case of a doctoral degree, up to 21 credits may be transferred from previous graduate study. Acceptance of transfer credit toward program requirements is approved by individual programs, college deans and the Graduate School.
    5. Only 400- and 600-level courses approved by the graduate student's advisor, graduate studies committee and dean or designee may be counted toward graduate program requirements. Courses at the 500 level are for professional development and are not applicable toward any degree.
    6. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 must be earned in courses identified in the official GSP.
    7. In 600-level courses, a grade of C is minimally acceptable, provided the student maintains a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 (B) in all courses applicable to the graduate program. At least 21 credits must be taken at the graduate level (600) for any master's degree, including thesis credits. For performance comparison only, in 600-level courses a grade of P (pass) is equivalent to a minimum grade of B, but does not enter into the GPA calculation.
    8. Courses taken as credit by examination, or graded credit/no credit (CR/NC) do not count toward graduate program requirements. They may, however, be used to satisfy prerequisites or establish competency in a subject, allowing the advisor or committee to waive certain courses in an established program as long as the total credits in the program remain the same.
    9. All credits counted toward the degree, including transfer credits, must be earned within the consecutive seven-year period for a master's degree or the consecutive 10-year period for a doctoral degree prior to graduation. If these requirements are not met, admission expires and the student must reapply for admission and meet the admission requirements in effect at that time (see Catalog Year in ).
    10. Students must be continuously registered throughout their graduate program (see Continuous Registration in ).
    11. Students must complete all requirements established by the program and must pass a written or oral comprehensive examination; an evaluation of independent scholarship, project or thesis defense; or similar evaluation as established by the program. For programs with a thesis option, selection of that option will be indicated on the GSP and on the annual progress report. The evaluation, examination or defense must be approved by all graduate committee members as passing the requirement. For programs with projects that result in a written record, those records will be maintained by the programs for one year and are subject to review by the Graduate School. After the completion of a written or oral comprehensive exam, a thesis or a project, the student's graduate committee chair must submit an exam or defense report. (See Examinations below.)
    12. When an oral comprehensive examination, project or thesis defense, or evaluation of independent scholarship is required, the student may select an outside reviewer approved by the dean of the Graduate School and college dean to participate in the evaluation. An outside examiner is required for a doctoral defense. Typically, the outside examiner is a faculty member from another department in the university, or another qualified individual in the area in which the student is seeking a degree.
    13. All theses and dissertations must have final approval by the dean of the Graduate School.
    Examinations (Requirement Determined by Program) Qualifying Examinations

    Some graduate degree programs require the student to complete a written and/or qualifying examination before advancement to candidacy. This examination is an interim evaluation of academic progress; the student may pass unconditionally or conditionally. A conditional pass indicates specific weaknesses that the student must remedy before degree requirements are completed. The Annual Report of Graduate Student Progress and Advancement to Candidacy Form should indicate mechanisms for addressing these weaknesses.

    Comprehensive Examinations

    Some graduate programs require that students pass a comprehensive examination, given to determine whether a graduate student has integrated knowledge and understanding of the principles and concepts underlying major and related fields, in order to achieve advancement to candidacy. For master's degrees, the graduate student's advisory committee may choose to give a written and/or comprehensive examination prior to advancement to candidacy. For doctoral degrees, written comprehensive examinations are normally required, although the student's committee may additionally choose to give an oral examination. A Report on Comprehensive Exam must be submitted to the Graduate聽School indicating date of completion, and approved by the聽graduate聽advisor and聽committee,聽program chair, college dean, and the Graduate School.

    Defense of Project

    Graduate students who are required to complete a project in fulfillment of degree requirements may be required to pass an oral defense of the project. Defense dates must be submitted to the Graduate School and publicly posted one week before the defense. The defense will consist of a presentation followed by questions on the research, analysis and written project presentation. All committee members must be present at the project defense. A Report on Project Defense聽must be submitted to the Graduate聽School indicating date of completion, and approved by the聽graduate聽advisor and committee,聽program chair, college dean, and the Graduate School.

    Defense of Thesis

    Graduate students who are required to complete a thesis in partial fulfillment of degree requirements must pass an oral defense of the thesis. Defense dates must be submitted to the Graduate School and publicly posted one week before the defense. The defense will consist of a presentation followed by questions on the research, analysis and written thesis presentation. The Graduate School will not accept a thesis for final submission until the student has successfully defended it. All committee members normally must be present for the defense of thesis, either physically present or through electronic media. A Report on Thesis/Dissertation Defense聽must be submitted to the Graduate聽School indicating date of completion, and approved by the聽graduate聽advisor and committee,聽program chair, college dean, and the Graduate School.

    Examination Committee

    In most cases, the student's graduate advisory committee prepares and gives the examinations under guidelines formulated by the program in which the degree is being taken.

    Outside Examiner

    The outside examiner represents the dean of the Graduate School. The examiner must be regular faculty with a doctoral degree. Their role is to determine that a stringent, unbiased examination/defense is fairly administered and evaluated. Outside examiners must complete a Report of the Outside Examiner and submit it to the Graduate School within five business days after the defense.

    PhD Dissertation Defense

    Outside examiners are required for all PhD dissertation defenses and must be from a different department than the student and the chair of the advisory committee. The Graduate School Dean will appoint the outside examiner for PhD dissertation defenses.

    Doctoral Project Defense

    Outside examiners are required for all Doctoral project defenses. They must be external to the project committee and have a substantive understanding of the concepts of doctoral level quality improvement projects. The Graduate School Dean will appoint the outside examiner based on the recommendation of the program's chair or director.

    Advancement to Candidacy (Requirement Determined by Program)

    Some master's programs and all doctoral programs require students to apply for advancement to candidacy. Advancement to candidacy status is a prerequisite to graduation and is determined by the program chair or designee. Candidacy is the point in a graduate study program at which the student has demonstrated an ability to master the subject matter and has progressed to the level at which a GSP can be approved. For doctoral program students, an Advancement to Candidacy Form serves as the final GSP.

    To be approved for candidacy, a student must:

    • Be in good academic standing.
    • Demonstrate competence in the methods and techniques of the discipline, which may include passing a comprehensive examination.
    • Receive approval of the independent scholarship, thesis or research project proposal from the student's graduate committee.
    • Satisfy all prerequisites, remove all academic deficiencies and satisfy all terms of provisional admission.
    • Submit an approved final official GSP.
    Thesis Review

    Before final acceptance, all members of a student's thesis committee, department/program chair/director, college dean, and the Graduate School dean must approve the thesis, as required by the student's graduate program. Changes or corrections to the thesis may be required at any of these levels. The thesis committee is primarily responsible for thesis evaluation, grammar, punctuation, usage, and formatting, and the department chair/director and college dean will also conduct reviews to monitor the quality of theses and check for any needed revisions. The Graduate School checks that the Title Page and preliminary pages conform to 香港六合彩资料 standards. The Graduate School dean reviews all theses and will give final approval once all required corrections are made. Thesis credits will be given a deferred grade (DF) until all requirements are met.

    Project Review

    Before final acceptance, all members of a student's project committee, department/program chair/director, and college dean must approve a project as required by the student's graduate program. Changes or corrections to the project may be required at any of these levels. The project committee is primarily responsible for project evaluation, grammar, punctuation, usage, and formatting, and the department chair/director and college dean will conduct reviews to monitor the quality of projects and check for any needed revisions. Students should check with their programs for required formatting. The Graduate School checks that the Title Page and preliminary pages conform to 香港六合彩资料 standards. Both the Graduate School Dean and the college dean review all projects. The college dean will give final approval once all required corrections are made. Project credits will be given a deferred grade (DF) until all requirements are met.

    Graduate Student Research

    Graduate students planning to conduct research that involves the use of human participant subjects and/or human participant data, vertebrate animals, hazardous chemicals, biohazards, and/or radioactive materials are required to complete the Research Compliance and Intellectual Property (RCIP) Form. Also, if graduate students are planning research that will lead to intellectual property with commercial potential, they should complete the RCIP Form. At the same time, all graduate students are expected to respect the copyright, license and intellectual property rights that may attach to files of any media type, including software, texts, databases, images, video, music and other audio files, especially when using university computing and/or networking resources. For further information, contact the 香港六合彩资料 Research Compliance Office or the associate vice provost for Research Administration and Commercialization.

All graduate programs at 香港六合彩资料 are coordinated through the Graduate School. Additional information on graduate student policies and guidelines can be found on the Graduate School's website and in the 香港六合彩资料 Catalog.