香港六合彩资料 2024 Drug-Free Schools Notification

In accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 and to promote healthy lifestyles and prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by all students and employees, the University of Alaska presents the following information about health risks associated with drug and alcohol use; federal, state, and local law and legal sanctions; University policies and sanctions; and counseling, treatment, and resource options.

Health Risks Associated With Substance Abuse


Alcohol consumption causes a number of marked changes in behavior. Even low doses significantly impair the judgment and coordination required to drive a car safely, increasing the likelihood that the driver will be involved in an accident. Low to moderate doses of alcohol also increase the incidence of a variety of aggressive acts, including spouse and child abuse. Moderate to high doses of alcohol cause marked impairments in higher mental functions, severely affecting a person's ability to learn and remember information. Very high doses cause respiratory depression and death. If combined with other depressants of the central nervous system, much lower doses of alcohol will produce these effects.

Repeated use of alcohol can lead to dependence. Sudden cessation of alcohol intake is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms, including severe anxiety, tremors, hallucinations, and convulsions. Alcohol withdrawal can be life threatening. Long term consumption of large quantities of alcohol, particularly when combined with poor nutrition, can also lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and the liver.

Women who drink alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to infants with fetal alcohol syndrome. These infants have irreversible physical abnormalities and intellectual disabilities. In addition, research indicates that children of parents with alcohol addiction are at a greater risk than others of developing an alcohol addiction.

From page 62 of 鈥淲hat Works: Schools Without Drugs鈥 published by the US Department of Education


Drug use can have a wide range of short-term, long-term, direct, and indirect effects. Short-term effects can range from changes in appetite, wakefulness, heart rate, blood pressure, and/or mood to heart attack, stroke, psychosis, overdose, and even death. These health effects may occur after just one use.

Longer-term effects can include heart or lung disease, cancer, mental illness, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, and other diseases. Long-term drug use can also lead to addiction. Drug addiction is a brain disorder. Not everyone who uses drugs will become addicted, but for some, drug use can change how certain brain circuits work. These brain changes interfere with how people experience normal pleasures in life and can make it much more difficult for someone to stop taking the drug even when it's having negative effects on their life and they want to quit.

Drug use can also have indirect effects on both the people who are taking drugs and on those around them. This can include affecting a person's nutrition; sleep; decision-making and impulsivity; and risk for trauma, violence, injury, and communicable diseases. Drug use can also affect babies born to women who use drugs while pregnant. Broader negative outcomes may be seen in education level, employment, housing, relationships, and criminal justice involvement.

From National Institute on Drug Abuse. Health consequences of drug misuse.

Drugs of Abuse/Uses and Effects


Table of Drug Abuse, Uses and Effects for Narcotics
Drugs CSA Schedules Trade or Other Names Medical Uses Dependence: Physical Dependence: Psychological Dependence: Tolerance Usual Method Possible Effects Effects of Overdose Withdrawal Syndrome
Heroin Substance I Diamorphine, Horse, Smack, Black tar, Chiva, Negra (black tar) None in U.S. High High Yes Injected, snorted, smoked Euphoria, drowsiness, respiratory depression, constricted pupils, nausea Slow and shallow breathing, clammy skin, convulsions, coma, possible death Watery eyes, runny nose, yawning, loss of appetite, irritability, tremors, panic, cramps, nausea, chills and sweating
Morphine Substance II MS-Contin, Roxanol, Oramorph SR, MSIR Analgesic High High Yes Oral, injected
Hydrocodone Substance II, Product III, V Hydrocodone w/ Acetaminophen, Vicodin, Vicoprofen, Tussionex, Lortab Analgesic, Antitussive High High Yes Oral
Hydromophone Substance II Dilaudid Analgesic High High Yes Oral, injected
Oxycodone Substance II Roxicet, Oxycodone w/ Acetaminophen, OxyContin, Endocet, Percocet, Percodan Analgesic High High Yes Oral
Codeine Substance II, Product III, V Acetaminophen, Guaifenesin or Promethazine w/Codeine, Fiorinal, Fioricet or Tylenol w/Codeine Analgesic, Antitussive Moderate Moderate Yes Oral, injected
Other Narcotics Substance II, III, IV Fentanyl, Demerol, Methadone, Darvon, Stadol, Talwin, Paregoric, Buprenex Analgesic, Antidiarrheal, Antitussive High-Low High-Low Yes Oral, injected, snorted, smoked

Information used for these charts can be referenced at .


Table of Drug Abuse, Uses and Effects for Depressants
Drugs CSA Schedules Trade or Other Names Medical Uses Dependence: Physical Dependence: Psychological Dependence: Tolerance Usual Method Possible Effects Effects of Overdose Withdrawal Syndrome
Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid Substance I, Product III GHB, Liquid Ecstasy, Liquid X, Sodium, Oxybate, Xyrem None in U.S. Moderate Moderate Yes Oral Slurred speech, disorientation, drunken behavior without odor of alcohol, impaired memory of events, interacts with alcohol Shallow respiration, clammy skin, dilated pupils, weak and rapid pulse, coma, possible death Anxiety, insomnia, tremors, delirium, convulsions, possible death
Benzodiazepines Substance IV Valium, Xanax, Halcion, Ativan, Restoril, Rohypnol (Roofies, R-2), Klonopin Antianxiety, Sedative,Anti-convulsant, Hypnotic, Muscle Relaxant Moderate Moderate Yes Oral, injected
Other Depressants Substance I, II, III, IV Ambien, Sonata, Meprobamate, Chloral Hydrate, Barbiturate, Methaqualone (Quaalude) Antianxiety, Sedative, Hypnotic Moderate Moderate Yes Oral

Information used for these charts can be referenced at .


Table of Drug Abuse, Uses and Effects for Stimulants
Drugs CSA Schedules Trade or Other Names Medical Uses Dependence: Physical Dependence: Psychological Dependence: Tolerance Usual Method Possible Effects Effects of Overdose Withdrawal Syndrome
Cocaine Substance II Coke, Flake, Snow, Crack, Coca, Blanca, Perico, Nieve, Soda Local anesthetic Possible High Yes Snorted, smoked, injected Increased alertness, excitation, euphoria, increased pulse rate and blood pressure, insomnia, loss of appetite Agitation, increased body temperature, hallucinations, convulsions, possible death Apathy, long periods of sleep, irritability, depression, disorientation
Amphetamine/Meth-amphetamine Substance II Crank, Ice, Cristal, Krystal Meth, Speed, Adderall, Dexedrine, Desoxyn Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, narcolepsy, weight control Possible High Yes Oral, injected, smoked
Methylphenidate Substance II Ritalin (Illy's), Concerta, Focalin, Metadate Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder Possible High Yes Oral, injected, snorted, smoked
Other Stimulants Substance III, IV Adipex P, Ionamin, Prelu-2, Didrex, Provigil Vasoconstriction Possible Moderate Yes Oral

Information used for these charts can be referenced at .


Table of Drug Abuse, Uses and Effects for Hallucinogens
Drugs CSA Schedules Trade or Other Names Medical Uses Dependence: Physical Dependence: Psychological Dependence: Tolerance Usual Method Possible Effects Effects of Overdose Withdrawal Syndrome
MDMA and Analogs Substance I Ecstasy, XTC, MDA, Love Drug, MDEA, Eve, MBDB None None Moderate Yes Oral, snorted, smoked Heightened senses, teeth grinding and dehydration Increased body temperature, electrolyte imbalance, cardiac arrest Muscle aches, drowsiness, depression, acne
LSD Substance I Acid, Microdot, Sunshine, Boomers None None Unknown Yes Oral Illusions and hallucinations, altered perception of time and distance (LSD) Longer, more intense "trip" episodes None
Phencyclidine and Analogs Substance I, II, III PCP, Angel Dust, Hog, Loveboat, Ketamine, Special K, PCE, PCPy, TCP Anesthetic (Ketamine) Possible High Yes Smoked, oral, injected, snorted Unable to direct movement, feel pain, or remember Drug seeking behavior 
Other Hallucinogens Substance I Psilocybe mushrooms, Mescaline, Peyote Cactus, Ayahausca, DMT, Dextromethorphan (DXM) None None None Possible Oral

Information used for these charts can be referenced at .


Table of Drug Abuse, Uses and Effects for Cannabis
Drugs CSA Schedules Trade or Other Names Medical Uses Dependence: Physical Dependence: Psychological Dependence: Tolerance Usual Method Possible Effects Effects of Overdose Withdrawal Syndrome
Marijuana Substance I Pot, Grass, Sinsemilla, Blunts, Mota, Yerba, Grifa Federally None Unknown Moderate Yes Smoked, oral Euphoria, relaxed inhibitions, increased appetite, disorientation Fatigue, paranoia, possible psychosis Occasional reports of insomnia, hyperactivity, decreased appetite
Tetrahydrocannabinols Substance I, Product III THC, Marinol Antinauseant, Appetite stimulant Yes Moderate Yes Smoked, oral
Hashish and Hashish Oil Substance I Hash, Hash oil None Unknown Moderate Yes Oral, injected, snorted, smoked

Information used for these charts can be referenced at .

Anabolic Steroids

Table of Drug Abuse, Uses and Effects for Anabolic Steroids
Drugs CSA Schedules Trade or Other Names Medical Uses Dependence: Physical Dependence: Psychological Dependence: Tolerance Usual Method Possible Effects Effects of Overdose Withdrawal Syndrome
Testosterone Substance III Depo Testosterone, Sustanon, Sten, Cypt Hypogonadism Unknown Unknown Unknown Injected Virilization, edema, testicular atrophy, gynecomastia, acne, aggressive behavior Unknown Possible depression
Other Anabolic Steroids Substance III Parabolan, Winstrol, Equipose, Anadrol, Dianabol, Primabolin-Depo, D-Ball Anemia, Breast cancer Unknown Yes Unknown Oral, injected

Information used for these charts can be referenced at .


Table of Drug Abuse, Uses and Effects for Inhalants
Drugs Trade or Other Names Medical Uses Dependence: Physical Dependence: Psychological Dependence: Tolerance Usual Method Possible Effects Effects of Overdose Withdrawal Syndrome
Amyl and Butyl Nitrite Pearls, Poppers, Rush, Locker Room Angina (Amyl) Unknown Unknown No Inhaled Flushing, hypotension, headache Methemoglobinemia Agitation
Nitrous Oxide Laughing gas, Balloons, Whippets Anesthetic Unknown Low No Inhaled Impaired memory, slurred speech, drunken behavior, slow onset vitamin deficiency, organ damage Vomiting, respiratory depression, loss of consciousness, possible death Trembling, anxiety, insomnia, vitamin deficiency, confusion, hallucinations, convulsions
Other Inhalants Adhesives, Spray paint, Dry cleaning fluid, fluid, Spot remover, Lighter fluid None Unknown High No Inhaled

Information used for these charts can be referenced at .


Table of Drug Abuse, Uses and Effects for Alcohol
Drugs Trade or Other Names Medical Uses Dependence: Physical Dependence: Psychological Dependence: Tolerance Usual Method Possible Effects Effects of Overdose Withdrawal Syndrome
Alcohol Beer, wine, liquor None High High Yes Oral Impaired memory, slurred speech, drunken behavior, slow onset vitamin deficiency, organ damage Vomiting, respiratory depression, loss of consciousness, possible death Trembling, anxiety, insomnia, vitamin deficiency, confusion, hallucinations, convulsions

Information used for these charts can be referenced at .

Standards of Conduct for Students and Employees


The University of Alaska Board of Regents have established a set of rights and responsibilities, The Student Code of Conduct (the Code), that students attending at any of the UA campuses are expected to abide by. The Code for all universities can be found in the University of Alaska Board of Regents' Policy and University Regulation.

Applicable sections of the Code include:

Violations of the Code, that occur on property, owned or controlled by the University, or at activities authorized by the University, are subject to University student conduct review and disciplinary action by the University. The Student Code of Conduct may also apply to behavior that occurs off campus. See P09.02.030.B.

The University may initiate disciplinary action and impose sanctions on any student or student organization found responsible for committing, attempting to commit, or intentionally assisting in the commission of prohibited conduct. See P09.02.020.C.

Misuse of Alcohol

Misuse of alcohol includes but is not limited to:

  • use, possession, manufacture, or distribution of alcoholic beverages in violation of local, state or federal law, Regents' Policy, University Regulation, or MAU rules and procedures; or
  • engaging in any other category of prohibited conduct while under the influence of alcohol may constitute a violation of this category. See R09.02.020(14).

Misuse of Drugs or Other Intoxicants

Misuse of drugs or other intoxicants includes but is not limited to:

  • use, possession, manufacture, distribution, or being under the influence of illegal drugs or other controlled substances in violation of local, state or federal law, Regents' Policy, University Regulation or MAU rules and procedures;
  • abuse or misuse of prescription or over-the-counter medications, other chemical substances or other intoxicants;
  • engaging in any other category of prohibited conduct while under the influence of legal drugs or other intoxicants may constitute a violation of this category; or
  • use, possession, manufacture, distribution, or being under the influence of designer drugs. See R09.02.020(15).


The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use by an employee of a controlled substance is prohibited in any workplace of the University. Further, the use of any legally obtained drug, including alcohol, to the point where such use adversely affects the employee's job performance, is prohibited. An employee must notify the University within five days of any conviction for criminal drug statute violations occurring on-or off University premises while conducting University business. University Board of Regents' Policy and Regulations, P04.02.040 and P04.02.050, provide for a University Drug-Free Workplace; and Employee Alcohol and Controlled Substance Testing for certain employees.

Disciplinary Procedures and Sanctions for Students and Employees


Students found responsible for misuse of alcohol or other intoxicants or drugs will have disciplinary sanctions imposed. Additionally, student conduct violating federal, state, or local laws may be referred for prosecution. In determining appropriate University sanctions, a student鈥檚 present and past disciplinary record, the nature of the offense, the severity of any damage, injury, or harm resulting from the prohibited behavior, and other factors relevant to the matter will be considered. The following list of sanctions is an illustrative rather than exhaustive list of disciplinary measures that may be taken by the University. The University reserves the right to create other reasonable sanctions or combine sanctions as it deems appropriate. Sanctions include:

  • Warning - A written notice that the student is violating or has violated the Code, and that further misconduct may result in more severe disciplinary action.
  • Probation - A written warning that includes the probability of more severe disciplinary sanctions if the student is found to be violating the Code during a specified probationary period.
  • Denial of Benefits - Specific benefits may be denied a student for a designated period of time.
  • Restitution - A student may be required to reimburse the University or other victims related to the misconduct for damage to or misappropriation of property, or for reasonable expenses incurred.
  • Discretionary Sanction - Discretionary sanctions include community service work or other uncompensated labor, educational classes, research papers, reflective essays, counseling, or other sanctions that may be seen as appropriate to the circumstances of a given matter. Costs incurred by the student in fulfilling a discretionary sanction will be the responsibility of the student.
  • Restricted Access - A student may be restricted from entering certain designated areas and/or facilities or from using specific equipment for a specified period of time.
  • Suspension - The separation of the student from the University for a specified period of time, after which the student may be eligible to return. During the period of suspension, the student may be prohibited from participation in any activity authorized by the University and may be barred from all property owned or controlled by the University.
  • Expulsion - Expulsion is considered to be the permanent separation of the student from the University. The student may be prohibited from participation in any activity authorized by the University and may be barred from property owned or controlled by the University.
  • Group Sanctions - Student groups or organizations found to have violated provisions of the Code may be put on probation or sanctioned, which may include loss of University-related benefits and access to University facilities and University-held funds.

香港六合彩资料 Amnesty Policy

This policy provides amnesty from minor policy violations, such as misuse of alcohol, to students who may be hesitant to report student misconduct, such as sexual assault. This policy provides amnesty to individuals who help others in need, students who ask for help with addictive behaviors, and individuals who bring serious crimes to the University's attention. To review the full amnesty policy, please refer to BOR Policy and Regulations 09.02.


Violation of employee standards of conduct will result in corrective or disciplinary action. Such actions may include, but are not limited to, the following actions which may be taken in any order as deemed appropriate by the University:

  • Oral Warning - An oral warning is an oral statement or conversation initiated by a supervisor with an employee indicating a performance expectation has not met. As a part of the verbal warning the supervisor will revisit with the employee what is expected moving forward.
  • Written Reprimand - A written reprimand describes the nature of the offense or deficiency, the method or methods of correction, and the probable action to be taken if the offense is repeated or the deficiency persists.  The written reprimand will be placed in the employee鈥檚 official personnel file and also state the employee鈥檚 right to request administrative review of the action.
  • Written Notice of Intent to Take Corrective Action - If corrective action more formal that written reprimand is necessary, the supervisor will work with HR to notify the employee in writing of the action to be taken.
  • Disciplinary Probation - Any employee who fails to meet the performance standards or employment conditions of the supervisor may, at the discretion of the supervisor, be placed on disciplinary probation for a period not exceeding six months.  Failure to meet the performance standards or employment conditions of the supervisor may result in termination of employment for cause.
  • Investigatory Leave - After review by UA Human Resources, a supervisor may place an employee on paid investigatory leave without prior written warning in order to review or investigate allegations of serious misconduct of a nature which, at the discretion of the university, requires removing the employee from the premises.
  • Suspension - Suspension without pay of not greater than 10 working days may be used in circumstances which the supervisor believes that by its use the employee will correct the employee鈥檚 job related behavior or performance and where discharge appears unwarranted.  The employee will be provided the reason for the suspension and the date and time to return to work in writing.  The written notice will also state the employee鈥檚 right to request administrative review of the action.  A suspended employee will not receive holidays, wages, sick or annual leave accrual or other benefits based on hours worked during the leave period, but will continue to be covered by the applicable group insurance program.
  • Termination of Employment - Regular employees may be terminated from employment for cause. In the event of a decision to terminate an employee for cause, the supervisor will provide the employee a written statement of the reason for the planned action, a statement of the evidence supporting the reason for the planned action, and notice of the employee鈥檚 right to request a hearing in accordance with the procedure set forth in university policy.  
  • Referral for Prosecution - The University may report and refer illegal activities to law enforcement for prosecution.

Alcohol & Drugs: Federal & State Laws and Penalties

The University of Alaska prohibits the misuse of alcohol, marijuana, and other controlled substances and enforces state and federal laws regarding these substances on campus. Individuals who violate this policy are subject to university disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion of students and termination of employment, as well as local, state, and federal legal penalties.

The following is a summary of some pertinent state laws concerning controlled substances and is subject to change. If you have questions concerning the actual provisions, scope, application, or penalties of the law, you should consult legal counsel. The most current information on State of Alaska laws is available at . In addition to criminal penalties, civil consequences may also occur for illegal activity involving controlled substances, including drugs, tobacco, and alcohol.

Applicable Laws and Penalties

Controlled Substances

The top chart classifies specific drugs into categories called schedules as per AK Statute Title 11.71. These schedule classifications are used in the charts below to describe laws pertaining to those categories of drugs.

Schedule Drugs


Raw Opium, Opium Extracts, Codeine, Ethylmorphine, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone, Morphine, Oxycodone, Oxymorphone, Thebaine
IIA Bufotenine, LSD, Mescaline, Peyote, Psilocybin, Psilocyn, MDMA
IIIA Hashish, Barbiturates, Imitation controlled substance
IVA Barbital, Chloral Betaine, Diazepam, Flurazepam
VA Small amounts of Codeine or Opium in non-narcotic mixtures, Anabolic Steroids
VIA Marijuana
Statute Offense Penalty
First-degree Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance, AS 11.71.010 Delivering any amount of a schedule IA, IIA, or IIIA drug to someone who is under 19 and at least three years younger, or engaging in a continuing criminal enterprise.

Unclassified felony;

0-99 years;


Second-degree Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance, AS 11.71.021

Manufacturing, delivering, or possessing with intent to manufacture or deliver:

Any amount of a schedule IA drug;

Possessing or delivering an immediate precursor of methamphetamine with the intent to manufacture a substance containing methamphetamine;

Possessing methamphetamine in an organic solution with the intent to extract methamphetamine or related substances;

Delivering a listed chemical with reckless disregard that it will be used to manufacture methamphetamine or related substances.

Class A felony;

0-20 years;


Third-degree Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance, AS 11.71.030

Delivering any amount of a schedule amount of a schedule IVA or VA or VIA drug to a person under 19 and at least three years younger;

Possessing any amount of a schedule IA or IIA drug near a school or a recreation or youth center or on a school bus; or

Manufacturing or delivering any amount of a schedule IIA or IIIA drug or possessing any amount of a schedule IIA or IIIA drug with intent to manufacture or deliver.

Class B felony;

0-10 years;


Fourth-degree Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance, AS 11.71.040


Manufacturing or delivering any schedule IVA or VA drug or possessing any amount of a schedule IVA or VA drug with intent to manufacture or deliver;

Manufacturing or delivering, or possessing with the intent to manufacture or deliver, one or more substances weighing one ounce or more containing a schedule VIA drug;

Possessing any amount of a schedule IA drug;

Possessing a schedule IIIA, IVA, VA, or VIA drug near a school or a recreation or youth center, or on a school bus;

Maintaining a store, shop, warehouse, dwelling, building, vehicle, boat, aircraft, or other structure or place that is used for keeping or distributing drugs in violation of a felony offense under AS 11.71 or AS 17.30 (controlled substances);

Making, delivering, or possessing anything that prints, imprints, or reproduces a trademark or other identifying mark, imprint, or likeness on a drug, drug container, or labeling so as to render the drug a counterfeit substance;

Using in the course of manufacturing or distributing a drug a registration number that鈥檚 fictitious, revoked, suspended, or issued to another person;

Knowingly furnishing false or fraudulent information in or omitting material information from any application, report, record, or other document required to be kept or filed under AS 17.30 (controlled substances);

Obtaining possession of a drug by misrepresentation, fraud, forgery, deception, or subterfuge;

Affixing a false or forged label to a package or other container containing any drug.

Committing certain fifth-degree misconduct involving controlled substances acts and, within the preceding 10 years has previously been convicted of the same acts or a law in this or another jurisdiction with similar elements.

Class C felony;

0-5 years;


Fifth-degree Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance, AS 11.71.050


Manufacturing or delivering, or possessing with the intent to manufacture or deliver, one or more substances with a total weight of less than one ounce of a schedule VI drug;

Failing to make, keep, or furnish any record, specific documents, or information required under AS 17.30 (controlled substances);

Possessing any amount of a schedule IA, IIA, IIIA, IVA, or VA controlled substance not prohibited by other laws;

Possessing one or more substances with a total weight of an ounce or more of a schedule VI drug.

Class A misdemeanor;

0-1 year;


Six-degree Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance, AS 11.71.060


Unless otherwise authorized:

Using or displaying any amount of a schedule VIA drug;

Possessing one or more substances with a total weight of less than one ounce containing a schedule VIA drug;

Refusing entry into a premise for an inspection authorized under AS 17.30 (controlled substances).

Class B misdemeanor;

0-90 days;



Statute Offense Penalty
Tobacco, AS 11.76.100 Selling, exchanging or giving a cigarette, cigar, tobacco, or a product containing tobacco to a person under 19; Maintaining a vending machine that dispenses tobacco products except as provided by law.


Alcoholic Beverages

Statute Offense Penalty
License or Permit Required; Presumption Concerning Possession for Sale, AS 04.11.010 Manufacturing, selling, offering for sale, possessing for sale or barter, traffic in, or barter an alcoholic beverage without a legal license.

Pursuant to AS 04.16.200, class A misdemeanor;

0-1 year;

0-$25,000 fine;

a minimum sentence of 10 days, unless in a local option area, then class C felony.  All alcohol, materials, equipment used and aircraft, vehicles, or vessels involved in the transportation of alcoholic beverages in violation of this statute are subject to forfeiture

Purchase from Nonlicensee Prohibited, AS 04.11.015

Purchasing or bartering for alcoholic beverages from a person who is not a licensed to sell alcohol by the State of Alaska.


$0-500 fine

Solicitation of Alcoholic Beverages; Purchase on Behalf of Another, AS 04.16.020 Paying or receiving from another a salary, percentage, or commission to solicit or encourage a patron of a licensed premises to purchase alcoholic or other beverages for a person other than the patron.

Violation with a fine of $100

AS 04.16.180 provides if the offender is under 21, pay for and enroll in a juvenile alcohol safety action program, if available.

Online Sale and Purchase of Alcoholic Beverages, AS 04.16.022 Purchasing alcoholic beverages online except from the holder of a manufacturer direct shipment license or package store shipping endorsement issued under state law.


$0-500 fine;

AS 04.16.180 provides if the offender is under 21, pay for and enroll in a juvenile alcohol safety action program, if available.

Illegal Presence on Premises Involving Alcoholic Beverages, AS 04.16.025 Entering or remaining on premises in which alcoholic beverages are manufactured, sold, offered for sale, possessed for sale or barter, trafficked in, or bartered in violation of AS 04.11.010, which requires anyone engaging in these acts to be licensed.


$0-500 fine;

AS 04.16.180 provides if the offender is under 21, pay for and enroll in a juvenile alcohol safety action program, if available.

Access of Drunken Persons to Licensed Premises, AS 04.16.040 Entering or remaining on licensed premises if drunken.


$0-500 fine;

AS 04.16.180 provides if the offender is under 21, pay for and enroll in a juvenile alcohol safety action program, if available.

Access of Persons with Restriction on Purchasing Alcohol, AS 04.16.047 Entering or remaining on licensed premises to obtain or consume alcohol when restricted from purchasing alcohol under AS 04.16.160

Class A misdemeanor;

0-1 year;

0-$25,000 fine;

AS 04.16.180 provides if the offender is under 21, pay for and enroll in a juvenile alcohol safety action program, if available.

Access of Persons Under 21 to Licensed Premises, AS 04.16.049

Knowingly entering or remaining on licensed premises without appropriate companion or consent if under 21.

Violation with a fine of $500;

AS 04.16.180 provides if the offender is under 21, pay for and enroll in a juvenile alcohol safety action program, if available;

Civil Lawsuit by licensee authorized with statutory damages of $1000 and reasonable costs and attorney fees.

Possession, Control, or Consumption Under 21, AS 04.16.050

Knowingly consume, possess, or control alcohol if under 21

Violation with a fine of $500;

AS 04.16.180 provides if the offender is under 21, pay for and enroll in a juvenile alcohol safety action program, if available.

Furnishing to Persons Under 21, AS 04.16.051


Furnishing or delivering alcohol to someone under 21

Class A Misdemeanor;

0-1 year;


AS 04.16.180 provides if the offender is under 21, pay for and enroll in a juvenile alcohol safety action program, if available.

If the person who furnishes the alcohol has a prior qualifying conviction or if the person who receives the alcohol causes serious physical injury or death to another while under the influence

Class C Felony;

0-5 years;


AS 04.16.180 provides if the offender is under 21, pay for and enroll in a juvenile alcohol safety action program, if available.

Room Rental for Purposes of Consuming Alcoholic Beverages, AS 04.16.055

Renting a room in a hotel, resort, or similar business for the purpose of providing alcohol to someone under 21

Class A Misdemeanor;

0-1 year;

0-$25,000 fine;

AS 04.16.180 provides if the offender is under 21, pay for and enroll in a juvenile alcohol safety action program, if available.

Permitting Minor to Illegally Posses Liquor in Dwelling, AS 04.16.057

Allowing someone under 21 to possess alcohol in a dwelling.

Violation with a fine of $500;

AS 04.16.180 provides if the offender is under 21, pay for and enroll in a juvenile alcohol safety action program, if available.

Purchase by or Delivery to Persons Under the Age of 21, AS 04.16.060

Purchasing or soliciting another to purchase alcohol while under 21; or

misrepresenting the age of a person under 21 to influence the sale, gift, or service of alcohol to a person who鈥檚 under 21; or

entering licensed premises or presenting false ID for the purpose of buying or receiving alcohol while under 21.

Violation with a fine of $500;

AS 04.16.180 provides if the offender is under 21, pay for and enroll in a juvenile alcohol safety action program, if available;

AS 04.16.065 further provides a person who is at least 18 or an emancipated minor who violates this statute is also liable in a civil action to the licensee for a civil penalty of $1500 plus costs and attorney fees

Consumption at School Events, AS 04.16.080

Selling or consuming alcoholic beverages during a school event at the site of the event.  If 21 or over, the offender commits the offense of consuming at a school event.

Violation with a fine of $100;

AS 04.16.180 provides if the offender is under 21, pay for and enroll in a juvenile alcohol safety action program, if available.

Removal or Introduction of Alcoholic Beverages, AS 04.16.120

Removing from a licensed premises alcoholic beverages that have been sold or furnished for consumption only on the premises; except as otherwise allowed, bringing an alcoholic beverage into licensed premises for use or consumption by oneself or another.

Violation with a fine of $100;

AS 04.16.180 provides if the offender is under 21, pay for and enroll in a juvenile alcohol safety action program, if available.

Restriction on Purchasing Alcoholic Beverages, AS 04.16.160

Purchasing alcoholic beverages if the person has been ordered to refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages as a condition of a criminal sentence, or as condition of a sentence or probation for conviction of DUI or Refusal.

Class A misdemeanor;

0-1 year;

0-$25,000 fine;

AS 04.16.180 provides if the offender is under 21, pay for and enroll in a juvenile alcohol safety action program, if available.

Source of Alcoholic Beverages, AS 04.16.170

Selling alcoholic beverages for consumption by the purchaser unless licensed under state law;

Selling alcoholic beverages a person has transported into the state unless licensed under state law, except if allowed by statute.

Class A misdemeanor;

0-1 year;

0-$25,000 fine;

AS 04.16.180 provides if the offender is under 21, pay for and enroll in a juvenile alcohol safety action program, if available.

Motor Vehicles

Statute Offense Penalty

Operating a Motor Vehicle Under the Influence (DUI), AS 28.35.030

Operating a motor vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, inhalant, or controlled substance, or any combination of these substances, or if the person鈥檚 blood alcohol is over the proscribed limit within four hours after driving

Class A misdemeanor, up to 1 year in jail, up to $25,000 fine, alcohol treatment screening and possible treatment, cost of imprisonment (up to $2000); driver鈥檚 license revocation, and possible forfeiture of vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft used in the offense.

1st time minimum sentence: 72 hours in jail, $1500 fine, 6-month ignition interlock device.

2nd time minimum sentence: 20 days in jail, $3000 fine, 12-month ignition interlock device.

3rd time minimum sentence: 60 days in jail, $4000 fine, 18-month ignition interlock device.

4th time minimum sentence: 120 days in jail, $5000 fine, 24-month ignition interlock device.

5th time minimum sentence:  240 days in jail, $6000 fine, 30-month ignition interlock device.

6th and more times minimum sentence: 360 days in jail, $7000 fine, 36-month ignition interlock device.

3 or more conviction in 10 years, Class C Felony, up to 5 years in jail, up to$50,000 fine (with respective mandatory minimum penalties based on prior offenses); alcohol treatment screening and possible treatment, cost of imprisonment (up to $2000); permanent revocation of driver鈥檚 license; forfeiture of vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft used in the offense.

Breath Test Refusal, AS 28.35.032

Refusing to submit to a chemical breath test at the request of a law officer if arrested for DUI.

Class A misdemeanor, up to 1 year in jail, up to $25,000 fine, alcohol treatment screening and possible treatment, cost of imprisonment (up to $2000); driver鈥檚 license revocation, and possible forfeiture of vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft used in the offense.

1st time minimum sentence: 72 hours in jail, $1500 fine, 6-month ignition interlock device.

2nd time minimum sentence: 20 days in jail, $3000 fine, 12-month ignition interlock device.

3rd time minimum sentence: 60 days in jail, $4000 fine, 18-month ignition interlock device.

4th time minimum sentence: 120 days in jail, $5000 fine, 24-month ignition interlock device.

5th time minimum sentence:  240 days in jail, $6000 fine, 30-month ignition interlock device.

6th and more times minimum sentence: 360 days in jail, $7000 fine, 36-month ignition interlock device.

3 or more conviction in 10 years, Class C Felony, up to 5 years in jail, up to $50,000 fine (with respective mandatory minimum penalties based on prior offenses); alcohol treatment screening and possible treatment, cost of imprisonment (up to $2000); permanent revocation of driver鈥檚 license; forfeiture of vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft used in the offense.

Open Container, AS 28.35.029

Driving with an open container of alcohol in the passenger compartment of the vehicle.

Alaska Rule of Administrative Procedure 43.1 provides the penalty imposed for this offense cannot exceed $200.



Minor Operating a Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol, AS 28.35.280


Operating a motor vehicle, aircraft or watercraft after consuming any quantity of alcohol if at least 14 but under 21


First conviction for violating this statute or Minor鈥檚 Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test or Driving During the 24 hours after Being Cited for Alcohol or Breath Test Offenses:  $500 fine;

20-40 hours community work service


Second conviction:

$1000 fine

40-60 hours community work service


3rd or subsequent conviction: 

$1500 fine

60-80 hours community work service

Refusing to submit to a chemical breath test if under arrest for Minor Operating a Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol


First conviction for violating this statute or Minor Operating a Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol or Driving During the 24 hours after Being Cited for Alcohol or Breath Test Offenses:  $500 fine;

20-40 hours community work service


Second conviction:

$1000 fine

40-60 hours community work service


3rd or subsequent conviction: 

$1500 fine

60-80 hours community work service

Driving During the 24 Hours after Being Cited for Alcohol or Breath Test Offenses, AS 28.35.290

Operating a motor vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft during the 24 hours after being cited for Minor Operating a Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol or Minor鈥檚 Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test


First conviction for violating this statute or Minor Operating a Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol or Minor鈥檚 Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test Offenses:  $500 fine;

20-40 hours community work service


Second conviction:

$1000 fine

40-60 hours community work service


3rd or subsequent conviction: 

$1500 fine

60-80 hours community work service


Statute Offense Penalty

Personal use of Marijuana, AS 17.38.020

A person 21 or older may possess, use, display, purchase, or transport marijuana accessories or one ounce or less of marijuana.

A person 21 or older may possess, grow, process, or transport not more than 6 plants (with three or fewer being mature, flowering plants) and possess the marijuana produced by the pants on the premises where the plants were grown; except, not more than 12 marijuana plants (with six or fewer being mature, flowering plants) may be present in a single household of individuals 21 or older residing in the dwelling.

A person 21 or older may transfer one ounce or less of marijuana and up to six immature marijuana plants to a person who is 21 or older without remuneration;

A person 21 or older may consume marijuana (except not in public)

A person 21 or older may assist, aid, or support another person who is 21 or older in any of these activities.

Sixth-Degree Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance AS 11.71.060


A person under 21 possessing, using, displaying, purchasing, or transporting marijuana

Class B Misdemeanor;

0-90 days;


Restrictions on Personal Cultivation, Penalty, AS 17.38.030

A person 21 or over possessing, growing, processing more than 6 plants, or a household of individuals 21 or over possessing, processing more than 12 plants


Personal Cultivation of Marijuana Plants, AS 17.38.030

When legally cultivated, marijuana plants shall be cultivated in an area where they are not subject to public view;

A person who cultivates marijuana must take reasonable precautions to secure the plants from unauthorized access; and

They may only be grown on property lawfully in the possession of the person growing them or with the consent of the person who lawfully possesses the property.


Public Consumption of Marijuana, AS 17.38.040

It is unlawful for any person to publicly consume marijuana


False Identification, AS 17.38.050

A person under 21 presenting or offering to a marijuana establishment a false age for the purpose of purchasing or procuring marijuana products


Marijuana is federally classified as a schedule I drug; possession, consumption, cultivation, and sale of it can result in penalties including imprisonment and serious fines. The University of Alaska is a federally funded institution and must comply with federal law. Therefore, no person may possess, consume, cultivate, or be perceptively under the influence of marijuana on university property or at university-sanctioned events.  Violation of this policy can result in disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion and termination of employment, as well as local, state, and federal penalties. Please note that although Alaska state law allows individuals over the age of 21 to possess and consume marijuana, it is still prohibited on all UA property and at UA activities, and violators face serious university sanctions.

In addition to the state laws listed above, the possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs is also prohibited by federal law. Strict penalties are enforced for drug convictions, including mandatory prison terms for many offenses.

The misuse of prescription medication, including giving or sharing medication with another person, is unlawful use or distribution of a controlled substance. Penalties can include jail time and serious fines.

There are also strict penalties for federal trafficking of controlled substances, including marijuana. Please see the charts in the next section for specific information.

Federal Trafficking Penalties - Controlled Substances

Cocaine (Schedule II) 500-4999 grams mixture

First Offense: Not less than 5 yrs, and not more than 40 yrs. If death or serious injury, not less than 20 or more than life. Fine of not more than $5 million if an individual, $25 million if not an individual.

Second Offense: Not less than 10 yrs, and not more than life. If death or serious injury, life imprisonment. Fine of not more than $8 million if an individual, $50 million if not an individual.

Cocaine Base (Schedule II)

28-279 grams mixture
Fentanyl (Schedule II) 40-399 grams mixture
Fentanyl Analogue (Schedule I) 10-99 grams mixture
Heroin (Schedule I) 100-999 grams mixture
LSD (Schedule I) 1-9 grams mixture
Methamphetamine (Schedule II)

5-49 grams pure; or

50-499 grams mixture

PCP (Schedule II)

10-99 grams pure; or

100-999 grams mixture

Cocaine (Schedule II)

5 kgs or more mixture

First Offense: Not less than 10 yrs, and not more than life. If death or serious injury, not less than 20 or more than life. Fine of not more than $10 million if an individual, $50 million if not an individual.

Second Offense: Not less than 20 yrs, and not more than life. If death or serious injury, life imprisonment. Fine of not more than $20 million if an individual, $75 million if not an individual.

2 or More Prior Offenses: Life imprisonment. Fine of not more than $20 million if an individual, $75 million if not an individual.

Cocaine Base (Schedule II)

280 grams or more mixture

Fentanyl (Schedule II)

400 grams or more mixture

Fentanyl Analogue (Schedule I)

100 grams or more mixture

Heroin (Schedule I)

1 kg or more mixture

LSD (Schedule I)

10 grams or more mixture

Methamphetamine (Schedule II)

50 grams or more pure; or

500 grams or more mixture

PCP (Schedule II)

100 gram or more pure; or

1 kg or more mixture

Other Schedule I & II drugs (and any drug product containing Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid)

Any amount

First Offense: Not more than 20 yrs. If death or serious injury, not less than 20 yrs, or more than life. Fine $1 million if an individual, $5 million if not an individual.

Second Offense: Not more than 30 yrs. If death or serious bodily injury, life imprisonment. Fine $2 million if an individual, $10 million if not an individual.

Flunitrazepam (Schedule IV)

1 gram

Other Schedule III drugs

Any amount

First Offense: Not more than 10 years. If death or serious injury, not more than 15 years. Fine $500,000 if an individual, $2.5 million if not an individual.

Second Offense: Not more than 20 yrs. If death or serious bodily injury, not more than 30 yrs. Fine not more than $1 million if an individual, $5 million if not an individual.

All other Schedule IV drugs

Any amount

First Offense: Not more than 5 yrs. Fine not more than $250,000 if an individual, $1 million if not an individual.

Second Offense: Not more than 10 yrs. Fine not more than $500,000 if an individual, $2 million if other than an individual.

Flunitrazepam (Schedule IV)

Other than 1 gram or more

All Schedule V drugs

Any amount

First Offense: Not more than 1 yr. Fine not more than $100,000 if an individual, $250,000 if not an individual.

Second Offense: Not more than 4 yrs. Fine not more than $200,000 if an individual, $500,000 if not an individual.

Federal Trafficking Penalties - Marijuana

Marijuana (Schedule I)

1,000 kg or more marijuana mixture; or

1,000 or more marijuana plants

Not less than 10 yrs. or more than life. If death or serious bodily injury, not less than 20 yrs., or more than life. Fine not more than $10 million if an individual, $50 million if other than an individual. Not less than 20 yrs. or more than life. If death or serious bodily injury, life imprisonment. Fine not more than $20 million if an individual, $75 million if other than an individual.
Marijuana (Schedule I)

100 kg to 999 kg marijuana mixture; or

100 to 999 marijuana plants

Not less than 5 yrs. or more than 40 yrs. If death or serious bodily injury, not less than 20 yrs., or more than life. Fine not more than $5 million if an individual, $25 million if other than an individual. Not less than 10 yrs. or more than life. If death or serious bodily injury, life imprisonment. Fine not more than $20 million if an individual, $75 million if other than an individual.
Marijuana (Schedule I)

More than 10 kgs hashish; 50 to 99 kg marijuana mixture

More than 1 kg of hashish oil; 50 to 99 marijuana plants

Not less than 20 yrs. If death or serious bodily injury, not less than 20 yrs., or more than life. Fine $1 million if an individual, $5 million if other than an individual. Not less than 30 yrs. If death or serious bodily injury, life imprisonment. Fine $2 million if an individual, $10 million if other than individual.
Marijuana (Schedule I)

Less than 50 kilograms of marijuana (but does not include 50 or more marijuana plants regardless of weight) marijuana plants;

1 to 49 marijuana plants

Not less than 5 yrs. Fine not more than $250,000, $1 million if other than an individual. Not less than 10 yrs. Fine $500,000 if an individual, $2 million if other than individual


Hashish (Schedule I) 10 kg or less
Hashish Oil (Schedule I) 1 kg or less

The minium sentence for a violation after two or more prior convictions for a felony drug offense have become final is a mandatory term of life imprisonment without release and a fine up to $20 million if an individual and $75 million of other than an individual

Denial of Federal Aid (20 USC 1091)

Under the Higher Education Act of 1998, students convicted under federal or state law for the sale or possession of drugs may have their federal financial aid eligibility suspended. This includes all federal grants, loans, federal work study programs, and more. Students convicted of drug possession will be ineligible for one year from the date of the conviction of the first offense, two years for the second offense, and indefinitely for the third offense. Students convicted of selling drugs will be ineligible for two years from the date of the first conviction, and indefinitely for the second offense. Those who lose eligibility may regain eligibility by successfully completing an approved drug rehabilitation program.

香港六合彩资料 Campus Specific Policies, Local Laws, & Resources

Policy: Alcohol, Drugs, & Marijuana

The 香港六合彩资料 has specific policies that apply to its various campuses.  These include the , , , and the policy for .  These policies can all be found in the , but are listed below in full for your convenience. 

香港六合彩资料 Alcohol Policy

General Statement

The University is concerned about ways in which alcohol use and abuse may affect the primary academic mission of the institution, its overall atmosphere and the personal well-being of University community members. Most events and activities supported and hosted at the University of Alaska are alcohol free.  However, there are a limited number of locations, events, and activities where alcohol may be appropriately served in modest quantities within a controlled environment.

The primary objectives of the University鈥檚 policies and procedures on alcoholic beverages are:

  1. to promote public safety on campuses and at University-sponsored events;
  2. to promote responsible behavior and attitudes among all members of the University community;
  3. to encourage educated decision making by University employees regarding the service and use of alcohol; and
  4. to maintain a healthy atmosphere on campus.

This policy covers the consumption of alcoholic beverages by any individual on University lands, at University facilities, and at all University events held both on and off campus. This policy also provides guidelines for the possession and consumption of alcohol by students and employees during University-related travel.

Alcohol Use, Service, and Possession

Unless expressly permitted, consumption of beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Individuals may not be intoxicated to the extent that they are unable to exercise care for their own health or safety. The possession of alcoholic beverages by individuals under the age of 21 is expressly prohibited. The Chancellor, Seawolf Dining Program Director, College Directors, and Community Campus Directors have the authority to approve events and locations where alcoholic beverages may be served to individuals of legal age.

The 香港六合彩资料 complies fully with federal, state, and local laws regarding the possession, sale, and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Individuals who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action as well as local, state, and federal legal penalties.  This policy is supported by the 香港六合彩资料 Student Code of Conduct with application to both students and student organizations, in addition to human resources policies with regards to employees.

Individuals who choose to drink should understand the risks associated with doing so, including short and long-term health risks, and increased risk for motor vehicle crashes, violence, and sexual risk behaviors. In order to reduce the risks and harms associated with alcohol consumption individuals should consume alcohol in moderation. Moderation is defined as no more than 1 drink per hour and a maximum of 3 standard drinks on a single occasion. A standard drink of alcohol is 12 oz of beer (approximately 5% alcohol by volume), 5 oz of wine (approximately 12% alcohol by volume), or 1.5 oz of liquor (approximately 40% alcohol by volume). Individuals should always designate a sober driver, consume food before or during drinking, and also drink non-alcoholic beverages. Driving under the influence is strictly prohibited.

Display of Alcohol Containers

Display of alcoholic beverages are prohibited except during designated times and at locations where service of alcoholic beverages has been approved. Displays of empty alcohol containers are also prohibited unless they are being used for an academic reason, such as an educational program, a classroom demonstration, or an art project.

Procedures for Events Where Alcoholic Beverages Are Served or Sold

The University requires advance approval and compliance with the following procedures for events where alcoholic beverages are served or sold including student organization events:

  1. Beer and wine are the only alcoholic beverages permitted. The possession of kegs and other large quantities of alcoholic beverages will only be allowed by special permission of the Chancellor. 
  2. Individuals must present valid state or federal identification verifying their date of birth and eligibility to consume alcohol prior to being served an alcoholic beverage. 
  3. University staff, contractors, and representatives will refuse the distribution or sale of alcohol to any guest who appears to be intoxicated, inebriated, or impaired from alcohol or other drugs.
  4. Any beer and wine served must stay within a well-defined and controlled environment. Participants may not remove alcoholic beverages from this setting.
  5. Participants may not provide their own alcoholic beverages. 
  6. Drinking games, contests or any activity that encourages the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
  7. The event must be private (not open to the general public), except in the Alaska Airlines Center (AAC), the AVIS Alaska Sports Complex (AASC), or unless granted special permission from the Chancellor or designee.
  8. The event must be limited to a specified time period at a designated location.
  9. The serving or sale of alcoholic beverages must end a minimum of 30 minutes before the end of the event.
  10. Food and non-alcoholic beverages must be provided.
  11. The sale of beer or wine at university-sanctioned events on campus is not permitted, except in the Alaska Airlines Center, the AVIS Alaska Sports Complex, or unless granted special permission from the Chancellor.
  12. Alcohol beverages may not be sold at off-campus events unless the provision and sale of alcohol is done by a vendor with a State of Alaska liquor license and the vendor agrees in advance to adhere to these procedures.
  13. 香港六合彩资料 student organizations may not have alcohol be the main focus of an event. 
  14. 香港六合彩资料 student organizations may not serve beer or wine at meetings where official student organization business is being conducted.
  15. The individual(s) requesting that alcoholic beverages be served at an event, those monitoring the event, and individual participants consuming alcohol are responsible for any behavior that may violate the safety, rights, or property of others.
  16. Alcoholic beverages may not be purchased with University or public funds, with the exception of appropriate unrestricted foundation accounts. If an account does not exist within the division against which to charge such expenditures, a request may be made to the Chancellor for funds to cover the cost via the 香港六合彩资料 Request for Serving Beer/Wine.
  17. Alcohol should not be the main focus of the event and is not to be mentioned or implied in publicity for the event or venue.
  18. Except as it pertains to the Alaska Airlines Center or AVIS Alaska Sports Complex, a limit of three alcoholic drinks per person who is at least 21 years old must be enforced (12 oz. beers or 5 oz. serving of wine).
  19. The approving authority may require additional conditions, based on the nature of the specific event, the location of the event, and/or the intended participants of the event.
香港六合彩资料 Policy for Beer/Wine Sales in the Alaska Airlines Center and AVIS Alaska Sports Complex
  1. Solely within the confines of the Alaska Airlines Center and AVIS Alaska Sports Complex, only beer and wine may be sold and/or distributed by authorized concessionaires in accordance with the approved 香港六合彩资料 Guidelines for Beer and Wine Sales in the Alaska Airlines Center and licensing requirements of the State of Alaska Alcohol Beverage Control Board and the Municipality of Anchorage. 
  2. The 香港六合彩资料 Guidelines for Beer and Wine Sales in the Alaska Airlines Center and subsequent changes must be approved by the 香港六合彩资料 Chancellor and address responsible consumption education and training, service locations, and service restrictions. 
  3. Guests of the AAC and AASC are bound by all state and local laws and ordinances. A violation of any applicable public law or ordinance by a non-University student or employee will result in disciplinary action and/or prosecution by civil authorities. Violation of any applicable public law or ordinance by University-affiliated student, employee or contractor will be considered a violation of University rules and regulations and will result in University disciplinary action and/or prosecution by civil authorities.
香港六合彩资料 Guidelines for Serving Beer/Wine in the Alaska Airlines Center and AVIS Alaska Sports Complex

The rules for beer and wine sales and consumption in the Alaska Airlines Center and AVIS Alaska Sports Complex aim to balance the desires of Seawolf fans, while also promoting responsible alcohol consumption, ensuring the safety of students, employees and guests, and respecting our university neighbors. These guidelines apply to all beer and wine sales and service provided by the contracted concessionaire. Instances where beer and/or wine is not provided or served by the contracted concessionaire (i.e., donated, private funding), requires an approved 香港六合彩资料 Beer/Wine Request Form and adherence to the 香港六合彩资料 Alcohol Policy.

  1. Responsible Consumption Education and Training
    1. The contracted concessionaire for beer and wine sales must ensure all beer and wine servers, and their supervisors and persons providing security through their employment in the AAC and AASC receive State approved alcohol server training prior to employment.
    2. The contracted concessionaire will discipline, up to and including termination and personal liability, servers for failing to adhere to Training for Intervention Procedures (TIPS) and university guidelines.
    3. The building manager for the AAC and AASC are responsible for ensuring all patron service staff (i.e., ushers, ticket takers, parking attendants, security, etc.) receive alcohol training prior to working at an event where beer and wine will be sold or consumed. Training must include
      1. overview of alcohol laws,
      2. identification of intoxicated individuals,
      3. proper techniques for checking identification, and
      4. dealing with difficult situations involving intoxicated individuals.
    4. The contracted concessionaire will implement a responsible alcohol consumption education program at each event where beer and/or wine is consumed, that includes placards, brochures, promotion of community resources, and public address announcements.
    5. The contracted concessionaire will develop and adhere to a written Alcohol Management Plan, covering: pre-event planning, roles and responsibilities of staff including designated behavior observers, protocol for addressing behavior, threshold for removing a patron, circumstances for ceasing all beer and wine sales, reporting incidents, and post-event review and documentation. The Alcohol Management Plan and subsequent changes require the approval of the Executive Director of Campus Services.
    6. Regular employees of the contracted concessionaire and building manager must undergo a background check before being employed in the AAC or AASC. Employees with negative findings on a background check will require the approval for hire from the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services.
  2. Service Locations
    • Beer and wine may be sold and consumed in the following locations:
      • In the Alaska Airlines Center
        • the immediate area of the restaurant,
        • the south-east facing outdoor balcony,
        • inside rented suite boxes,
        • the green room, and
        • arena seating designated as "wet," meaning in area where alcohol may be consumed.
      • In the AVIS Alaska Sports Complex in arena seating designated as "wet."
    • The sale and/or consumption of beer and wine is prohibited in:
      • private offices,
      • training or locker rooms,
      • general lobby areas,
      • parking lots, and 
      • surrounding exterior grounds.
  3. Restrictions and Requirements
    1. In both the AAC and AASC, no more than 50% of arena seating may be designated as "wet" for consuming beer and wine.
    2. The contracted Concessionaire will ensure access to 鈥渨et鈥 arena seating is controlled, monitored, well-signed and restricted to patrons twenty-one years of age or older.
    3. 香港六合彩资料 employees and patrons are prohibited from bringing alcohol into the arena.
    4. The contracted concessionaire is the sole source for all beer and wine.
    5. No beer or wine may be sold at events where the anticipated average age of
      attendees is less than twenty-one, as determined by the building manager.
    6. Except for rented suite boxes in the AAC, beer and wine sales are restricted to pre-designated, stationary point of sales stands. Hawking and self-service is not permitted.
    7. Patrons will be limited to one beer or wine beverage purchase per person per
    8. The contracted concessionaire is responsible for ensuring that beer and wine will not be sold to or consumed by intoxicated individuals.
    9. 香港六合彩资料 employees are prohibited from serving alcohol on behalf of the contracted Concessionaire.
    10. Except for the restaurant in the AAC, beer and wine sales may not begin more than one hour before the official start time of an event and must end no less than thirty minutes before the event concludes or at 11 p.m., whichever is earlier. During hockey games in the AASC, all alcohol sales will cease with 10 minutes remaining in the 3rd period. Exceptions to service hours for special events may be approved by the 香港六合彩资料 Chancellor.
    11. In the AAC restaurant, beer and wine sales may not begin before 11:30 a.m. and may not extend beyond 11:00 p.m.
    12. At each event where beer or wine is available for consumption, the contracted Concessionaire is responsible for periodically reviewing the overall atmosphere of the crowd and must shorten the sales cut-off time when warranted.
    13. Food and non-alcoholic beverages must always be available at an event at which beer and/or wine is being sold or consumed.
    14. The contracted Concessionaire for beer and wine sales will abide by all 香港六合彩资料, city, state and federal rules, policies, ordinances and laws pertaining to the sale of beer and wine. Furthermore, the vendor will ensure that the consumption of beer and wine is done in a manner consistent with all laws, University Regulation, Regent鈥檚 Policy and 香港六合彩资料 rules and procedures.
    15. Beer and wine will not be sold at events that are sponsored by or supported with mandatory student fees without the advance written consent of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.
    16. Beer service containers must be uniquely identifiable and no larger than 16 fluid ounces. Wine service containers must be uniquely identifiable and no larger than 6 fluid ounces.
    17. Violations of state and local laws and ordinances, and/or violations of University rules and regulations regarding the sale, possession or consumption of beer or wine must be reported in writing to the Dean of Students, Executive Director of Campus Services, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, and Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services within 48 hours.
    18. The building manager will require that all tenant users provide proof of insurance, or to purchase Tenants' and Users' Liability Insurance Policy (TULIP). Concessionaires are required to maintain Crime coverage with 香港六合彩资料 named as joint loss payee. The building manager must ensure that the concessionaire maintains certificates on file and ensures that 香港六合彩资料 is named as additional insured on the liability coverage however provided (TULIP or separate GL coverage).
    19. Adequate insurance coverage limits for events must include: $4,000,000 for GL/Liquor including excess limit and $1M for auto and statutory minimums for WC.

Residence Life Alcohol Policy

Alcohol possession or consumption is not permitted by individuals under 21 years old.  Residents 21 years of age or older will have the privilege of possessing and consuming alcoholic beverages in private spaces within campus housing according to the parameters established in this policy.  However, alcohol consumption in the housing environment must not jeopardize public safety or impact the ability of others to study and rest within their housing units. Therefore, the University has put the following regulations in place pertaining to alcohol use and possession in on-campus housing:

  1. Providing alcoholic beverages to underage persons is prohibited.
  2. Residents and guests are not allowed to have alcohol that is accessible to, or in the presence of, any person under the age of 21.  Residents under 21 years old may not be in the same room or common area of a suite or apartment as an open container of alcohol.  If an individual under the age of 21 is present in a residential unit, any open containers and/or consumption of alcohol must be confined to the private bedroom of a resident who is a minimum of 21 years old with the bedroom door fully closed.
  3. Residents who are not of legal drinking age may not be in possession of alcohol at any time in any 香港六合彩资料 residential community including surrounding grounds nor may they allow guests to bring alcohol into their room, apartment or suite regardless of the age of their guest(s). This includes the transportation or possession of empty alcohol containers.
  4. Residential students, who are a minimum of 21 years of age, may possess and consume limited quantities of alcoholic beverages in certain apartments or suites. An apartment/suite with one individual of legal drinking age may be in possession (opened or unopened) of up to 144 ounces of beer or 750 milliliters of other alcohol. In an apartment/suite where two or more students of legal drinking age reside, there may not be more than 288 ounces of beer or 1500 milliliters of other alcohol (opened or unopened) anywhere within the apartment or suite at any given time. Empty alcohol containers count towards the limit of alcohol per person, suite or apartment. It is the responsibility of each resident to coordinate with their roommates to ensure that the amount of alcohol present in their apartment/suite is compliant with the individual, personal and collective limit.
  5. Hosting a party is prohibited. A party is defined as a group of individuals who are present to participate in a social event involving alcohol. Students are considered hosts if one or more of the following conditions are met (this is not an exhaustive list): They organize or co-organize a party on the residential campus, participate in a party at their residence or invite guests to join the party. Any resident found responsible for hosting a gathering that exceeds the above stated alcohol limitations and/or hosting a gathering in which one or more minors consume alcohol in the resident's room, apartment or suite may have their housing agreement terminated as a disciplinary sanction, and be given approximately 72 hours to transition to off-campus housing, whether or not the resident has a prior 香港六合彩资料 disciplinary record. Residents who have their housing agreements terminated for disciplinary reasons will lose their deposit and are only eligible to receive a full or partial reversal of their housing or dining costs in accordance with the mid-term release schedule depending on the date their agreement is canceled.
  6. The possession or consumption of any alcohol stronger than 80 proof is not permitted.
  7. Use of common sources of alcohol, including but not limited to kegs, party balls, trash cans and punch bowls is prohibited.
  8. Drinking games, contests or any activity that encourages the excessive or rapid consumption of alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
  9. Possession or consumption of alcohol in outdoor areas of the residential campus, to include balconies and porches, as well as any area within the building or facilities on the residential campus outside of individual suites or apartments, is prohibited.
  10. It is prohibited to be visibly intoxicated on the residential campus.
  11. The possession of alcohol paraphernalia (e.g., beer bongs, funnels, etc.) that are designated for or encourage the misuse of alcohol is prohibited. 
  12. Alcohol signage or promotional materials, such as posters, signs, alcohol-branded products or other alcohol-related imagery that is displayed in a private space belonging to one resident may not be visible to others outside of that space.
  13. Sale or distribution of alcohol is prohibited.
  14. Production of alcoholic beverages, or possessing materials with the intent to produce alcoholic beverages, is prohibited.
  15. Residence Life reserves the right to determine that a resident's level of intoxication renders them unable to exercise care for their own health or safety. When such a determination is made, the resident will be removed from student housing for approximately 12 hours and placed in the care of a responsible, sober adult (this individual may not be another residential student). Residence Life professionals will coordinate with the resident, the resident's emergency contact, local police and/or medical personnel to determine an appropriate off-campus location to which the resident may be sent.
  16. A resident who denies a request from police to receive a breathalyzer test will not be eligible to stay on campus for 12 hours immediately following their denial of the request for the breathalyzer test. The resident will need to meet with a Residence Life professional prior to returning to their room.
  17. Residents will be required to dispose of any alcoholic beverages or containers in their possession that are in violation of these policies.
  18. Parents/guardians of residents who are under the age of 21 may be notified of alcohol policy violations in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (FERPA).
  19. Parents/guardians of residents who are under the age of 18 will be notified of alcohol policy violations.

Alcohol Use During University Authorized Travel

Alcohol use is permissible for individuals of legal drinking age during university-related travel and field work. Such individuals must abide by all local laws and may not be visibly intoxicated. Specific program policies may further restrict alcohol use. The Chancellor or their designee have the authority to adopt more restrictive policies. 

For students, this includes, but is not limited to, travel by students or student clubs and organizations participating in University-authorized travel, faculty-led programs, courses with field trips, athletics, research programs, study abroad programs, exchange programs, etc.  

For employees, this includes, but is not limited to, university-authorized travel, conference attendance, field research, faculty-led research, archaeological field sites, university outdoor excursions, courses with field trips, courses at off campus locations, exchange programs, study abroad programs, recruitment trips, etc.

香港六合彩资料 Marijuana Policy


The federal Controlled Substances Act criminalizes possession and distribution of controlled substances, including marijuana, with a limited exception for certain federally approved research. The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug Free Workplace Act require that UA, as a recipient of federal funding, establish policies that prohibit marijuana use, possession and distribution on campus and in the workplace.

This policy covers the consumption and possession of any marijuana products by any individual on university lands, at university facilities, at all university events, or while engaging in university-sanctioned activities away from campus. This includes all university-related travel and field work.

Marijuana Use, Possession, and Distribution
  1. Possession, use, distribution, or being under the influence of marijuana is prohibited. 
  2. Products that contain 0.3% or more of the THC compound are prohibited. This includes but is not limited to: bud or leaf plant materials, edibles, extracts, concentrates, topicals, oils, and vaping devices such as electronic cigarettes and vaporizers. 
  3. Possession of marijuana paraphernalia is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to:  smoking devices, vaping devices such as electronic cigarettes and vaporizers, rolling papers, grinders, any item fashioned for the purpose of facilitating marijuana use (pipes, bongs, etc.), or items that conceal or disguise marijuana use.
  4. Production of marijuana on campus, or possessing materials used in the production of marijuana plant cultivation, is prohibited.
  5. Marijuana signage, such as posters, signs, or other imagery that glorifies the use of marijuana, may not be visible from the exterior of buildings.
  6. Possessing, selling, using, being under the influence of, distributing or providing synthetic cannabinoid products, such as K2 and Spice, is prohibited.
  7. Those who have a prescription provided by a licensed health care provider for use of marijuana for their health condition, may only use marijuana outside university property.
Marijuana Research

Academic research involving marijuana may be conducted at the university to the extent authorized under both federal and state law; such research must be conducted in compliance with all applicable regulations and policies, including but not limited to federal registration and licensing requirements administered by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency and applicable to research use of controlled substances.

Local Municipal Laws

Applicable local alcohol and drug laws and ordinances are in accordance with state statutes, but may be subject to change with the passage and implementation of possible new laws.  Local laws and ordinances for locations where 香港六合彩资料 has campus affiliations are listed below:

Univeristy of Alaska Anchorage

Municipality of Anchorage:

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.25.030, Unlawful Use or Possession of Firearms, prohibits possessing on the person, in the interior of a vehicle in which the person is present, or use or discharge, a firearm while under the influence of an intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance.  Violation of this ordinance is a Class B misdemeanor and the firearm used in the incident will be forfeited to the Municipality of Anchorage.  AMC 8.20.020, Sentencing, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by up to six months in jail and up to a $2000 fine.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.25.050, Firearms on Premises Licensed for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages, prohibits possessing a loaded firearm on the person in any place where alcoholic beverages are sold for consumption on the premises.  Violation of this ordinance is a Class B misdemeanor.  AMC 8.20.020, Sentencing, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by up to six months in jail and up to a $2000 fine.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.010, Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance in the Fifth Degree, Sixth Degree, prohibits manufacturing or delivering, or possessing with the intent to manufacture or deliver, one or more substances with a total weight of less than one ounce of a schedule VI drug; failing to make, keep, or furnish any record, specific documents, or information required under AS 17.30 (controlled substances); possessing any amount of a schedule IA, IIA, IIIA, IVA, or VA controlled substance not prohibited by other laws; possessing one or more substances with a total weight of an ounce or more of a schedule VI drug.  Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance in the Fifth Degree is a Class A misdemeanor, and AMC 8.20.020, Sentencing, provides it is punishable by up to one year in jail and up to a $10,000 fine.  Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance in the Sixth Degree is a Class B misdemeanor, and AMC 8.20.020, Sentencing, provides it is punishable by up to six months in jail and up to a $2000 fine.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.300, Consuming Marijuana in a Public Place, prohibits consuming marijuana when on, in or upon any public place, except as allowed by law, or outdoors on property adjacent to a public place, and without consent of the owner or person in control thereof.  AMC 8.05.025, Minor Offense Fine Schedule, provides violation of this offense is punishable by a fine of $100.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.310, Use of False Identification to Purchase Marijuana, prohibits anyone under 21 from presenting or offering to a marijuana establishment any written evidence of age that is fraudulent or false or that isn鈥檛 their own, or otherwise misrepresent the person鈥檚 age for the purpose of purchasing, attempting to purchase, or otherwise procuring or attempting to procure marijuana or marijuana products or gaining access to a marijuana establishment.  AMC 8.05.025, Minor Offense Fine Schedule, provides violation of this offense is punishable by a fine of $400.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.320, Personal Cultivation of Marijuana, prohibits cultivating marijuana when the plants or the marijuana produced is subject to public view without optical aids, or taking reasonable precautions to ensure the plants or marijuana produced is secure from unauthorized access, or when the cultivator is not lawfully in possession of the property on which the cultivation occurs or is acting without consent from the person in lawful possession of the property. AMC 8.05.025, Minor Offense Fine Schedule, provides violation of this offense is punishable by a fine of $750.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.400, Consuming Alcoholic Beverage in Public Place, prohibits consuming any alcoholic beverage when on, in or upon any public place, except as allowed by law, or outdoors on property adjacent to a public place without permission from the owner or person in control of the property. AMC 8.05.025, Minor Offense Fine Schedule, provides violation of this offense is punishable by a fine of $100.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.410, Intoxicated Persons on Roadway, prohibits being on any public street, road, or highway while intoxicated in such a manner as to be hazardous to motor vehicle traffic. AMC 8.05.025, Minor Offense Fine Schedule, provides violation of this offense is punishable by a fine of $500.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.416.020, Soliciting Purchase of Alcoholic Beverage for or on Behalf of Another, prohibits paying or receiving from another a salary, percentage, or commission to solicit or encourage a patron to purchase alcoholic or other beverages for a person other than the patron.  Violation of this ordinance is a Class A misdemeanor.  AMC 8.20.020, Sentencing, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by up to one year in jail and up to a $10,000 fine.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.416.025, Illegal Presence on Premises Involving Alcoholic Beverages, prohibits entering or remaining on premises where alcoholic beverages are manufactured, sold, offered for sale, possessed for sale or barter, trafficked in, or bartered in violation of municipal code or state law. AMC 8.05.025, Minor Offense Fine Schedule, provides violation of this offense is punishable by a fine of $300.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.416.040, Access of Drunken Persons to Licensed Premises, prohibits a drunken person from entering or remaining on licensed premises. Violation of this ordinance is a Class A misdemeanor.  AMC 8.20.020, Sentencing, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by up to one year in jail and up to a $10,000 fine.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.416.047, Access of Persons with Restriction on Purchasing Alcohol, prohibits a person who is restricted from purchasing alcohol under state law or municipal code from entering or remaining on licensed premises to obtain or consume alcohol. Violation of this ordinance is a Class A misdemeanor.  AMC 8.20.020, Sentencing, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by up to one year in jail and up to a $10,000 fine.  Additionally, a licensee may bring a civil action against a person who violates this ordinance in their establishment seeking $1000 in civil damages and reasonable costs and attorney fees.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.416.049, Access to Licensed Premises by Minor, prohibits anyone under 21 from entering or remaining on licensed premises unless otherwise authorized by law.  AMC 8.05.025, Minor Offense Fine Schedule, provides violation of this offense is punishable by a fine of $500. Additionally, a licensee may bring a civil action against a person who violates this ordinance in their establishment seeking $1500 in civil damages and reasonable costs and attorney fees.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.416.050, Alcohol Possession, Control, Consumption by Minor, prohibits consuming, possessing, or controlling alcoholic beverages except as permitted by law. AMC 8.05.025, Minor Offense Fine Schedule, provides violation of this offense is punishable by a fine of $500.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.416.055, Room Rental for Purposes of Consuming Alcoholic Beverages, prohibits the rental of a room in a hotel or similar business for the purpose of providing alcoholic beverages to anyone under 21. Violation of this ordinance is a Class A misdemeanor.  AMC 8.20.020, Sentencing, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by up to one year in jail and up to a $10,000 fine.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.416.057, Permitting Minor to Illegally Possess Liquor in Dwelling, prohibits anyone who is physically in possession and exercising dominion and control over a dwelling from permitting a person under 21 to possess an alcoholic beverage in the dwelling, except as otherwise allowed by law. AMC 8.05.025, Minor Offense Fine Schedule, provides violation of this offense is punishable by a fine of $300.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.416.060, Purchase of Alcohol by or Delivery of Alcohol to Persons under the Age of 21, prohibits anyone under 21 from purchasing or soliciting another to purchase alcoholic beverages for them; influencing the sale, gift, or service of an alcoholic beverage to a person under 21 by misrepresenting the age of that person; ordering or receiving an alcoholic beverage from a licensee for the purpose of selling, giving, or serving it to a person under 21; anyone under 21 from entering licensed premises and offering written evidence of age that is fraudulent or not that person鈥檚 own, or otherwise misrepresenting their age for the purpose of inducing the license to sell, give, serve, or furnish alcoholic beverages contrary to law; and anyone under 21 who is seeking to enter and remain in a licensed premise from misrepresenting the person鈥檚 age or having obtained consent from a parent or guardian.  Violation of this ordinance is a Class A misdemeanor.  AMC 8.20.020, Sentencing, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by up to one year in jail and up to a $10,000 fine.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.416.080, Sale or Consumption of Alcohol at School Events, prohibits selling or consuming alcoholic beverages during a school event at the site of the event. Violation of this ordinance is a Class A misdemeanor.  AMC 8.20.020, Sentencing, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by up to one year in jail and up to a $10,000 fine.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.416.120, Removal or Introduction of Alcoholic Beverages, prohibits removing from a licensed premises alcoholic beverages that have been sold or furnished for consumption only on the premises; except as otherwise allowed, bringing an alcoholic beverage into licensed premises for use or consumption by oneself or another.  Violation of this ordinance is a Class A misdemeanor.  AMC 8.20.020, Sentencing, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by up to one year in jail and up to a $10,000 fine.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.416.160, Restriction on Purchasing Alcoholic Beverages, prohibits anyone 21 or older from purchasing alcoholic beverages if the person has been ordered to refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages under state law, as part of a sentence, or as a condition of probation.   Violation of this ordinance is a Class A misdemeanor.  AMC 8.20.020, Sentencing, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by up to one year in jail and up to a $10,000 fine.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.416.170, Source of Alcoholic Beverages, prohibits selling alcoholic beverages for consumption by the purchaser unless licensed by the state and a person transporting alcoholic beverages into the municipality from selling those alcoholic beverages to a person who isn鈥檛 licensed by the state unless otherwise allowed by law.  Violation of this ordinance is a Class A misdemeanor.  AMC 8.20.020, Sentencing, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by up to one year in jail and up to a $10,000 fine.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.35.500, Manufacture or Distribute Illicit Synthetic Drugs; Possess or Consume Illicit Synthetic Drugs; Illicit Synthetic Drugs 鈥 Misbranded, prohibits providing, selling, producing, manufacturing, or distributing any illicit synthetic drug; possessing or consuming any illicit synthetic drug; or possessing, offering, displaying, marketing, or advertising for sale any misbranded drug. Manufacturing or distribute illicit synthetic drugs is a Class A misdemeanor, and AMC 8.20.020, Sentencing, provides violation of this ordinance鈥檚 prohibition on manufacturing or distribute illicit synthetic drugs is punishable by up to one year in jail and up to a $10,000 fine.  Possessing or consume illicit synthetic drugs is a Class B misdemeanor, and AMC 8.20.020, Sentencing, provides violation of this ordinance鈥檚 prohibition on possessing or consume illicit synthetic drugs is punishable by up to six months in jail and up to a $2000 fine.  Possessing, offering, displaying, marketing, or advertising for sale any misbranded drug is a minor offense, and AMC 8.05.025, Minor Offense Fine Schedule, provides violation of this ordinance鈥檚 prohibition on possessing, offering, displaying, marketing, or advertising for sale any misbranded drug is punishable by a fine of $500.

Anchorage Municipal Code 8.50.050, Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, prohibits anyone 19 or older (or an emancipated minor) from aiding, inducing, causing, or encouraging any unemancipated minor to do any act prohibited by state law or entering or remaining in the immediate physical presence of the unlawful manufacture, use, display, or delivery of a controlled substance.  Violation of this ordinance is a Class A misdemeanor.  AMC 8.20.020, Sentencing, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by up to one year in jail and up to a $10,000 fine.

Anchorage Municipal Code 9.28.020, Operating under the Influence 鈥 Prohibited, Sentencing, prohibits operating a motor vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, inhalant, controlled substance, or other impairing substance, or any combination thereof, or after having consumed a sufficient quantity of alcohol that a chemical test taken within four hours of operating determines the person鈥檚 blood alcohol level is over the legal limit of 80 milligrams or more per 100 milliliters of blood, or there is .08 grams or more of alcohol per 210 liters of the person鈥檚 breath.  Violation of this ordinance is punishable by required alcohol treatment screening and possible treatment, driver鈥檚 license revocation, use of an ignition interlock device, cost of imprisonment up to $2000, impound or forfeiture of vehicle used in the offense, and for a first DUI, a minimum sentence of 72 hours in jail and a $1500 fine; for a second DUI, a minimum sentence of 20 days in jail and a $3000 fine; for a third DUI, a minimum sentence of 60 days in jail and a $4000 fine; for a fourth DUI, a minimum sentence of 120 days in jail and a $5000 fine; for a fifth DUI, a minimum sentence of 240 days in jail and a $6000 fine; and for a sixth or more DUI, a minimum sentence of 360 days in jail and a $7000 fine. AMC 9.28.040 provides that if the acts of a person convicted under this ordinance contributed to a motor vehicle crash, the person is responsible for the cost of any emergency services that responded to the crash.

Anchorage Municipal Code 9.28.022, Driving under the Influence 鈥 Refusal, prohibits refusing to submit to a chemical test of their breath at the request of a law enforcement officer while under arrest for operating or driving a motor vehicle for which a driver鈥檚 license is required.  Violation of this ordinance is punishable by required alcohol treatment screening and possible treatment, driver鈥檚 license revocation, use of an ignition interlock device, cost of imprisonment up to $2000, impound or forfeiture of vehicle used in the offense, and for a first DUI, a minimum sentence of 72 hours in jail and a $1500 fine; for a second DUI, a minimum sentence of 20 days in jail and a $3000 fine; for a third DUI, a minimum sentence of 60 days in jail and a $4000 fine; for a fourth DUI, a minimum sentence of 120 days in jail and a $5000 fine; for a fifth DUI, a minimum sentence of 240 days in jail and a $6000 fine; and for a sixth or more DUI, a minimum sentence of 360 days in jail and a $7000 fine.

Anchorage Municipal Code 9.28.060, Minor Operating a Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol or Marijuana, prohibits anyone 14 or over but not yet 21 from operating a motor vehicle after consuming any quantity of alcohol or marijuana. Violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine of $500 and 20-40 hours of community work service for a first offense; if the person has previously been convicted once under this ordinance, AMC 9.28.070, Minor鈥檚 Refusal To Submit to Chemical Test or Tests, or AMC 9.28.080, Minor Driving during the 24 Hours after Being Cited for Alcohol, Marijuana, or Chemical Test Offenses, a fine of $1000 and 40-60 hours of community work service; if the person has previously been convicted two or more times under this ordinance or AMC 9.28.070, Minor鈥檚 Refusal To Submit to Chemical Test or Tests, or AMC 9.28.080, Minor Driving during the 24 Hours after Being Cited for Alcohol, Marijuana, or Chemical Test Offenses, a fine of $1500 and 40-60 hours of community work service.  Additionally, the person may not operate a motor vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft during the 24 hours following the issuance of the citation.

Anchorage Municipal Code 9.28.070, Minor鈥檚 Refusal To Submit to Chemical Test or Tests, prohibits a person under arrest for Minor Operating a Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol or Marijuana, AMC 9.28.060, refuses to submit to a chemical test or tests at the request of a peace officer. Violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine of $500 and 20-40 hours of community work service for a first offense; if the person has previously been convicted once under this ordinance, 9.28.060, Minor Operating a Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol or Marijuana, or AMC 9.28.080, Minor Driving during the 24 Hours after Being Cited for Alcohol, Marijuana, or Chemical Test Offenses, a fine of $1000 and 40-60 hours of community work service; if the person has previously been convicted two or more times under this ordinance or 9.28.060, Minor Operating a Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol or Marijuana, or AMC 9.28.080, Minor Driving during the 24 Hours after Being Cited for Alcohol, Marijuana, or Chemical Test Offenses, a fine of $1500 and 40-60 hours of community work service.  Additionally, the person may not operate a motor vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft during the 24 hours following the issuance of the citation.

Anchorage Municipal Code 9.28.080, Minor Driving during the 24 Hours after Being Cited for Alcohol, Marijuana, or Chemical Test Offenses, prohibits a person who has been cited for AMC 9.28.060, Minor Operating a Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol or Marijuana, or AMC 9.28.070, Minor鈥檚 Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test or Tests, from operating a motor vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft during the 24 hours following issuance of the citation.  Violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine of $500 and 20-40 hours of community work service for a first offense; if the person has previously been convicted once under this ordinance, 9.28.060, Minor Operating a Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol or Marijuana, or AMC 9.28.070, Minor鈥檚 Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test or Tests, a fine of $1000 and 40-60 hours of community work service; if the person has previously been convicted two or more times under this ordinance or 9.28.060, Minor Operating a Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol or Marijuana, or AMC 9.28.070, Minor鈥檚 Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test or Tests, a fine of $1500 and 40-60 hours of community work service.

Anchorage Municipal Code 9.36.200, Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages or Marijuana while Driving, and Possession of Alcoholic Beverages or Marijuana while Driving, prohibits consuming marijuana or drinking alcoholic beverages while driving a vehicle on a roadway or street or driving a vehicle if there is marijuana or an open container of alcoholic beverages in the passenger compartment of the vehicle unless otherwise allowed by law.  AMC 9.48.130 provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine of $300.

Anchorage Municipal Code 9.42.020, Unlawful Operation; Impoundment as Public Nuisance, prohibits driving, operating, stopping, or moving an off-highway vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor, drugs, or a combination of intoxicating liquor and drugs.  An off-highway vehicle found to be a public nuisance under this ordinance can be impounded.  AMC 9.28.020, Operating under the Influence 鈥 Prohibited, Sentencing, applies to prosecutions for violation of this provision of the ordinance. AMC 9.42.020.A.4 and 9.48.010.D provide violation of this ordinance is punishable by imprisonment of not more than a year and a fine of not more than $10,000, or both.

Anchorage Municipal Code 10.80.325, Access Restricted at Marijuana Retail Store, prohibits anyone under 21 from entering a retail marijuana store.  Anchorage Municipal Code 1.45.010 provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine of not more than $2000 or imprisonment for not more than 30 days, or both.  Additionally, any person who violates this ordinance is subject to a civil penalty of not less than $50 and not more than $1000, and/or injunctive relief.

Prince William Sound College - Cordova Extension Site

City of Cordova

Cordova Municipal Ordinance 6.12.030, Alcoholic Beverages 鈥 Consumption in Public Places, prohibits consuming any alcoholic beverage or possessing any open bottle, can or other receptacle containing alcohol on any public street, alley, or highway within city limits or on the grounds of any city building or property except as permitted.  Violation of this ordinance is a violation with a fine of $75.

Cordova Municipal Ordinance 9.12.010, Use of Certain Drugs Prohibited, prohibits using or being under the administration of any narcotic drug, depressant, hallucinogenic or stimulant drug in the city except if they鈥檙e prescribed by or administered under the direction of a person licensed to prescribe and administer such drugs.  Pursuant to Cordova City Ordinance 1.28.080, punishment for a violation of this ordinance is a fine not to exceed $1000 and imprisonment for not more than 90 days.

Cordova Municipal Ordinance 9.12.020, Intoxication Prohibited Where, prohibits being intoxicated on any public street, road, or highway in such a manner as to hazardous to motor vehicle traffic.  Pursuant to Cordova City Ordinance 1.28.080, punishment for a violation of this ordinance is a fine not to exceed $1000 and imprisonment for not more than 90 days.

Cordova Municipal Ordinance 9.32.020, Possession of Tobacco by Minor, prohibits anyone under 19 from knowingly possessing a product containing tobacco.  Violation of this ordinance is an infraction with a possible fine of up to $500, though Cordova City Ordinance 1.28.085 provides for a fine of $100.

Prince William Sound College - Copper Basin Extension Site

Glennallen - There are no additional local alcohol and drug laws.

Kenai Peninsula College - Kachemak Bay Campus

City of Homer:

Homer City Code 5.05.030, Prohibition, prohibits smoking in all public buildings, motor vehicles, and watercraft owned or operated by the City and on City property that鈥檚 within 50 feet of a petroleum fuel dispensing facility.  Homer City Code 5.05.035 provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine of $25.

Homer City Code 5.44.010, Certain Manufacturing Processes Prohibited, prohibits manufacturing a marijuana concentrate, hashish, or hash oil by use of compressed flammable gases and the use of a solvent-based extraction method other than vegetable glycerin unless otherwise allowed by law.

Kenai Peninsula College - Kenai River Campus

City of Kenai:

Kenai Municipal Code 2.15.010, Incorporation of State Statutes, incorporates by reference AS 04.16.060, Purchase by Persons under the Age of 21 (which prohibits purchasing or soliciting another to purchase alcohol while under 21; or misrepresenting the age of a person under 21 to influence the sale, gift, or service of alcohol to a person who鈥檚 under 21; or entering licensed premises or presenting false ID for the purpose of buying or receiving alcohol while under 21).  Kenai Municipal Code 13.05.010, Penalty, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine of up to $500.

Kenai Municipal Code 2.25.010, Prohibited in Certain Places, prohibits the public consumption of intoxicating liquor unless authorized by law.  Kenai Municipal Code 13.05.010, Penalty, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine of up to $500.

Kenai Municipal Code 12.10.010, Public Nuisances, prohibits the sale, offering for sale, or furnishing of intoxicating liquor in violation of state or municipal law.

Kenai Municipal Code 12.40.020, Regulation of Smoking, prohibits smoking within all indoor eating establishments and bowling alleys, within a business that鈥檚 posted no-smoking within a health care facility or 20 feet from any entrance or exit to a health care facility, or within the area of an outdoor event that鈥檚 posted no smoking.  Kenai Municipal Code 12.40.060, Violations and Penalties, provides violation of this ordinance is an infraction and punishable as follows:  first offense in a 24-month period is punishable by a $50 fine; second offense in a 24-month period is punishable by a $100 fine; third or subsequent offense in a 24-month period is punishable by a fine of $200.  A person aggrieved by a violation or threatened violation may bring a civil action against a person who violates this ordinance and recover a civil penalty not to exceed $300 per violation and an injunction.

Kenai Municipal Code 12.40.025, Reasonable Distance, prohibits smoking within 20 feet of any place where smoking is prohibited.  Kenai Municipal Code 12.40.060, Violations and Penalties, provides violation of this ordinance is an infraction and punishable as follows:  first offense in a 24-month period is punishable by a $50 fine; second offense in a 24-month period is punishable by a $100 fine; third or subsequent offense in a 24-month period is punishable by a fine of $200.  A person aggrieved by a violation or threatened violation may bring a civil action against a person who violates this ordinance and recover a civil penalty not to exceed $300 per violation and an injunction.

Kodiak College

City of Kodiak

Kodiak City Code 5.12.080, Signed Statement of Patron鈥檚 Age鈥擶hen Required, requires any patron who a licensee suspects to be under 21 to provide a signed, written statement to the licensee specifying the patron鈥檚 date of birth and age (the licensee must deliver a copy of the statement to the chief of police within 24 hours, and no intoxicating beverage may be served to a person who refuses to sign such a statement).  Kodiak City Code 1.12.010, Penalty, provides violation of this ordinance is an infraction punishable by a fine of not more than $300, plus any legal surcharge.

Kodiak City Code 5.12.090, Signed Statement of Patron鈥檚 Age鈥擣alsification, prohibits falsifying a written statement required under Kodiak City Code 4.12.080, Signed Statement of Patron鈥檚 Age鈥擶hen Required.  Kodiak City Code 1.12.010, Penalty, provides violation of this ordinance is an infraction punishable by a fine of not more than $300, plus any legal surcharge.

Kodiak City Code 5.12.100, Eviction of Patrons, requires anyone suspected of being under 21 or intoxicated who is orally asked to leave by a licensee to fail to do so.  Kodiak City Code 1.12.010, Penalty, provides violation of this ordinance is an infraction punishable by a fine of not more than $300, plus any legal surcharge.

Kodiak City Code 5.12.120, Premises Where Persons under 21 Are Prohibited, prohibits anyone under 21 from going on licensed premises unless legally allowed. Kodiak City Code 1.12.010, Penalty, provides violation of this ordinance is an infraction punishable by a fine of not more than $300, plus any legal surcharge.

Kodiak City Code 8.40.010, Certain Manufacturing Processes Prohibited, prohibits manufacturing a marijuana concentrate, hashish, or hash oil by use of solvents containing compressed flammable gas or through use of a solvent-based extraction method using a substance other than vegetable glycerin, except as allowed by law.  Any marijuana, equipment, or related materials used in violation of this ordinance may be seized and forfeited.  Kodiak City Code 1.12.010, Penalty, provides violation of this ordinance is an infraction punishable by a fine of not more than $300, plus any legal surcharge.

Kodiak City Code 8.44.020, Public Possession or Consumption of Intoxicating Liquor, prohibits consuming an intoxicating liquor or possessing an open container in or upon a public place.  Violation of this ordinance is punishable by up to 10 days in jail and a fine of up to $500, plus any surcharge.

Kodiak City Code 8.44.041, Possession or Consumption by Persons under the Age of 21, prohibits anyone under 21 from consuming, possessing, or controlling alcoholic beverages except as allowed by law. Kodiak City Code 1.12.010, Penalty, provides violation of this ordinance is an infraction punishable by a fine of not more than $300, plus any legal surcharge.

Kodiak City Code 8.44.042, Furnishing of Alcoholic Beverages to Persons under the Age of 21, prohibits furnishing an alcoholic beverage to anyone under 21 except as allowed by law.  Kodiak City Code 1.12.010, Penalty, provides violation of this ordinance is an infraction punishable by a fine of not more than $300, plus any legal surcharge.

Kodiak City Code 8.44.044, Purchase by Persons under the Age of 21, prohibits anyone under 21 from purchasing or attempting to purchase alcoholic beverages or soliciting anyone to purchase them on their behalf; anyone from influencing the sale, gift, or service, of an alcoholic beverage to anyone 21 by misrepresenting the age of that person; anyone from ordering or receiving an alcoholic beverage from any other person for the purpose of selling it to a person under 21; anyone under 21 from entering a licensed premise and presenting fake identification or another鈥檚 identification or otherwise misrepresenting their age or the consent of a parent for the purpose of inducing the licensee to sell, give, serve, or furnish alcoholic beverages contrary to law.  Kodiak City Code 1.12.010, Penalty, provides violation of this ordinance is an infraction punishable by a fine of not more than $300, plus any legal surcharge.

Kodiak City Code 8.48.010, Use Restrictions, prohibits the possession of a narcotic drug, or being under the influence of a narcotic drug, except when it鈥檚 prescribed or administered by someone legally licensed to do so.

Kodiak City Code 8.48.020, Sale or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, prohibits anyone from selling or possessing drug paraphernalia, except as allowed by law.  This ordinance is punishable by a fine of $75, plus any surcharge.  Any drug paraphernalia involved in a violation of this ordinance is subject to seizure and forfeiture by the city. 

Kodiak City Code 8.88.010, Tobacco Sale, prohibits the sale of cigarettes or tobacco in any form to children under 19.  Kodiak City Code 1.12.010, Penalty, provides violation of this ordinance is an infraction punishable by a fine of not more than $300, plus any legal surcharge.

Kodiak City Code 8.96.040, Prohibited to Intoxicated Persons, prohibits any person under the influence of alcohol to possess firearms of any type.  Kodiak City Code 1.12.010, Penalty, provides violation of this ordinance is an infraction punishable by a fine of not more than $300, plus any legal surcharge.

Kodiak City Code 10.04.020, Adoption of State Law, adopts by reference all state motor vehicle and traffic statutes and regulations, including AS 28.35.030, Operating a Motor Vehicle under the Influence (operating a motor vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, inhalant, or controlled substance, or any combination of these substances, or if the person鈥檚 blood alcohol is over the proscribed limit within four hours after driving); AS 28.35.032, Breath Test Refusal (Refusing to submit to a chemical breath test at the request of a law officer if arrested for DUI); AS 28.35.029, Open Container (driving with an open container of alcohol in the passenger compartment of the vehicle); AS 28.35.280, Minor Operating a Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol (operating a motor vehicle, aircraft or watercraft after consuming any quantity of alcohol if at least 14 but under 21); AS 28.35.285, Minor鈥檚 Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test (refusing to submit to a chemical breath test if under arrest for Minor Operating a Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol); AS 28.35.290, Driving During the 24 Hours after Being Cited for Alcohol or Breath Test Offenses (operating a motor vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft during the 24 hours after being cited for Minor Operating a Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol or Minor鈥檚 Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test). Kodiak City Code 10.44.010, General Penalty, provides violation of this ordinance is a minor offense punishable by a fine of not more than $1000, plus any legal surcharge, and the city or any aggrieved person may institute a civil action to obtain injunctive or compensatory relief against a person who violates this ordinance.

Kodiak City Code 10.28.030, Use Regulated, prohibits the operation or ride upon an off-road vehicle within city limits while under the influence of intoxicating liquor, narcotics, or drugs.  Kodiak City Code 10.44.030, General Penalty, provides violation of this ordinance is an infraction punishable by a fine of $100, plus any legal surcharge.

Kodiak City Code 18.28.190, Operation of Vessels, prohibits operation a vessel in any waterway while under the influence of an intoxicating liquor, narcotic drug, or hallucinogenic drug.  Kodiak City Code 18.28.370, Unlawful Acts鈥擱emedies, provides violation of this ordinance might be denied the use of the harbor facilities, equipment, or services, 18.28.420, Port and Harbor Offenses鈥擣ine Schedule, provides for a mandatory court appearance of this ordinance.  Kodiak City Code 1.12.010, Penalty, provides violation of this ordinance is an infraction punishable by a fine of not more than $300, plus any legal surcharge.

Kodiak City Code, 18.32.080, Intoxicating Beverage, prohibits bringing or drinking alcoholic beverages in a park or watershed and any person under the influence of intoxicating liquor from entering a public park or watershed.  The police can seize and confiscate any property, thing, or device used in violating this ordinance.  Kodiak City Code 1.12.010, Penalty, provides violation of this ordinance is an infraction punishable by a fine of not more than $300, plus any legal surcharge.

Mat-Su College

City of Palmer

Palmer Municipal Code 8.10.020, Smoking Prohibited, prohibits smoking within all enclosed public places within the city; all enclosed areas that are places of employment; all enclosed areas on property 鈥 including buildings or vehicles 鈥 owned or controlled by the city; all areas within 20 feet of each entrance to enclosed areas owned or controlled by the city; all areas within 50 feet of each entrance to a hospital or medical clinic; all outdoor playgrounds, fields, parks, arenas, stadiums, amphitheaters, and public transit waiting areas, except in designated smoking areas, which have to be at least 20 feet from playground equipment, seating areas, and concession stands; all areas within 10 feet of each entrance to enclosed areas at licensed premises; and any area posted no smoking.  Palmer Municipal Code 8.10.070, Violations and Penalties, provides violation of this ordinance is a violation punishable by:  first offense a fine not exceeding $100; second offense within 24 months a fine not exceeding $200; third or subsequent offense within 24 months a fine not exceeding $300.  The ordinance also authorizes the city or a person aggrieved by a violation of this ordinance can bring a civil action against a person who violates this ordinance and recover a civil penalty not to exceed $300.

Palmer Municipal Code 8.10.030, Reasonable Distance, prohibits smoking within 20 feet of any enclosed area where smoking is prohibited, except as otherwise allowed by law.  Palmer Municipal Code 8.10.070, Violations and Penalties, provides violation of this ordinance is a violation punishable by:  first offense a fine not exceeding $100; second offense within 24 months a fine not exceeding $200; third or subsequent offense within 24 months a fine not exceeding $300.  The ordinance also authorizes the city or a person aggrieved by a violation of this ordinance can bring a civil action against a person who violates this ordinance and recover a civil penalty not to exceed $300.

Palmer Municipal Code 8.11.030, Consuming Marijuana in a Public Place, prohibits consuming marijuana in a public place or when the person is outdoors on private property adjacent to a public place; or the private property of another without the consent of the other property owner affected by the activity.  Violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine as stated in the current, adopted budget; for 2022, the fine is $100.  Palmer Municipal Code 1.08.013, Other remedies, provides the city may institute a civil action against a person, including a minor, who violates an ordinance, and the city may seek injunctive relief, compensatory relief, and a civil penalty not to exceed $1000 for each violation.

Palmer Municipal Code 8.11.050, Marijuana Oil, Flammable Extraction Prohibited, prohibits methods to process marijuana oil using a flammable extraction method.  Violation of this ordinance is punishable by the fine established in the current, adopted budget; for 2022, the fine is $100.

Palmer Municipal Code 9.20.020, Prohibited Acts Designated, prohibits giving, bartering, or selling intoxicating liquor to someone under 21; for a person under 21 to enter or remain on licensed premises unless legally allowed; for someone under 21 to solicit the purchase of, or attempt to purchase or have possession of intoxicating liquor, or consume intoxicating liquor; for someone under 21 to enter licensed premises and offer or present a document or statement that doesn鈥檛 represent the true age of the person; when on a licensed premise, to refuse, on demand of a person in charge or a law enforcement officer, sufficient identification to prove they鈥檙e 21 or older; to influence or attempt to influence the selling, giving, or serving of intoxicating liquor to a person under 21 or to order, request, receive, or procure intoxicating liquor from anyone for the purpose of selling, giving, or serving the intoxication liquor to a person under 21; and to consume intoxicating liquor on the public streets, alleys, parks, and other public places unless allowed by law.  Palmer Municipal Code 9.20.050, Fines, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine established in the current, adopted budget; for 2022, the fine is $75 for the first offense, $150 for the second offense of the same ordinance within 365 days of the first offense, and $300 for the third offense of the same ordinance within 365 days of the second offense.

Palmer Municipal Code 9.95.100, Prohibition of Illicit Synthetic Drugs, prohibits possessing, using, providing, selling, producing, manufacturing, distributing, or offering, displaying marketing, or advertising for sale any illicit synthetic drug.  Palmer Municipal Code 1.08.011, General Fine Penalties, provides a violation of this ordinance is punishable by the fine established in the current, adopted budget; for 2022, the fine is $75 for the first offense, $150 for the second offense of the same ordinance within 365 days of the first offense, and $300 for the third offense of the same ordinance within 365 days of the second offense.

Palmer Municipal Code 9.95.140, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, prohibits the possession of drug paraphernalia in public regardless of whether it鈥檚 publicly displayed, and the possession of any amount of a Schedule VI drug.  Palmer Municipal Code 1.08.011, General Fine Penalties, provides a violation of this ordinance is punishable by the fine established in the current, adopted budget; for 2022, the fine is $75 for the first offense, $150 for the second offense of the same ordinance within 365 days of the first offense, and $300 for the third offense of the same ordinance within 365 days of the second offense.

Palmer Municipal Code 9.95.150, Sale of Drug Paraphernalia, prohibits selling, giving, bartering, or trading drug paraphernalia except as authorized by state law, and possessing with the intent to sell drug paraphernalia except as authorized by state law. Palmer Municipal Code 1.08.011, General Fine Penalties, provides a violation of this ordinance is punishable by the fine established in the current, adopted budget; for 2022, the fine is $75 for the first offense, $150 for the second offense of the same ordinance within 365 days of the first offense, and $300 for the third offense of the same ordinance within 365 days of the second offense.

Palmer Municipal Code 9.95.160, Drinking while Driving and Ingestion of Illegal Substances, prohibits drinking an intoxicating beverage while driving a vehicle, and smoking or otherwise ingesting any illegal substance while operating a motor vehicle.  Palmer Municipal Code 1.08.011, General Fine Penalties, provides a violation of this ordinance is punishable by the fine established in the current, adopted budget; for 2022, the fine is $75 for the first offense, $150 for the second offense of the same ordinance within 365 days of the first offense, and $300 for the third offense of the same ordinance within 365 days of the second offense.

Palmer Municipal Code 9.95.170, Unlawful Use of an Inhalant, prohibits inhaling any substance to become high or intoxicated.  Palmer Municipal Code 1.08.011, General Fine Penalties, provides a violation of this ordinance is punishable by the fine established in the current, adopted budget; for 2022, the fine is $75 for the first offense, $150 for the second offense of the same ordinance within 365 days of the first offense, and $300 for the third offense of the same ordinance within 365 days of the second offense.

Palmer Municipal Code 10.04.010, Adoption of State Uniform Traffic Laws, adopts all state vehicle and traffic statutes and regulations, including AS 28.35.030, Operating a Motor Vehicle under the Influence (operating a motor vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, inhalant, or controlled substance, or any combination of these substances, or if the person鈥檚 blood alcohol is over the proscribed limit within four hours after driving); AS 28.35.032, Breath Test Refusal (Refusing to submit to a chemical breath test at the request of a law officer if arrested for DUI); AS 28.35.029, Open Container (driving with an open container of alcohol in the passenger compartment of the vehicle); AS 28.35.280, Minor Operating a Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol (operating a motor vehicle, aircraft or watercraft after consuming any quantity of alcohol if at least 14 but under 21); AS 28.35.285, Minor鈥檚 Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test (refusing to submit to a chemical breath test if under arrest for Minor Operating a Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol); AS 28.35.290, Driving During the 24 Hours after Being Cited for Alcohol or Breath Test Offenses (operating a motor vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft during the 24 hours after being cited for Minor Operating a Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol or Minor鈥檚 Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test).  Palmer Municipal Code 10.04.012, Adoption of State Uniform Traffic Bail Schedule, adopts as its traffic fine schedule the state 鈥淭raffic Bail Forfeiture Schedule,鈥 which provides a fine of $200 for violation of AS 28.35.029, Open Container.  Palmer Municipal Code 1.08.011, General Fine Penalties, provides a violation of this ordinance is punishable by the fine established in the current, adopted budget; for 2022, the fine is $75 for the first offense, $150 for the second offense of the same ordinance within 365 days of the first offense, and $300 for the third offense of the same ordinance within 365 days of the second offense.

Kenai Peninsula College - Resurrection Bay Extension Site

City of Seward

Seward City Code 7.10.511, Operating under the Influence, prohibits operating a vessel within the harbor while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs to the extent it would be unlawful to operate a motor vehicle under state law in such condition.  Seward Municipal Code 1.05.010 provides a violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine not exceeding $300, and the city or an aggrieved person may institute a civil action against a person who violates this ordinance and seek injunctive and compensatory relief and a civil penalty not to exceed $1000 for each violation.

Seward City Code 10.30.015, Possession and Use of Narcotics, prohibits the possession of, use of, or addiction to narcotics or being under the influence of narcotics, unless otherwise authorized by law.  Seward Municipal Code 10.30.045 provides a violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine not less than $50 nor more than $1000, and the city or an aggrieved person may institute a civil action against a person who violates this ordinance and seek injunctive relief.

Seward City Code 10.30.020, Possession and Use of Dangerous Drugs, prohibits the possession of, use of, or addiction to dangerous drugs or being under the influence of narcotics, unless otherwise authorized by law.  Seward Municipal Code 10.30.045 provides a violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine not less than $50 nor more than $1000, and the city or an aggrieved person may institute a civil action against a person who violates this ordinance and seek injunctive relief.

Seward City Code 10.30.025, License Required, prohibits the sale of any item which is designed or marketed from use with controlled substances unless permitted by Seward Municipal Code and the individual has a license issued by the city.  Seward Municipal Code 10.30.045 provides a violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine not less than $50 nor more than $1000, and the city or an aggrieved person may institute a civil action against a person who violates this ordinance and seek injunctive relief.

Seward City Code 10.30.035, Sale to Minors, prohibits the sale or gift of items designed or marketed for use with controlled substances to any child.

Seward City Code 11.01.001, State Traffic Laws Adopted by Reference, adopts all state vehicle and traffic statutes and regulations creating minor offenses, which includes AS 18.35.029, Open Container (driving with an open container of alcohol in the passenger compartment of the vehicle).  Seward City Code 11.01.002, Traffic Fine Schedule 鈥 Adoption of State Bail Forfeiture Schedules by Reference, adopts as the city鈥檚 traffic fine schedule for state offenses the state 鈥淭raffic Bail Forfeiture Schedule,鈥 which provides the penalty for violating AS 18.35.029, Open Container, is $200.

Prince William Sound College

City of Valdez:

Valdez Municipal Code 5.06.040, Marijuana Use in Public Places Prohibited, prohibits the consumption of marijuana in a public place, unless permitted by city administrative process. Valdez Municipal Code 1.08.010, General Penalty鈥擟ontinuing Violations, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine not more than $500.

Valdez Municipal Code 5.06.060, Marijuana Possession and Use under the Age of Twenty-one Prohibited, prohibits the possession or use of marijuana by anyone under 21. Valdez Municipal Code 1.08.010, General Penalty鈥擟ontinuing Violations, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine not more than $500.

Valdez Municipal Code 5.08.010, Sale, etc., of Alcoholic Beverages to Certain Persons Prohibited, prohibits the selling, furnishing, giving, or delivery of any alcoholic beverage to any person who is intoxicated or who is under 21. Valdez Municipal Code 1.08.010, General Penalty鈥擟ontinuing Violations, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine not more than $500.

Valdez Municipal Code 5.08.020, Access of Persons under the Age of Twenty-one to Licensed Premises, prohibits anyone under 21 from entering or remaining in licensed premises unless otherwise allowed by law. Valdez Municipal Code 1.08.010, General Penalty鈥擟ontinuing Violations, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine not more than $500.

Valdez Municipal Code 5.08.030, Purchase, Possession, etc., by Minors Prohibited, prohibits anyone under 21 from attempting to purchase or otherwise secure, consume, or have in their possession an alcoholic beverage. Valdez Municipal Code 1.08.010, General Penalty鈥擟ontinuing Violations, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine not more than $500.

Valdez Municipal Code 5.08.040, prohibits consuming an intoxicating liquor on any public street, sidewalk, or in any city part or recreational facility. Valdez Municipal Code 1.08.010, General Penalty鈥擟ontinuing Violations, provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine not more than $500.

Valdez Municipal Code 8.24.030, Prohibition of Smoking in Enclosed Public Places, prohibits smoking in all enclosed public places within the city except as otherwise authorized. Valdez Municipal Code 8.24.100, Violations and Penalties, provides violation of this ordinance is an infraction punishable by a fine not exceeding $50.

Valdez Municipal Code 8.24.040, Prohibition of Smoking in Places of Employment, prohibits smoking in all enclosed areas within places of employment except in appropriate smoking break rooms.  Valdez Municipal Code 8.24.100, Violations and Penalties, provides violation of this ordinance is an infraction punishable by a fine not exceeding $50.

Valdez Municipal Code 8.24.050, Distance from entryways, prohibits smoking within 20 feet outside main entrances or other openings of an enclosed area where smoking is prohibited.  Valdez Municipal Code 8.24.100, Violations and Penalties, provides violation of this ordinance is an infraction punishable by a fine not exceeding $50.

Valdez Municipal Code 9.12.070, Negligent Use of Fireworks or Use While under Influence Prohibited, prohibits the discharge of fireworks while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance. Valdez Municipal Codes 9.04.030 and 9.12.070 provide violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine of $300.

Valdez Municipal Code 9.24.020, Possession, Control, or Consumption of Alcohol by Persons under Twenty-one, prohibits knowingly consume, possess, or control alcohol if under 21. Valdez Municipal Code 9.04.030 provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by a maximum fine of $500.

Valdez Municipal Code 9.24.030, Possession of Tobacco by Persons under Nineteen, prohibits a person under nineteen from possessing a product containing tobacco. Valdez Municipal Code 9.04.030 provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by a maximum fine of $500.

Valdez Municipal Code 9.24.070, Selling or Giving Tobacco to, prohibits selling or giving tobacco to a minor as described under state law, which prohibits selling, exchanging or giving a cigarette, cigar, tobacco, or a product containing tobacco to a person under 19 and maintaining a vending machine that dispenses tobacco products except as provided by law. Valdez Municipal Codes 1.08.030 and 9.04.30 provide violation of this ordinance is punishable by: for a first offense, a fine of $300; for a second offense, a fine of $400; for a third or subsequent offense, a fine of $500.

Valdez Municipal Code 9.24.080, Drunkenness, Improper Conduct, etc. In Presence of Children under Ten Years of Age, makes it unlawful for anyone, while caring for a child under ten to:  cause or allow the child to remain in a dwelling or vehicle in which a controlled substance is stored in violation of state law; be impaired by any intoxicant, whether or not prescribed for the person, when there is no third person who is at least twelve years old and not impaired by an intoxicant present to care for the child. Valdez Municipal Code 9.04.030 provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by a maximum fine of $500.

Valdez Municipal Code 9.28.010, Possession, Use of Controlled Substances, incorporates by reference AS 11.71.010鈥090 and 11.71.140鈥900, which includes first- through sixth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance.  These statutes prohibit the following conduct:

First-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance:  Delivering any amount of a schedule IA, IIA, or IIIA drug to someone who is under 19 and at least three years younger, or engaging in a continuing criminal enterprise.

Second-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance:  Manufacturing, delivering, or possessing with intent to manufacture or deliver any amount of a schedule IA drug; possessing or delivering an immediate precursor of methamphetamine with the intent to manufacture a substance containing methamphetamine; possessing methamphetamine in an organic solution with the intent to extract methamphetamine or related substances; delivering a listed chemical with reckless disregard that it will be used to manufacture methamphetamine or related substances.

Third-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance:  Delivering any amount of a schedule amount of a schedule IVA or VA or VIA drug to a person under 19 and at least three years younger; possessing any amount of a schedule IA or IIA drug near a school or a recreation or youth center or on a school bus; or manufacturing or delivering any amount of a schedule IIA or IIIA drug or possessing any amount of a schedule IIA or IIIA drug with intent to manufacture or deliver.

Fourth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance:  Manufacturing or delivering any schedule IVA or VA drug or possessing any amount of a schedule IVA or VA drug with intent to manufacture or deliver; manufacturing or delivering, or possessing with the intent to manufacture or deliver, one or more substances weighing one ounce or more containing a schedule VIA drug; possessing any amount of a schedule IA drug; possessing a schedule IIIA, IVA, VA, or VIA drug near a school or a recreation or youth center, or on a school bus; maintaining a store, shop, warehouse, dwelling, building, vehicle, boat, aircraft, or other structure or place that is used for keeping or distributing drugs in violation of a felony offense under AS 11.71 or AS 17.30 (controlled substances); making, delivering, or possessing anything that prints, imprints, or reproduces a trademark or other identifying mark, imprint, or likeness on a drug, drug container, or labeling so as to render the drug a counterfeit substance; using in the course of manufacturing or distributing a drug a registration number that鈥檚 fictitious, revoked, suspended, or issued to another person; knowingly furnishing false or fraudulent information in or omitting material information from any application, report, record, or other document required to be kept or filed under AS 17.30 (controlled substances); obtaining possession of a drug by misrepresentation, fraud, forgery, deception, or subterfuge; affixing a false or forged label to a package or other container containing any drug; committing certain fifth-degree misconduct involving controlled substances acts and, within the preceding 10 years has previously been convicted of the same acts or a law in this or another jurisdiction with similar elements.

Fifth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance:  Manufacturing or delivering, or possessing with the intent to manufacture or deliver, one or more substances with a total weight of less than one ounce of a schedule VI drug; failing to make, keep, or furnish any record, specific documents, or information required under AS 17.30 (controlled substances); possessing any amount of a schedule IA, IIA, IIIA, IVA, or VA controlled substance not prohibited by other laws; possessing one or more substances with a total weight of an ounce or more of a schedule VI drug.

Sixth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance:  Unless otherwise authorized: using or displaying any amount of a schedule VIA drug; possessing one or more substances with a total weight of less than one ounce containing a schedule VIA drug; refusing entry into a premise for an inspection authorized under AS 17.30 (controlled substances).

Valdez Municipal Code 9.04.030 provides violation of this ordinance is punishable by a minimum fine of $100.  Valdez Municipal Code 9.28.010 provides a violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine between $100 and $1000.

Valdez Municipal Code 10.04.020, Adoption of State Traffic Law, adopts all state vehicle and traffic statutes and regulations creating minor offenses, which includes AS 18.35.029, Open Container (driving with an open container of alcohol in the passenger compartment of the vehicle).  Valdez Municipal Code 10.04.030, Adoption of State Bail Forfeiture Schedule, adopts as the city鈥檚 traffic fine schedule for state offenses the state鈥檚 鈥淭raffic Bail Forfeiture Schedule,鈥 which provides the penalty for violating AS 18.35.029, Open Container, is a fine of $200.

Drug and Alcohol Counseling, Treatment, and Resource Options


The University of Alaska offers numerous health education seminars, workshops, and events, and students are encouraged to participate. Treatment, personal counseling options, and campus resource information for our University of Alaska campus can be found below.


Employees experiencing substance abuse-related issues are strongly encouraged to seek confidential counseling services.

The ComPsych Employee Assistance Program is a free service provided for employees, spouses/FIPs, dependents, and anyone living in the employee's home. It offers a wide variety of counseling, referral, and consultation services that are completely confidential. The program can be accessed 24/7 by contacting ComPsych's toll-free helpline at 1-888-969-0155. Online access is also available at (click register, and use the WebID: UofAK). The University of Alaska employee health insurance program also contains benefits for some in-patient and out-patient treatment.

State and National Resources

  • Alaska Tobacco Quit Program: 1-800-QUIT NOW (1-800-784-8669)
  • : 1-800-950-6264
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse Hotline: 1-800-662-HELP
  • Sobergrid mobile app platform to help anyone get sober and stay sober
  • for those in recovery and their family and friends
  • This is Quitting (text to quit vaping): Text "DITCHJUUL" to 88709
  • for substance use / mental illness

Local Drug and Alcohol Resources

Personal counseling is available on the Anchorage and Kenai River campuses.  Call for teleheath availability.

An * indicates resources that are available to students only.

Homer Area
Kenai Area
Matanuska-Susitna Area
Prince William Sound Area
Copper Basin