Kristen Ogilvie

Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
BMH 209

(907) 786-0505


  • Ph.D., Anthropology, Arizona State University, 2008


Kristen Ogilvie came to the faculty in 2014 after many years working as a researcher with the Alaska Office of the Pacific Institute for Research & Evaluation (PIRE). She has collaborated for over 10 years with Alaskan communities in researching culturally and contextually appropriate and effective ways to improve behavioral health in rural communities and advocated for more meaningful community participation in behavioral health research. In her capacity with PIRE, she managed three National Institutes of Health-funded studies in Alaska focused on substance misuse and risky behavior prevention and also served as a qualitative co-investigator in this research. At 香港六合彩资料, she teaches courses in general, applied, and cultural anthropology, including research methods. Raised in rural Arizona, she earned a B.A. in Anthropology and Spanish from the University of Arizona and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Anthropology from Arizona State University. She is now a long-time resident of Anchorage, Alaska, where she and her husband are raising their two school-aged children.

Dr. Ogilvie conducts applied research that engages in a critical dialogue with the expanding public health discourse on health disparities and social determinants of health. Her research explores the specific social determinants of behavioral health and the translation of research to practice in rural and underserved communities. Much of her work has sought to develop and test community-based approaches to the prevention of substance misuse, including inhalants and over-the-counter and prescription drugs. Recently, she has been examining the history, effectiveness, and unintended consequences of community local options restrictions on alcohol. Her work is premised on the understanding that the location of individuals in nested systems (families, peer-groups, communities, regions, states, nation-states, world-system) and in particular historical and ecological settings necessitates holistic inquiry that attends to the contextual, environmental, and cultural factors that influence health. Tantamount to this perspective, she promotes the centrality of community voices and participation in all phases of research.


Dr. Ogilvie has been a National Institutes of Health Student Loan Repayment Program Scholar in Health Disparities Research. She was awarded the Philip Mason Thompson Award for excellence and socially relevant research for her dissertation work. She is a member of the American Anthropological Association, the Society for Medical Anthropology and its Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco Study Group, the Society for Prevention Research, and the Society for Applied Anthropology.

Research Interests

  • Sociocultural anthropology
  • Medical anthropology
  • Behavioral health and wellness
  • Alcohol and substance abuse
  • Rural health disparities
  • Alaska


Driscoll, David L., Bruce Dotterrer, David Collins, Kristen Ogilvie, Joel Grube, and Knowlton Johnson. 2012. Demographic and contextual factors associated with inhalant use among youth in rural Alaska. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 71, 1-4. 

Johnson, Knowlton W., Kristen A. Ogilvie, David A. Collins, Stephen R. Shamblen, Christopher L. Ringwalt, Lisa G. Dirks, and Jennifer J. Norland. 2010. Studying Implementation Quality of a School-Based Prevention Curriculum in Frontier Alaska: Application of Video-Recorded Observations and Expert Panel Judgment.  Prevention Science, 11(3), 275-86.

Gruenewald, Paul, Knowlton W. Johnson, Stephen R. Shamblen, Kristen A. Ogilvie, and David A. Collins. 2009. Reducing adolescent use of harmful legal products: intermediate effects of a community prevention. Substance Use & Misuse 44(14), 2080-2098.

Johnson, Knowlton W., Stephen R. Shamben, Kristen A. Ogilvie, David Collins, & Brian Saylor. 2009. Preventing youth鈥檚 use of inhalants and other harmful legal products in frontier Alaskan communities: A randomized trial. Prevention Science, 10(4), 298-312.

Ogilvie, Kristen A. 2008. Where Science Meets Community: An Alaskan Case Study of a Community-Centered Approach in Prevention Research. Dissertation. Arizona State University.

Ogilvie, Kristen A., Roland S. Moore, Diane C. Ogilvie, Knowlton W. Johnson, David A. Collins, and Stephen R. Shamblen. 2008. Changing community readiness to prevent the use of inhalants and other harmful legal products in Alaska. Journal of Community Health 33 (4): 248-258.

Saylor, Brian, Shannon Deike-Sims, Melodie Fair, Knowlton Johnson, David Collins, and Kristen Ogilvie. 2007. Use of harmful legal products among pre-adolescent Alaskan youth. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 66 (5):425-436.

Johnson, Knowlton, Harold Holder, Kristen Ogilvie, David Collins, Matthew Courser, Brenda Miller, Roland Moore, Robert Saltz, Diane Ogilvie, and Brian Saylor. 2007. A community prevention intervention to combat inhalants and other harmful legal products among pre-adolescents. Journal of Drug Education 37 (3):227-247.