Bringing Out the Best in Others

by Green & Gold News  |   

Whether in your personal or your professional life, are you the kind of person that brings out the best in others? Do people shine around you, or do they tend to withdraw, hesitate to show their best? Some people seem to have a knack for challenging, motivating and inspiring their friends, family members and co-workers. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to do your part to make sure others are at their best around you.

Workshop Objectives

At the end of this workshop you will be able to:

  • Describe what motivates people:
    • Identify the factors that influence peoples’ motivation level
  • Identify how your attitude can be contagious:
    • Describe how to exhibit the type of positive thinking that can inspire others
    • Describe how to avoid negative talk which can bring others down
  • Describe how to provide others with effective feedback that makes a difference:
    • Identify when it is/is not appropriate to give feedback
    • Describe the type of phrasing that tends to have the biggest impact

Event Details

Training delivered by ComPsych - Guidance Resources

Event date - Oct. 27, 2023
Event start time - 11 a.m.
Event end time - 12 p.m.


To register for this training please visit MyUA. 


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October Archive