Call for Presentations for the American Society of Circumpolar Health Meeting

by Green & Gold News  |   

The American Society promotes health advances in the circumpolar north. We are part of the International Union for Circumpolar Health, with members in all Arctic nations. The International Congress on Circumpolar Health (ICCH18) will be in Yellowknife, Canada, June 18- 20, 2024. The American Society has funding to support travel for presenters to the ICCH.  In addition, the Arctic Health Foundation will provide the Albrecht Milan Emerging Professional Award to one of the presenters at our annual meeting (a cash award).

Hear the latest on Arctic Health Sciences research and join this informal opportunity to present your work before peers. New investigators and graduate students are encouraged to present! Learn about the American Society and the International Congress of Circumpolar Health Learn about funding opportunities to attend ICCH.

Event Details

Event location - Professional Studies Building 166 and Zoom
Event date - March 29, 2024
Event start time - 1 p.m.
Event end time - 4:30 p.m.

Registration Details

To register, indicate how you plan to attend (in-person or via Zoom) in an email to Ruby Fried,

To register as a presenter for a 15-minute oral presentation, submit a 300 word abstract to by March 22, at close of business. Include contact information (email, phone number). Presentations via Zoom are welcome. Poster presentations are also available.

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