Updated by US香港六合彩资料 Assembly September 4, 2020.

Table of Contents

Article One: Qualifications

  • Clause One: At the beginning of each semester, the Associate Director of Student Life and Leadership will present to the Rules Committee the verification that all members of the Executive and Legislative branches are in compliance with Article Five of the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution.
  • Clause Two: Assembly members whose G.P.A. falls between 2.0 and 2.5 must submit a letter of appeal to Rules Committee and the Associate Director of Student Life and Leadership for review in order to be eligible for probationary status under the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution. The letter of appeal should contain an academic plan describing how the member will improve his or her academic standing to an acceptance level as outlined by the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution.

Article Two: Oath of Office

  • Clause One: All newly elected members will be sworn in during "For the Good" at the last Assembly meeting of the semester.
  • Clause Two: Any new members not sworn in at the last Assembly meeting of the semester may be sworn in at any meeting following that, regardless of quorum, as long as two of the following are present: President, Vice President, Speaker of the Assembly, Speaker Pro Tempore, Government Relations Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Activities Officer, or Sergeant at Arms.
  • Clause Three: The retiring President will swear in the new President. In the event the current President is re-elected, the President will be re-sworn in by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or their designee. The new President will swear in the new Vice President and Assembly members. Any of the officers in - Clause Two may swear in Assembly members in the President鈥檚 absence.
  • Clause Four: The oath of office will be as follows: "As (position) of the Union of Students of the University Alaska Anchorage, I, (name) , affirm that I will fulfill, to the best of my ability, all the duties assigned to me under the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution and Bylaws, and will perform said duties in a responsible and ethical manner so that all members of the 香港六合彩资料 student body are fairly represented."

Article Three: Boards and Committees

The Union of Students will maintain the following Standing Committees: Rules, Legislative Affairs, Student and Academic Affairs, Activities, and Finance. Furthermore, there shall be an Executive Committee composed of selected members of the Assembly, as stated in Article Three, Section Nine.

Section One: Committee Membership

  • Clause One: Senators will serve on a minimum of two (2) Standing Committees as appointed by the Rules Committee.
  • Clause Two: Delegates will serve on a minimum of one (1) Standing Committee as appointed by the Rules Committee
  • Clause Three: Liaisons may serve on a minimum of one (1) Standing Committee as appointed by the Rules Committee.
  • Clause Four: Members of the Assembly will have voting rights and privileges only on the committee upon which they serve.
  • Clause Five: Members of the Assembly may attend and participate in meetings of any Standing Committee. When sensitive or confidential issues are to be discussed the committee may enter Executive Session as outlined by Robert鈥檚 Rules of Order.

Section Two: Committee Guidelines

  • Clause One: Each committee will be composed of a minimum of one quarter of the total number of Senators and Delegates seated on the Assembly, except the Rules Committee, which will have consist of four (4) members, including the Sergeant at Arms.
  • Clause Two: Committees will have the right to pass, fail or hold legislation when the subject matter is within the scope of their committee.
  • Clause Three: Committees will oversee their committee-specific line items and/or designated area and have allocation authority over that budget.
  • Clause Four: The Assembly may bring any bill or resolution out of committee by a majority vote.
  • Clause Five: Committee meetings shall, whenever possible, be held at regularly scheduled, posted times.

Section Three: Committee Chairs

  • Clause One: Committee Chairs may vote on issues within their committee.
  • Clause Two: Committee Chairs or the committee鈥檚 designee will have expenditure authority for funds designated to their committee contingent upon committee approval.
  • Clause Three: Each committee will elect a Pro Tempore, by a majority vote of its members, to serve in the absence of the Chair of that committee.

Section Four: Rules Committee

  • Clause One: The Rules Committee will:
    1. Resolve procedural, legislative, ethical, and constitutional questions and matters related to the legality and jurisdiction of the Constitution and Bylaws; and,
    2. Oversee the structural and organizational needs of US香港六合彩资料 and will propose amendments and/or solutions that will, in the committee鈥檚 judgment, facilitate the execution of US香港六合彩资料 business in a fair, ethical, democratic, and efficient manner; and,
    3. Perform additional duties as prescribed in these Bylaws and the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution, including, but not limited to, the monitoring of attendance records, development of Standing Rules, and disciplinary sanctions; creating documents and a procedure for the allocation of Service Awards, verifying those documents before the last US香港六合彩资料 meeting of the session as well as other duties mandated by the Assembly; and,
    4. Assign new Assembly members to committees as required; and,
    5. Review the Constitution and Bylaws every year to ensure legitimacy and applicability.
  • Clause Two: At the beginning of the fall semester, the Rules Committee shall assign Assembly members to standing committees upon which they will serve for the remainder of the academic year.
  • Clause Three: The Assembly Members that make up the voting membership of the Rules Committee will be appointed by the President no later than the second Assembly meeting of each semester and confirmed by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the Assembly.

Section Five: Legislative Affairs Committee

The Legislative Affairs Committee will:

  • Clause One: Have responsibility for organizing efforts to advocate to the Alaska State Legislature, the UA Board of Regents, and other bodies whose actions concern US香港六合彩资料 in order to represent the best interests of students and the university.
  • Clause Two: Have responsibility for planning and holding Regional and Statewide Leadership workshops and/or meetings.

Section Six: Student and Academic Affairs Committee

The Student and Academic Affairs Committee will:

  • Clause One: Prioritize and present US香港六合彩资料 academic goals and objectives related to the academic needs and desires of the student body to the administration and faculty.
  • Clause Two: Monitor problem areas related to student and academic affairs and recommend corrective measures.
  • Clause Three: Work in partnership with faculty and staff at improving the learning experience, and developing methods to increase student involvement, retention and graduation rates.
  • Clause Four: Assume responsibility for publicizing and selecting the Mabil Duir Leadership Scholarship.

Section Seven: Activities Committee

The Activities Committee will:

  • Clause One: Design and, implement a comprehensive program of social, cultural and special events to encourage campus involvement and enhance student life at the University of Alaska Anchorage.
  • Clause Two: Be responsible for coordinating US香港六合彩资料 participation in campus events.
  • Clause Three: Select a US香港六合彩资料 representative to the 香港六合彩资料 Traditions Committee to be confirmed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Assembly.

Section Eight: Finance Committee

There shall be a Finance Committee composed of the Chairs Pro Tempore of all standing committees. The Finance Committee will:

  • Clause One: Be responsible for all budgetary and fiscal matters concerning US香港六合彩资料 which includes the distribution and allocation of funds and the determination of the projected enrollment figure for the subsequent Fiscal Year (FY).
  • Clause Two: Set deadlines for proposals and presentations and request in writing said proposals based on the Finance Committee鈥檚 determined projected FY figure from US香港六合彩资料 Boards, the US香港六合彩资料 Assembly, and any related miscellaneous budgets within the broader US香港六合彩资料 budget.
  • Clause Three: Consider all proposals in a fair, ethical, and democratic manner as set forth in the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution but have authority over the distribution and allocation of all funds defined as Student Government Fees upon approval of the Assembly excluding the Concert Board and Media Board portion of the fee.
  • Clause Four: Prepare an annual budget for presentation to the Assembly, which includes program descriptions, budget requests, position listings and personal service budgets for student comment, review, discussion and Assembly approval.
  • Clause Five: Present the Assembly-approved budget to the Board of Regents or designee and the 香港六合彩资料 Budget Office.
  • Clause Six: Construct and present a monthly financial report of changes, problems, shortages, and expenditures to the Assembly when the semester is in session, including summer session.
  • Clause Seven: Perform periodic audits and investigations of all expenditures within the total US香港六合彩资料 budget. Any miscellaneous wrongdoing such as embezzlement, misappropriation, or fraud that is uncovered will be documented and reported to the Rules Committee or, if warranted, to the University police or another social control agency.
  • Clause Eight: Oversee the Contingency Account and determine funds that are to remain in the account to cover any budgetary shortfalls. All monetary requests from the Contingency Account must be discussed in a regular Finance Committee meeting.
  • Clause Nine: Have the authority to remove, redistribute, or extract funds from any line item or designated areas in the budget in a matter of budgetary crisis. A crisis is determined by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Assembly.

Section Nine: Executive Committee

  • Clause One: There shall be an Executive Committee composed of the President, Vice President, Speaker of the Assembly, Speaker Pro Tempore, Government Relations Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Sergeant at Arms, and Chief Activities Officer.
  • Clause Two: The Executive Committee shall be responsible for providing direction, organizational oversight, management, and strategic planning for US香港六合彩资料 and its committees. This includes addressing internal matters to help improve communication, support, progress, and duties of each committee.
  • Clause Three: The Executive committee shall have expenditure authority over all funds within the Leadership, and Operations budgets.
  • Clause Four: The President of US香港六合彩资料 or his or her designee will chair the Executive Committee.

Section Ten: Organization Governing Document Amendments

All Boards, committees and other bodies written into the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution and Bylaws will submit their respective Bylaws, policies, procedures and any/all other operating documents to the US香港六合彩资料 Assembly for deliberation and approval or denial. Any changes to approved documents must come before the US香港六合彩资料 Assembly for deliberation and approval or denial. Documents must and will be submitted to the Assembly Speaker鈥檚 email address by 5:00 PM on Wednesday to be considered by the Assembly on the following Friday.

Article Four: Order of Business

  • Clause One: The Speaker of the Assembly will prepare and set the agenda. All items to be on the agenda must be received by 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday before the meeting that the items are to be brought before the assembly.

  • Clause Two: The Order of Business will be as follows, unless otherwise outlined in the Standing Rules:

      • US香港六合彩资料 Land Acknowledgement: 鈥淏efore we begin, US香港六合彩资料 would like to acknowledge the Dena鈥檌na people whose ancestral land we gather on. We also acknowledge, with gratitude, all the Indigenous people of Alaska, for their continued care of the lands on which we live and work on. May we all be good stewards of these lands. Chin鈥檃n (Thank you)鈥
      • Approval of the Agenda
      • Persons to be heard
        1. Guest Speakers
        2. Speakers from the Floor
      • Advisors
        1. Associate Director of Student Life & Leadership
        2. US香港六合彩资料 Administrative Assistant
    4. REPORTS
      • Committee Reports
      • Liaison Reports
      • Executive Reports
        1. President
        2. Vice President
      • Assembly Projects
    9. ADJOURN
  • Clause Three: Any member of the Assembly or the Executive branch may request that Executive Session be entered during "For the Good." The requesting member must clearly state the purpose for the Executive Session. Executive Session will require an affirmative vote of a majority of the Assembly to be entered.

Article Five: Legislative Procedures

  • Clause One: Only written resolutions or draft bills may be presented for consideration at Assembly meetings. Copies must be sent out with the weekly agenda and placed in the US香港六合彩资料 Google Drive.
  • Clause Two: Legislation may only be sponsored by members of the Assembly, but assistance in preparation and drafting of legislation may come from any source.
  • Clause Three: Any legislation dealing with the appropriation of funds from the US香港六合彩资料 contingency budget, or any other source of funding, except for the transfer fund, shall require a second reading, unless a vote of 2/3 of the assembly waives a second reading. If any amendment is made during the second reading, that legislation, being substantially changed, shall require another reading at the next Assembly meeting.

Article Six: Proxies

Proxies will be handled as follows:

  • Clause One: No member may delegate his or her vote to any other member.
  • Clause Two: If a member is unable to attend a meeting and wishes to vote on specific items of business on the agenda before the meeting, he or she may present a written, signed proxy listing his or her vote on each separate item to the Speaker of the Assembly in advance of the meeting.
  • Clause Three: If an item of business is amended from the floor, without changing the intent of the item, any proxies pertaining thereto will be considered valid as written, unless the member who made the proxy otherwise informs the Speaker of the Assembly in writing prior to any action being taken or prior to the next Assembly meeting, in which case the proxy in question will be deemed withdrawn.
  • Clause Four: If a member must be excused from a portion of the meeting during which business is conducted and wishes to vote by proxy on such business, he or she may, prior to leaving the meeting, hand the Speaker of the Assembly a written, signed proxy listing his or her vote on each item. There will be no exceptions to this practice. Amendments from the floor will be handled in accordance with - Clause Three above.

Article Seven: Absences

  • Clause One: A vacancy will automatically occur in the Assembly when a Senator, Delegate, or Liaison reaches seven (7) total absences, excused or unexcused, from regularly scheduled Assembly and or committee meetings during the current semester.
  • Clause Two: A vacancy will automatically occur in the Assembly when a Senator, Delegate, or Liaison reaches three (3) unexcused absences from regularly scheduled Assembly and or committee meetings during the current semester.
  • Clause Three: Absences for official UA business will not count toward the seven (7) total absences.
  • Clause Four: An Assembly member will be counted absent if he/she arrives more than fifteen (15) minutes after the start time of an Assembly or committee meeting, or if he/she completely misses an Assembly meeting or committee meeting.
  • Clause Five: If a committee has not made quorum after fifteen (15) minutes from the scheduled start time, the members not present will be counted absent.
  • Clause Six: Written notification stating the reason for the absence must be submitted to the Rules Committee within seven (7) days of said absence, unless otherwise outlined in the Standing Rules; if approved, the unexcused absence will become an excused absence.
  • Clause Seven: The validity of an excuse will be determined by the Rules Committee, as stated by the Rules Committee鈥檚 absence excuse guidelines.
  • Clause Eight: The Rules Committee鈥檚 absence excuse guidelines will be approved by the Rules Committee at the beginning of each academic semester; however, they are still subject to change by the Rules Committee at any time.

Article Eight: Resignations

Resignations from the Assembly will be presented to the Rules Committee Chair. In the event that a written resignation is not received, the Rules Committee may determine that a vacancy exists and will notify the Assembly accordingly.

Article Nine: Vacancies

Vacancies on the Assembly will be filled in the following manner:

  • Clause One: Any member of US香港六合彩资料 seeking a seat on the Assembly, within the Legislative branch, or any board or entity housed within the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution that typically fills its seats by election, must fulfill all requirements of the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution and Bylaws before presenting to the Advisory Committee a completed online petition packet, which shall include:
    1. Completing the online qualtrics form; and,
    2. Any student paying the Anchorage consolidate fee.
  • Clause Two: Upon notification by the Advisory Committee that a student is seeking a voting seat by petition, the Assembly will determine if a vacancy exists for any elected position. If the Assembly votes to vacate a seat with two-thirds (2/3) majority, or recognizes an otherwise vacant seat, the position will be advertised until 5:00 PM on the second Monday after the declared vacancy.
  • Clause Three: Upon verification that the candidate meets the credit and GPA requirements by the Associate Director of Student Life and Leadership or designee, the Advisory Committee will present the online petition(s) to the Assembly, and will invite all candidates to address the Assembly at their next scheduled meeting, where they will be voted on as candidates for open seat(s).
  • Clause Four: At the next Assembly meeting, candidate(s) to fill vacancies will be elected by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Assembly.

Article Ten: US香港六合彩资料 Scholarships and Service Awards

Section One: Service Award Process

  • Clause One: To be considered eligible for any US香港六合彩资料 Service Award, members of the assembly must:
    1. Be verified academically eligible; and,
    2. Provide documentation that clearly demonstrates the completion of position responsibilities as outlined in the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution, Bylaws, Standing Rules and the US香港六合彩资料 Position Agreement Form; and,
    3. Obtain the necessary simple majority affirmation vote of the Assembly, with the exception of Election Board.
  • Clause Two: The President and Vice President may opt to take a Tuition Waiver Award from the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs not to exceed $2,000 which shall be presented at the beginning of each semester. Taking the Tuition Waiver Award the President or Vice President does not need an affirmation vote by the Assembly and still qualifies the President and Vice President to receive their service award.
  • Clause Three: Any member eligible for a service award may decline to accept all or part of the award at their discretion. Members wishing to decline their service awards must inform the Associate Director of Student Life and Leadership.
  • Clause Four: Eligible members that do not submit the appropriate acceptance documentation to the Associate Director of Student Life and Leadership or their designee within seven days will forfeit their claim to a service award.
  • Clause Five: International students will be awarded their service award through a scholarship.

Section Two: Presidential Service Award

  • Clause One: The President shall receive a Service Award for one year, which will be awarded in the fall and spring semesters.
  • Clause Two: The Presidential Service Award shall not exceed $2,000 per semester.
  • Clause Three: In order to be eligible for a service award, the President must:
    1. Provide weekly written reports on projects, meetings, etc. for distribution to the Assembly; and
    2. Conduct routine assessments of their presidential appointments; and,
    3. Organize, implement, and assess the US香港六合彩资料 Retreat each semester.

Section Three: Vice Presidential Service Award

  • Clause One: The Vice President shall receive a Service Award for one year, which will be awarded in the fall and spring semesters.
  • Clause Two: The Vice Presidential Service Award shall not exceed $1,000 per semester.
  • Clause Three: In order to be eligible for service awards Vice President must complete the following:
    1. Provide weekly written reports on projects, meetings, etc. for distribution to the Assembly; and,
    2. Organize, implement, and assess the US香港六合彩资料 Retreat each semester.

Section Four: Executive Service Award

  • Clause One: This section shall apply to the Speaker of the Assembly, Speaker Pro Tempore, Government Relations Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Sergeant at Arms and Chief Activities Officer.
  • Clause Two: Executives defined in this section shall receive a Service Award for one year, which will be awarded at the end of the fall and spring semesters.
  • Clause Three: The Executive Service Award shall not exceed $75 per semester.
  • Clause Four: Executives defined in this section shall be eligible to receive the Service Award described in this section in addition to other service award(s) for which they may be eligible.

Section Five: Ombuds Service Award

  • Clause One: The Ombuds shall receive a Service Award for one year, which will be awarded at the end of the fall and spring semesters.
  • Clause Two: The Ombuds Service Award shall not exceed $500 per semester.
  • Clause Three: In order to be eligible for a service award the Ombuds must:
    1. Complete an advocacy, student conduct or academic appeal training; and,
    2. Report to the Assembly at least once a month; and,
    3. Develop and update resources for student support; and,
    4. Upon the last two months of the spring semester, provide:
      • A report and presentation of all major developments of the past academic year for the Assembly to assess, and,
      • An address to the student body highlighting the efforts of the past academic year.

Section Six: Deputy Ombuds Service Award

  • Clause One: The Deputy Ombuds shall receive a Service Award for one year, which will be awarded at the end of the fall and spring semesters.
  • Clause Two: The Deputy Ombuds Service Award shall not exceed $200 per semester.
  • Clause Three: In order to be eligible for a service award the Deputy Ombuds must:
    1. Complete an advocacy, student conduct, academic appeal training or pre approved training facilitated by the Ombuds; and,
    2. Attend meetings with and in the place of the Ombuds; and,
    3. Assist in cases as needed; and,
    4. Develop and update resources for student support; and,
    5. Report to the Ombuds at least once a month on all activities and duties to then be included in the Ombuds鈥檚 monthly report to the Assembly.

Section Seven: Senator Service Award

  • Clause One: Senators shall receive a Service Award for one year, which will be awarded at the end of the fall and spring semesters.
  • Clause Two: Senator Service Awards shall not exceed $200 per semester.
  • Clause Three: In order to become eligible for a service award, senators must:
    1. Have not violated the stated absence policy described in these Bylaws and further defined in the Standing Rules; and,
    2. Provide documentation to confirm attendance at office hours directed by the Rules Committee; and,
    3. Have an Assembly Project, as defined by Standing Rules, which has been announced at a regularly scheduled US香港六合彩资料 Assembly meeting.
    4. Attend the current semester鈥檚 US香港六合彩资料 Retreat, unless excused by Rules Committee; and,
    5. Fulfill any further requirements described in the Standing Rules and/or US香港六合彩资料 Position Agreement.

Section Eight: Delegate Service Award

  • Clause One: Delegates shall receive a Service Award for one year, which will be awarded in the fall and spring semesters.
  • Clause Two: Delegate Service Awards shall not exceed $100 per semester.
  • Clause Three: In order to be eligible for a service award Delegates must:
    1. Have not violated the stated absence policy described in these Bylaws and further defined in the Standing Rules; and;
    2. Have not been recalled by the college that he or she represents; and,
    3. Attend the current semester鈥檚 US香港六合彩资料 Retreat, unless excused by Rules Committee; and,
    4. Fulfill any further requirements described in the Standing Rules and/or US香港六合彩资料 Position Agreement.

Section Nine: Liaison Service Award

  • Clause One: Liaisons shall receive a Service Award for one year, which will be awarded in the fall and spring semesters.
  • Clause Two: Liaison Service Awards shall not exceed $75 per semester.
  • Clause Three: In order to be eligible for a service award Liaisons must:
    1. Have not violated the stated absence policy described in these Bylaws and further defined in the Standing Rules; and;
    2. Have not been recalled by the organization that he or she represents; and,
    3. Attend the current semester鈥檚 US香港六合彩资料 Retreat, unless excused by Rules Committee; and,
    4. Fulfill any further requirements described in the Standing Rules and/or US香港六合彩资料 Position Agreement.

Section Ten: Election Board Service Awards

  • Clause One: Election Board members shall receive a Service Award for one year, which will be awarded in the fall and spring semesters.
  • Clause Two: Election board Service Awards shall not exceed $100 per semester.
  • Clause Three: In order to be eligible for a service award, members of Election Board must:
    1. Attend a minimum of three-quarters (3/4) of Election Board meetings; and,
    2. Obtain a simple majority affirmative vote of the Election Board.

Section Eleven: Union of Students Order of Excellence

  • Clause One: The Union of Students Order of Excellence shall be awarded to outstanding staff or faculty who demonstrate significant contributions to promoting student interests, needs, and welfare within the university community.
  • Clause Two: The Union of Students Order of Excellence shall be awarded to up to one (1) faculty and up to one (1) staff member for their contributions to promoting student interests, needs, and welfare within the university community each academic year.
  • Clause Three: Recipients of the Union of Students Order of Excellence shall be designated as Honorary Members of the US香港六合彩资料 Assembly for the following academic year.
  • Clause Four: All nominations shall be reviewed by an ad-hoc review committee, which shall present their top selection to the US香港六合彩资料 Assembly during an executive session to be confirmed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.

Article Eleven: Ethics

Section One: Ethics Complaints

  • Clause One: The Rules Committee shall be the entity responsible for addressing all violations of the US香港六合彩资料 Ethics Policy.
  • Clause Two: A written ethical complaint shall be submitted to the Rules Committee, which will determine whether an investigation into the complaint is warranted. The Rules Committee shall determine, as a separate question from any member鈥檚 alleged misconduct, whether a specific practice is unethical by majority vote pursuant to this Article and the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution.
  • Clause Three: A majority vote of the Rules Committee is needed to start an investigation into the written complaint.
  • Clause Four: Upon presentation by the Rules Committee that a member has been deemed unethical, the Assembly may, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, censure and/or reprimand the official in question. Continuing unethical behavior may be grounds for impeachment. If a two-thirds (2/3) vote is not reached, no further action may be taken.
  • Clause Five: Any member of the Rules Committee must excuse him or her self from the investigation under any of the following conditions:
    1. The complaint is filed against him or her; or,
    2. The member is a witness to the alleged violation and may have to testify during the investigation; or,
    3. The member filed the complaint.
  • Clause Six: Any member of the Rules Committee excused from the investigation may participate in regular Rules Committee business. Any member excused from the Rules Committee investigation is able to discuss and vote on the issue should it reach the Assembly for consideration.
  • Clause Seven: If an ethics complaint is made against the Rules Committee, a special committee, appointed by the President with the approval of a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Assembly, will be formed to investigate the complaint.
  • Clause Eight: At the conclusion of the investigation, the Rules Committee must submit in writing to the Assembly their findings, their majority and minority opinions, and the recommendations of the committee. The Assembly may, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, censure and/or reprimand the official in question. Continuing unethical behavior may be grounds for impeachment. If a two-thirds (2/3) vote is not reached, no further action may be taken.
  • Clause Nine: If the Rules Committee drops below three-fourths (3/4) membership due to recusals, the Assembly will temporarily appoint, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Assembly, new members to fill those vacancies for the purpose of the investigation.

Article Twelve: Standing Rules

  • Clause One: Standing Rules shall define details and expectations of member conduct, and further detail the administrative processes of the Assembly.
  • Clause Two: The Standing Rules will be adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Assembly, by the second meeting of the fall semester.
  • Clause Three: The Standing Rules may be temporarily suspended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Assembly members present.
  • Clause Four: The Standing Rules may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Assembly.

Article Thirteen: Summer Rules

  • Clause One: Assembly meetings will be held every two (2) weeks during the summer term, or as needed.
  • Clause Two: A Summer session quorum will be determined by a vote of the Assembly at the end of each spring semester. A summer session quorum will never consist of less than three (3) senators, delegates, and/or liaisons and one (1) executive officer.
  • Clause Three: The Summer Assembly may write, but not vote, on any bylaw or constitutional amendments.

Article Fourteen: Elections

Section One: Election Board

  • Clause One: The Election Board will present to each candidate all information necessary to run for office, including the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution and Bylaws.
  • Clause Two: Upon receipt of an application for candidacy, the Board will request that the Associate Director of Student Life and Leadership or designee verify that the candidate is a currently enrolled student and meets all requirements for holding office under US香港六合彩资料 Constitution, US香港六合彩资料 Bylaws and University policy. All student records will remain confidential and are subject to review only by the Associate Director of Student Life and Leadership or designee.

Section Two: Campaigning

  • Clause One: Upon certification by the Associate Director of Student Life and Leadership and the Election Board, a candidate may begin campaigning, and the Election Board will place the candidate鈥檚 name on the ballot.
  • Clause Two: Campaign materials are to be posted in accordance with University Regulations and must remain outside of regular classrooms.
  • Clause Three: No student government funds, facilities, materials, staff, or equipment may be used to campaign.
  • Clause Four: There will be no posted campaign materials or campaigning within thirty (30) feet of any voting booth on election days.
  • Clause Five: Each candidate is responsible for picking up and properly disposing of any leaflets, fliers, or other campaign material distributed on his or her behalf before 12:00 p.m. the day following the final closing of the polls.
  • Clause Six: Qualified initiatives or referenda and all candidate applications, as outlined in the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution, will be submitted to the Board not less than fifteen (15) business days prior to the election.
  • Clause Seven: Each candidate is responsible for his or her entire campaign, including carefully and completely instructing all supporters involved with the campaign to ensure compliance with regulations, and will immediately remedy any violations of which he or she becomes aware.
  • Clause Eight: All candidates will attend a candidates鈥 meeting to be held by the Election Board.
  • Clause Nine: All specific campaign guidelines are outlined in the Election Board policies.

Section Three: Poll Sitting

  • Clause One: Polls will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. for a minimum of one (1), maximum of two (2) consecutive days.
  • Clause Two: No candidate may be a poll sitter.
  • Clause Three: The board will be responsible for establishing and publicizing the dates, times, and polling places, if applicable, for elections at least two (2) weeks before the election.
  • Clause Four: The board will oversee the ballot counting process.
  • Clause Five: The final results of the election will remain confidential until officially announced by the Board.

Section Four: Complaints

  • Clause One: All complaints related to the election process will be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Election Board and the Associate Director of Student Life and Leadership, and will be treated confidentially. They must be received by 5:00 p.m. on the first business day following the posting of the unofficial election results.
  • Clause Two: A complete review of the complaint will be conducted by the Election Board and the Associate Director of Student Life and Leadership prior to the certification of the election results.
  • Clause Three: Decisions of the board will be considered final for all questions or disputes regarding the interpretation of election rules, procedures or complaints.

Article Fifteen: Media Board

Section One: Purpose

The role of the Media Board at the 香港六合彩资料 is to assist the student media in the effective and professional conduct of their operations and to advocate for their interests and well-being.

Section Two: Responsibilities

The Media Board will:

  • Clause One: Develop, in writing, operational guidelines for the student newspaper and radio station.
  • Clause Two: Review applications for newspaper editor and station manager and select qualified applicants. The Northern Light editor and KRUA station manager shall participate in the hiring process.
  • Clause Three: Prepare annual budgets and have sole authority over allocation of media funds.
  • Clause Four: Make recommendations to 香港六合彩资料 regarding issues concerning the student media.
  • Clause Five: Act as an appeal board for external grievances and shall take steps to resolve them.
  • Clause Six: Have authority, by a majority vote of the entire Board, to discipline and/or terminate the editor or the radio station manager for just cause.
  • Clause Seven: Develop a Code of Professional Conduct for employees of the student media utilizing current professional media standards.

Section Three: Membership and Terms

  • Clause One: The voting membership of the Media Board shall be composed of seven (7) members as outlined in Articles Six and Fifteen of the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution.
  • Clause Two: At the beginning of each fall term the President of US香港六合彩资料 shall appoint one non-Assembly (1) student member.
  • Clause Three: The faculty advisors for the student media will serve as members of the Media Board with full voting authority.
  • Clause Four: At the beginning of each fall term the Media Board shall approve, by a majority vote, a member of the Anchorage professional media community who is an Alumnus of 香港六合彩资料 to serve as a full member of the Media Board.

Section Four: Media Board Chair

  • Clause One: At the beginning of each fall term, the Media Board shall elect a chairperson from its voting membership by a majority vote of the voting members seated.
  • Clause Two: The Media Board shall also elect, by a majority vote, a pro tempore to serve in the absence of the Chair.

Section Five: Vacancies and Removals

  • Clause One: Vacancies of elected positions on the Media Board shall be filled according to Article Nine of the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution.
  • Clause Two: The Board shall follow the following removal procedures.
    1. For good cause, board may remove a member by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire voting Board. The individual who is being considered for removal will not have a vote.
    2. If removal of a Board member has been approved, the Media Board will inform the appointing or electing authority of the decision.

Section Six: Faculty Advisors

  • Clause One: The advisors to the student media shall be nominated by the Journalism and Communication department chair and presented to the Media Board for approval. Advisors being considered for appointment will not vote on their considerations. These appointments are to be made during spring semester and appointee terms shall last one (1) year.
  • Clause Two: The faculty advisors shall serve as members of the Media Board.
  • Clause Three: The Faculty Advisors shall:
    1. Ensure that media staff is informed of University policies and procedures.
    2. Advise the media staff in planning, evaluation, and operation of the media.

Section Seven: Meetings

  • Clause One: The Media Board shall meet as often as necessary with a minimum of two (2) meetings each semester that the University is in session.
  • Clause Two: A quorum to do business will consist of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members seated.
  • Clause Three: Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson of the Media Board or by petition of a majority of voting members of the Board.
  • Clause Four: Five (5) calendar day notice, either written or by telephone, shall be required for any special meeting.

Article Sixteen: Concert Board

Section One: Board Organization

  • Clause One: At the first meeting of each semester, the Concert Board members will select a Chair and Vice Chair. The Chair will call the meeting to order, abiding with the open meetings law, and develop calendars. The Chair is a voting member. The Vice Chair will perform the duties of the Chair in case of an absence.
  • Clause Two: A quorum for the Concert Board shall consist of four (4) members, including the Chair, in order that business can take place.
  • Clause Three: The Concert Board will meet weekly.
  • Clause Four: The Concert Board will be advised by a Student Life and Leadership Coordinator and work in conjunction with the advisor in the selection and hiring of the Concert Program Coordinator. The Coordinator is the final signatory authority over the Concert Program account.
  • Clause Five: The Concert Program Coordinator will work in conjunction with the Concert Board in planning and administering the Concert Program according to the guidelines set forth by the Concert Board and the 香港六合彩资料 position description.

Section Two: Responsibilities

  • Clause One: The Concert Board must work in conjunction with the Program Manager in planning and orchestrating the Concert Program.
  • Clause Two: The Concert Board will revise its guidelines as needed and submit them to the Assembly for approval.
  • Clause Three: The Concert Board will prepare the annual budget in conjunction with the Program Manager. This budget must be submitted to the Assembly for approval and inclusion in the Union of Students budget. The Concert Board will have sole discretionary authority over all funds in the Concert Board budget.
  • Clause Four: The Concert Board shall survey students to determine the interest in types of entertainment and entertainers, and the Concert Board shall use these findings as a guide when selecting entertainment.
  • Clause Five: The Concert Board shall volunteer to assist with production in any capacity needed.
  • Clause Six: The Chair will submit an annual report of profits and losses at the end of each fiscal year.

Section Three: Membership and Terms

  • Clause One: The Term of office is one year. The Concert Board membership is comprised of five (5) elected members, one (1) appointed representative member from US香港六合彩资料; and one (1) appointed representative member from Club Council for a total of seven (7) members. Appointees will serve their terms at the discretion of their appointing body.
  • Clause Two: The Concert Board will use the following removal procedures.
    1. For good cause, the Concert Board may recommend to the Assembly that a member be removed. The recommendation must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the seated Concert Board. Rules for the removal will be in accordance with the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution and Bylaws.
    2. Request for the removal of a member must be presented to the Assembly by the Concert Board Chair.
    3. A vacancy will automatically occur when a member has more than four (4) absences within one semester. These absences include retreats organized by the Concert Board.
    4. Notification of the vacancy will be given to the Rules Committee.

Article Seventeen: Board of Cultural Awareness

Section One: Responsibilities

The Board of Cultural Awareness will:

  • Clause One: Develop programs to disseminate information using all resources available, thus providing informative activities for the student population.
  • Clause Two: Provide forums for immediate social and global concerns.
  • Clause Three: Be responsive to all concerns, regardless of personal opinion and provide an atmosphere whereby concerns will be heard in an objective manner.
  • Clause Four: Provide information for, and be responsible to US香港六合彩资料.
  • Clause Five: Prepare a report to be delivered at US香港六合彩资料 Assembly meetings.

Section Two: Membership and Terms

  • Clause One: The term of office for all members of the Board expires upon the termination of each spring sessions.
  • Clause Two: Volunteer members are members who have not formally appointed by the BCA Chair. Volunteer may participate in the Board鈥檚 activities, but may not vote.

Article Eighteen: Travel Board

Section One: Board Organization

  • Clause One: Each student will serve a term of one (1) academic year, beginning in the fall semester.
  • Clause Two: The Travel board will be composed of five (5) members.
  • Clause Three: An ex-officio 香港六合彩资料 faculty or staff member will be chosen by the Board.

Section Two: Operating Procedures

  • Clause One: Funds not used each year will be reallocated back into the US香港六合彩资料 Contingency fund.
  • Clause Two: The Board will adhere to the following vacancy and removal procedures:
    1. Requests for removal of a member must be presented to the Assembly by the Chair and requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote for approval by the Assembly.
    2. A vacancy will automatically occur when a member misses two meetings.
  • Clause Three: The Chair will submit an annual report to the Assembly outlining money spent during the fiscal year.
  • Clause Four: The Board has sole discretion to revise operational policies with a majority vote. Changes require a two-thirds (2/3) vote for approval by the Assembly.

Section Three: Travel Grant Guidelines

  • Clause One: Grant funds shall only cover: event specific transportation and registration costs.
  • Clause Two: Applications must be turned in on an individual basis regardless of group travel. Identical applications, as well as incomplete applications, shall not be considered.
  • Clause Three: Travel Board shall process all applications no later than fourteen (14) days after the deadline.
  • Clause Four: Grants shall not be awarded for travel that has already occurred.
  • Clause Five: Travel Board must receive proper receipts for all expenses being considered for reimbursement. All receipts and paperwork must be completed and turned in no later than fifteen (15) days returning in order to receive the approved funds.

Article Nineteen: Residence Hall Association (RHA)

Section One: Purpose

The Residence Hall Association will represent the interests of all residential students by promoting communication and cooperation between the various residential buildings, providing representation for the residents of the various residential buildings, and be promoting services and activities on campus.

Section Two: Responsibilities

The Residential Hall Association will:

  • Clause One: Gather and disseminate information to the 香港六合彩资料 residential student population.
  • Clause Two: Fulfill all goals as stated in Section One.
  • Clause Three: Advocate to all applicable entities on the behalf of residential students concerning all issues relating to the residential housing.
  • Clause Four: Prepare an annual budget for presentation to US香港六合彩资料 consistent with guidelines within the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution and/or Bylaws.
  • Clause Five: Provide an RHA representative to US香港六合彩资料 that will attend weekly assembly meetings, present a weekly report of actions taken, vote on matters of the assembly, and serve on one standing committee.

Section Three: Membership and Terms

  • Clause One: The elected members will serve a term of one (1) academic year beginning in the fall.
  • Clause Two: RHA will follow the following removal procedures:
    1. Any member of RHA may propose to have any Executive Board member, Student Representative, Appointment, or Chairperson removed from office.
    2. The proposal must show one or more of the following: Failure to perform duties, delinquent behavior, poor academic performance (below a 2.5 GPA) or poor attendance (more than 3 absences).
    3. A simple majority will determine if the proposal shall be brought to the floor for discussion.
    4. If the proposal is accepted and brought to the floor, a discussion will ensue. After debate has taken place, the issue will be tabled for one week, and be placed on the agenda for the next meeting under old business.
    5. Once the item is brought back to the floor a discussion will take place.
    6. The item shall move into a secret ballot vote. A three-fourths (3/4) "Yes" vote is needed from the voting membership for removal to take place. Removal shall take place immediately after vote.
  • Clause Three: RHA will follow the following vacancy procedures:
    1. In the event that an Executive Board position or Representative position becomes vacant, a reappointment will take place. In the event that the RHA Presidency is vacant, the RHA Vice President shall take over all duties.
    2. Before Executive Board positions are advertised as open, each current executive board member must be offered the existing open position. Offers shall go to the Executive Board in order of command, which is: President, Vice President, National Communications Coordinator, Public Relations Coordinator, and the Business Assembly Manager.
    3. If any of those members accept the offer, they shall immediately assume the duties of the new title. After which is a search to fill any vacancy to the General Assembly.
    4. If there is still a vacancy, the President shall announce the vacancy to the General assembly.
    5. In the event a Representative position is vacated, the President will accept letters of intent from any housing student requesting the position.
    6. Once the search has concluded, the President will bring forth his or her nomination to the RHA General Assembly.
    7. The nominee must attend the RHA General Assembly meeting, andy partake in a question and answer session.
    8. The candidate will leave the room, and the voting members will discuss and debate the candidates.
    9. A vote shall take place. A two-thirds (2/3) vote is needed for approval of the candidate.
    10. If the candidate is chosen, the person will immediately take over the duties of the vacant position.

Article Twenty: Employment

Section One: Assembly Business Manager (ABM)

  • Clause One: The Assembly Business Manager (ABM) will be a paid student position and will maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of a 2.5 (on a scale of 4.0).
  • Clause Two: The ABM will be hired and co-supervised by the President of US香港六合彩资料 and the US香港六合彩资料 advisors.
  • Clause Three: The ABM will be held, at minimum, to the ethical standards set forth in the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution and Bylaws.
  • Clause Four: The ABM will not be voting member of the Assembly and will have no authority on any US香港六合彩资料 committees, guidelines, policies, or decision making bodies.
  • Clause Five: The ABM will be generally responsible for communication of matters of business pertaining to US香港六合彩资料 members, meetings, and campus programming, and will be responsible for distributing this communication between US香港六合彩资料, the student body it represents, and entities outside of the 香港六合彩资料 Department of Student Life and Leadership.
  • Clause Six: The ABM will be generally responsible for taking minutes at US香港六合彩资料 Assembly meetings. The ABM shall furnish a copy to the Speaker for disbursement no later than 5pm on Wednesday prior to the next meeting.
  • Clause Seven: The ABM will work to promote US香港六合彩资料 on all levels from student to federal as appropriate, including via press releases, social media, and any other promotions as needed.
  • Clause Eight: The ABM will be ex-officio (non-voting) member of the Finance and Executive Committees, and serve in an advisory role to the Assembly.
  • Clause Nine: The ABM will perform all other duties pertaining to their position as assigned by US香港六合彩资料.

Article Twenty-One: Green Fee Board

Section One: Purpose

The purpose of the Green Fee Board shall be to promote sustainability efforts on the 香港六合彩资料 campus through student-led initiatives that are environmentally wise, economically sound, and socially responsible.

Section Two: Board Organization

  • Clause One: The Board will consist of seven (7) voting members: one (1) member of the US香港六合彩资料 Assembly, one (1) member from Club Council, and five (5) students-at-large elected from the membership of US香港六合彩资料. Ex-officio and/or non-voting members may be appointed by the Green Fee Board as needed for advisory purposes.
  • Clause Two: The Chair and Chair Pro-Tempore of the Green Fee Board are to be selected in at the first meeting of the Board each academic year. The Chair and Chair Pro-Tempore must be students that meet the eligibility requirements to be on the US香港六合彩资料 Assembly. The Chair of the board cannot concurrently serve as the Chair of any US香港六合彩资料 committee.
  • Clause Three: Members will serve for one (1) academic year, beginning with the semester after their election. A member can serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms. The Chair of the board can serve no more than one (1) academic year in that position.
  • Clause Four: If a vacancy is unfilled, the US香港六合彩资料 President may appoint a member who has served two (2) consecutive terms with a two-thirds (2/3) approval of the US香港六合彩资料 Assembly.
  • Clause Five: Vacancies that occur during a term will be filled by appointment of the US香港六合彩资料 President, with a two-thirds (2/3) approval of the US香港六合彩资料 Assembly.
  • Clause Six: A quorum of four (4) members, including the Chair or Chair Pro Tempore, must be met in order to conduct business.

Section Three: Green Fee Funds

  • Clause One: Definitions
    1. "Green Fee Board Student Initiated Proposal" shall refer to projects proposed by fee-paying students who are not members of the Green Fee Board.
    2. "Green Fee Board Funds" shall refer to all funds, including carryover balances, if applicable, within the Green Fee Board Budget.
    3. "Green Fee Board Student-Fee Funds" shall refer to all revenues collected from student fees, and shall not include any profit generated from the sale of commodities or services.
    4. "Green Fee Board Discretionary Funds" shall refer to funds available to the Green Fee Board for discretionary spending, and ongoing operational expenses, which includes carryover and any profits made on the sale of commodities or services.
    5. "Green Fee Board Carryover Funds" shall refer to unspent revenues, or unspent allocated funds remaining in the Green Fee Board Budget at the end of the fiscal year.
    6. "Green Fee Board Proposal Funds" shall refer to funds allocated to fund Green Fee Board Student Initiated Proposals.
    7. "Green Fee Board Initiated Proposal" shall refer to projects proposed by members of the Green Fee Board with consensus of the Board as a whole.
    8. "Green Fee Board Staff" shall refer to the student assistant and/or paid part- or full-time staff responsible for supporting the Green Fee Board.
    9. A "Conflict of Interest" shall include, but not be limited to: those who hold a position that could uniquely benefit or be harmed by outcomes of any GFB discussion or decision.
  • Clause Two: The Green Fee Board will prepare an annual budget. The Green Fee Board budget must be submitted to the US香港六合彩资料 Assembly for approval. The Green Fee Board shall have sole authority over all Green Fee Funds in the approved Green Fee Board budget, except as otherwise indicated by these bylaws.
  • Clause Three: Wages of the student Green Fee Assistant, not to exceed twenty (20) hours per week, shall come from Green Fee Board Funds. No students may be hired or contracted using Green Fee Board Proposal Funds.
  • Clause Four: No less than thirty (30) percent of Green Fee Board Student-Fee Funds shall be allocated as Green Fee Board Proposal Funds per fiscal year.
  • Clause Five: The Green Fee shall not be levied on students should the Green Fee Carryover Funds reach a level greater than or equivalent to 200% of the following fiscal year鈥檚 projected revenue to be designated as Green Fee Board Student-Fee Funds, until the Green Fee Carryover Funds are spent in accordance with the Green Fee Board mission.
  • Clause Six: Any Green Fee Board Funds otherwise not designated as Green Fee Board Student-Fee Funds shall be allocated as Green Fee Board Discretionary Funds.
  • Clause Seven: Any High-Expenditure Proposal shall require a comprehensive review, including the submission of a written, third-party evaluation of the project proposal submitted by a non-student expert. All High-Expenditure Proposals, in order to be funded by the Green Fee Board, must obtain written approval from the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs or their designee.

Section Four: General Operating Procedures

  • Clause One: The Green Fee Board shall be required to produce a set of separate operational policies that further explicate these bylaws. The Green Fee Board may revise operational policies with a majority vote.
  • Clause Two: The Green Fee Board shall establish and publicly advertise a minimum of two (2) deadlines for Green Fee Board Proposals per semester.
  • Clause Three: The Green Fee Board will adhere to the same vacancy and removal procedures as the US香港六合彩资料 Assembly.
  • Clause Four: Should a dispute over the significance or relevance of a Conflict of Interest arise, any member of US香港六合彩资料 may request the issue be reviewed and decided by the US香港六合彩资料 Ombuds.

Section Five: Green Fee Proposal Guidelines

  • Clause One: Any student wishing to qualify to access Green Fee Board Proposal Funds must be a member of US香港六合彩资料.
  • Clause Two: Green Fee Board Proposals must be sponsored by at minimum one 香港六合彩资料 Faculty or Staff mentor.
  • Clause Three: Student projects must uphold the mission of the Green Fee Board.
  • Clause Four: Green Fee Proposal Funds will cover the cost of:
    1. Project specific commodity expenditures; and,
    2. Wages for contracted project services, including project-specific management consulting, or expertise, where the recipient does not pay the Student Government Fee or the Green Fee.
  • Clause Five: Green Fee Board Staff shall be responsible for organizing all purchasing and contracting. If the grant recipient must pay for approved expenditures, Green Fee Board Staff must receive the original receipts for all expenses. All receipts and paperwork must be completed and turned in no later than fifteen (15) days after the expense.

Article Twenty-Two: Website

In order to provide more transparency and access to US香港六合彩资料, a website shall be continuously updated.

Section One: Website Guidelines

  • Clause One: A dynamic, user-friendly website shall be maintained by the US香港六合彩资料 Administrative Assistant, Assembly Business Manager, and Public Relations Director.
  • Clause Two: The website shall serve as a tool for transparency, and will provide informational access to the activities planned and executed by US香港六合彩资料.
  • Clause Three: The website shall provide photographs of US香港六合彩资料 events.
  • Clause Four: The website shall provide read-only access to the US香港六合彩资料 Budget.
  • Clause Five: The website shall provide read-only access to the US香港六合彩资料 Constitution and Bylaws.
  • Clause Six: The website shall provide read-only access to the US香港六合彩资料 Record.
  • Clause Seven: The website shall provide a schedule of events that are in US香港六合彩资料鈥檚 interest.
  • Clause Eight: The website shall provide any other information which the US香港六合彩资料 Assembly, members of the Executive Committee, Public Relations Specialist, Assembly Business Manager, or Advisor deems necessary

Article Twenty-Three: Preservation of History

Legislation, executive orders, memoranda, and other formal written documents shall be authored and/or presented by any member of US香港六合彩资料, shall be preserved as official records of the organization.

Section One: Record

  • Clause One: All documents bearing the US香港六合彩资料 seal, executive signature, or that falls under the definitions listed above, shall be scanned into digital form and preserved in the US香港六合彩资料 record.
  • Clause Two: The documents will be filed under the fiscal year in which they were authored, and listed by name, formal number, and type of document.
  • Clause Three: The record shall be accessible through US香港六合彩资料 website in order to provide a transparent record of official US香港六合彩资料 business to its constituents.
  • Clause Four: The record will be monitored and updated by the US香港六合彩资料 Advisor, and the US香港六合彩资料 Administrative Assistant, and the Assembly Business Manager.
  • Clause Five: The Speaker is responsible for delivering documents to the Administrative Assistant or Assembly Business Manager for introduction to the database within seven (7) days of delivery to the Speaker.
  • Clause Six: Documents within the database shall not be edited or removed under any circumstance in order to preserve a transparent history of US香港六合彩资料.

Article Twenty-Four: Budgetary Process

In order to ensure the budgetary process is transparent, fair, and efficient, these guidelines for the writing, presentation, and formally enacting the budget shall be followed:

Section One: Budget Proposals

  • Clause One: In the spring semester of a fiscal year, all entities governed by the US香港六合彩资料 Budget shall present a budget proposal to the Finance Committee for review.
  • Clause Two: Budget proposals should be line-itemed and in accordance with US香港六合彩资料 Budget format.
  • Clause Three: Budget proposals are to be presented to Finance Committee no later than the deadline established by the Chief Financial Officer in order to allow for ample deliberation.
  • Clause Four: Should entities governed by the US香港六合彩资料 Budget fail to present Finance Committee a budget proposal by the date set in - Clause Three, Finance Committee will give last priority to those entities in the budgetary deliberations.

Section Two: Presentation to the Assembly

  • Clause One: The Finance Committee shall present the US香港六合彩资料 Budget to the US香港六合彩资料 Assembly as soon as is possible to allow for ample deliberation.
  • Clause Two: The proposed US香港六合彩资料 Budget shall show requested funds by the entities governed by the US香港六合彩资料 Budget, the funds granted by US香港六合彩资料 in the prior fiscal year, and the funds proposed by Finance Committee.
  • Clause Three: The US香港六合彩资料 Budget shall be attached to an Assembly Resolution for adoption of the Budget enrolled in the books under the appropriate numbered title.

Section Three: Presentation to the Executive Branch

  • Clause One: Upon approval by the US香港六合彩资料 Assembly, the Budget and Assembly Resolution for Adoption shall be delivered to the President within seven (7) days for review.
  • Clause Two: Upon the signature of the President, or veto override by the Assembly, the US香港六合彩资料 Budget shall be submitted to the 香港六合彩资料 Dean of Students and the Board of Regents.

Section Four: Preservation of the Budget

  • Clause One: The US香港六合彩资料 Budget shall be made available on the US香港六合彩资料 website.
  • Clause Two: A copy of the US香港六合彩资料 Budget shall be notarized, sealed, and held in safekeeping by the US香港六合彩资料 Advisor.

Article Twenty-Five: Honorary Membership

  • Clause One: Honorary membership is a complimentary title that may be bestowed on members or nonmembers of US香港六合彩资料.
  • Clause Two: Honorary membership is perpetual, unless rescinded by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the body, or unless its duration is limited by the original legislation. Honorary membership cannot be bestowed on a current member of the Assembly.
  • Clause Three: Honorary membership entails no duties. Rights carried with the honorary membership include the rights to attend meetings and to speak, but not to make motions or vote.
  • Clause Four: An initiative to bestow honorary membership may be presented to the Assembly in the form of a resolution. An honorary membership will be bestowed if the resolution passes by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Assembly. Honorary membership cannot be vetoed.

Article Twenty-Six: Constitutional Convention

Section One: Constitutional Convention Procedure

  • Clause One: Should the constitution of the Union of Students at the University of Alaska Anchorage require clarifications revisions, or further corrections, the Assembly may call for a Constitutional Convention by resolution, which shall require a three-fourths (3/4) majority of the Assembly for passage. Alternatively, a Convention may be called by petition of three (3) times the average number of voters in the previous three (3) elections combined, or with signatures of ten percent of the eligible voting membership of US香港六合彩资料, whichever is higher.
  • Clause Two: The resolution shall specify three (3) members of US香港六合彩资料 to serve on an Executive Committee to oversee the convention.
  • Clause Three: The Convention shall be empowered to present a constitutional referendum to the membership of US香港六合彩资料. No more than sixty (60) delegates may participate in the convention. All voting members of the assembly shall automatically be considered delegates to the convention.
  • Clause Four: The Constitutional Convention will have a minimum of two (2) open student forums and two (2) delegate forums.
  • Clause Five: Delegates will select a Speaker of the Convention.