Northwest Archivists 2024 — Call for Proposals

by Green & Gold News  |   

Northwest Archivists Annual Meeting — Seeking Balance: Sustainability and Adaptation
Spokane, WA | May 8-10, 2024
See the full details, and the submission form, on the .

Conference overview
Northwest Archivists’ 2024 Annual Meeting will be held in Spokane, Washington, from May 8-10. In 2024, the Spokane community will observe and celebrate the 50th anniversary of Expo ‘74, Spokane’s World’s Fair, the first such exposition to focus on the environment. Taking inspiration from the Fair, our theme is Seeking Balance: Sustainability and Adaptation. This theme invites consideration of how issues related to the environment, sustainability and adaptation intersect with archives and allied professions. While we seek balance, we are frequently required to adapt and react to changing circumstances. We must also be responsive to the changing climate, to different resource allocations, to new staffing models, and much, much more.

Session proposals

The program committee is seeking session proposals related to all aspects of archival/library practice, theory or research that is broadly related to the theme. Any and all ideas are welcome! We especially invite those in allied professions as well as graduate and undergraduate students to participate.


Session proposals for the NWA 2024 Annual Meeting are due on Friday, Dec. 8, by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time. Acceptances will be communicated to presenters in January 2024. Poster proposals will be due at a to-be-announced date in Spring 2024.

If you have any questions, email Program Committee chair Ben Murphy at

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