First draft of UA Strategic Pathways framework now available

by Michelle Saport  |   

A first draft of the University of Alaska's Strategic Pathways framework, announced Jan. 25, is now available at .

This framework seeks to strengthen UA's ability to meet the state's high priority needs for post-secondary education by focusing each of our universities on its unique areas of strength all the while providing wide access to cost effectively delivered common courses and services across Alaska. How the areas of emphasis take shape will continue to evolve over the next several months, and will reflect input from stakeholders as well as analysis of the potential impacts and benefits to students, the universities, and university communities.

Some initial changes could take effect by the end of this fiscal year, but since this process is still at a conceptual level, much work and input are needed for the framework to take full shape. President Johnsen and the Summit Team expect the restructuring to require two to three years for full implementation. Although Strategic Pathways is a conceptual framework for teaching and research areas of excellence, many changes also will be made to streamline administrative functions.

President Johnsen will present the Strategic Pathways framework to the UA Board of Regents at its next meeting, Feb. 18-19 in Fairbanks. Regents will hear from university leadership and discuss the overall restructuring effort. The president welcomes comments and ideas and asks that they be sent by email to, or through an online form, which can be found via a link on the pathways web page, at.

Updated information about the Strategic Pathways effort, including opportunities for shaping the strategy, is being developed. Additional documents will be posted and made available at .

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