Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (ETA)

Important Dates

Visit  for details.

Online application availability: Spring

Application Deadlines:
Campus deadline: Early September
National deadline: Early October

Notification of qualifying candidates: End of January

Notification of winning candidates: Beginning of May

Scholarship Overview

Uniting the world, one student at a time. 

The Fulbright US Student English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Program offers teaching opportunities in over 140 countries to recent graduates and graduate students. Fulbrighters provide classroom assistance to local English teachers while serving as cultural ambassadors for the US. The age and academic level of students varies by country, ranging from kindergarten to university level. During their grants, Fulbrighters will meet, work, live with, and learn from the people of the host country, sharing daily experiences.

The program facilitates cultural exchange through direct interaction on an individual basis in the classroom, field, home, and in routine tasks, allowing the grantee to gain an appreciation of others' viewpoints and beliefs. Through engagement in the community, the individual will interact with their hosts in an atmosphere openness, academic integrity, and intellectual freedom. 


Information for Applicants

  • Eligibility

    Applicants must be:

    • Graduates with bachelors degrees or equivalent (can apply as a senior), or graduate students
    • US citizens


    Who cannot apply:

    • International students and permanent residents
    • All employees of the Department of State, the US Agency for International Development, and related private and public agencies; spouses and dependent are also disqualified
    • Students with doctoral degrees
    • Anyone who has resided abroad for 5+ consecutive years in the six-year period preceding the application deadline


    For more information about eligibility requirements, visit . 

  • Additional Requirements

    Applicants must meet the language requirements of the award to which they are applying. Language requirements depend on the host country you choose.

    An institutional endorsement is required to apply for this award. 

    You may only apply to one country.

    Applicants enrolled at 香港六合彩资料 should submit their application through 香港六合彩资料. Non-enrolled applicants may submit applications "at-large." 

    Seek advising early in the application process. Schedule an advising appointment with the Fulbright Program Advisor, TBD to discuss intent to apply.

    Interview requirements:
    Campus interview: Yes
    National interview: No

  • Award Benefits

    Grant length and date varies by country. For more information, please consult the specific country summary for details by visiting  .

    Awards include:

    • Round-trip transportation to and from the host country
    • Funding to cover room, board, and incidental costs based on the cost of living in the host country
    • Accident and sickness health benefits


    In some countries, benefits may also include:

    • Book and research allowances
    • Mid-term enrichment activities
    • Full or partial tuition payment
    • Language study programs
    • Pre-departure and/or in-country orientations


    Award cannot be deferred or renewed.

  • Candidate Profile
    • Quality and feasibility of the proposal as described in the Statement of Grant Purpose the Personal Statement
    • Excellent academic and/or professional record
    • Good personal qualifications
    • Sufficient language preparation for the award you applied for
    • Candidate and project will help to advance the Fulbright aim of promoting mutual understanding among nations
    • Meet all requirements of the program in the individual country of choice
  • Application Procedure
    1. Since program requirements vary by country, applicants should familiarize themselves with the host country's requirements. For a list of countries with ETA grants, visit .
    2. Find a faculty member willing to serve as your mentor throughout the application process.
    3. Schedule an advising appointment with the Fulbright Program Advisor, TBD, the semester before you plan to apply for the award.
    4. Register at  and start completing the application.
    5. Start developing your Personal Statement and your Statement of Grant Purpose according to the Fulbright guidelines.
    6. Three letters of recommendation are required. Select instructors who can comment on your English skills, teaching abilities, and academic/professional plans in detail.
    7. Submit a complete application online, including all letters of recommendation, by the campus deadline.
    8. Prepare for the individual campus interview, which will take place 1-2 weeks after the campus deadline. The Fulbright Campus Interview Committee will submit an official institutional endorsement of your application at the end of your campus interview.
    9. A Fulbright National Screening Committee will conduct a preliminary elimination based on your credentials in December and determine if your application will be forwarded to the embassy of the country to which you are applying for final review.
    10. You will be notified of the status of your application in January.
    11. Candidates whose application is forwarded to the appropriate embassy for further review will be notified of the final decision in March - May.


    About 19% of applicants receive awards.

  • Advising

    Fulbright Program Advisor:


    In the meantime, contact Ray Ball at rball11@alaska.edu.

    Information sessions:
    Fulbright regularly offers webinars and information sessions at .