Gennady Gienko

Gennady Geinko


Ph.D., Photogrammetry, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, Russia, 1987
B.S./M.S., Photogrammetry, Novosibirsk State Geodetic Academy, Russia, 1984

Teaching Responsibilities

GIS A123 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
GIS A124 Introduction to GIS and Remote Sensing
GIS A268 Elements of Geographic Information Systems
GIS A351 Remote Sensing
GIS A366 Spatial Information Analysis and Modeling
GIS A367 Image Analysis
GIS A458 Design and Management of Spatial Data
GIS A468 Integration of Geomatics Technologies
GEO A357 Photogrammetry
GEO A359 Geodesy and Map Projections
GEO A410 High Density Surveying
GEO A420 Point Cloud Analysis
GEO A467 Analytical and Digital Photogrammetry
GEO A460 Geomatics Capstone Project

Research Interests

Geospatial image analysis, Geovisualization, Geographic Information Systems



  • Integrated geospatial technologies for monitoring the environmental sustainability of large-scale hydrological systems in Western Siberia. Russian Academy of Science, 2010, 136 p. (co-author: Gienko, A.)
  • Remote Sensing for environmental monitoring of Boguchany hydropower plant area (Angara River, Siberia). Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk, 2006, 164 p. (co-author: Gienko, A.)
  • Personal computers: architecture, operating systems, and programming. Novosibirsk State Publishing House, Novosibirsk, 1991,184 p. (co-author: Gorbenko, S.).

Book chapters and encyclopedia entries

  • Mining spatial patterns of distribution of uranium in groundwater in Ukraine. Environmental Modeling and Assessment. In Handbook of Research on Geographic Information Systems Applications and Advancements, IGI Global, 2017, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0937-0.ch021 (co-authors: Govorov, M., Putrenko, V.)
  • Improving the efficiency of image interpretation using ground truth terrestrial photographs. In Handbook of Research on Remote Sensing Applications in Earth and Environmental Studies, IGI Global, 2017. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1814-3 (co-author: Govorov, M.)
  • Geo-visualization of tropical cyclone behaviour in the South Pacific. In Natural Hazards in the Asia- Pacific Region: Recent Advances and Emerging Concepts. Geological Society, London. Special Publications, 2012; v. 361; p. 195-208. (co-author: Terry, J.P.)
  • Multispectral imagery; Photogrammetry; Remote Sensing. In Encyclopedia of Geography, SAGE Publications, 2010


  • Method for stereoscopically measuring image points and device for carrying out said method. International patent PCT RU2004/000181, April, 27, 2004 鈥 published by WIPO (WO 2005/103616), Nov 3, 2005 (co-author: V. Chekalin)
  • Method for stereoscopically measuring image points and device for carrying out said method. US patent 2007/0263923 A1, 2007 (co-author: V. Chekalin)

Published technical reports

  • Snow Cover in Alaska: Comprehensive Review. 2018. 香港六合彩资料. (co-authors: Lang, R; Hamel, S; Meehleis, K; Folan, T.)

Published teaching materials

  • Methods of data analysis in GIS; Introduction to Remote Sensing; Land Cover and Land Use Analysis. In Geographic Information Infrastructure, Vilnius, 2008 (Ed. R. Bau拧ys)
  • Geographic Techniques. Lecture notes. The University of the South Pacific, 2007, 202 p.
  • Introduction to Photogrammetry. In Geomatics, University of the South Pacific, 2006, p.157 (Ed. R.Curley)
  • Digital image processing for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Lecture notes. Novosibirsk Institute for Engineers in Geodesy, Aerial Surveying and Cartography,1989. 43 p.

Reviewed journal papers

  • Meehleis, K., Folan, T., Hamel, S., Lang, R., Gienko, G. Forthcoming. Snow load calculations for Alaska using GHCN data (1950-2017).  Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, ASCE.
  • Govorov, M., Beconyt臈, G., Gienko, G., Putrenko, V. Spatially Constrained Regionalization with Multilayer Perceptron. Transactions in GIS. 2019.
  • Govorov, M., Gienko, G., Putrenko, V.  Unsupervised Machine Learning for Regionalization of Environmental Data: Distribution of Uranium in Groundwater in Ukraine. Journal of Environmental Informatics.(in review)
  • Arti Pratap Chand, M.G.M. Khan, G. Gienko and J.P. Terry. Categorizing Tropical Cyclone Tracks Using Mathematical Programming. The Aligarh Journal of Statistics, 2018, 38, 59-82.
  • Quantitative observations on tropical cyclone tracks in the Arabian Sea. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. Springer. (co-author: Terry, J.P.). 2018.
  • Three-dimensional modeling of coastal boulders using multi-view image measurements. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. (co-author: Terry, J.P.).2013. DOI: 10.1002/esp.3485
  • GIS learning objects: an approach to content aggregation. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education. 2013, Vol. 22, No. 2, 155鈥171 (co-author: Govorov, M.)
  • Developing a new sinuosity index for cyclone tracks in the tropical South Pacific. Natural Hazards, vol. 59, 2011, p.1161-1174 (co-author: Terry, J.P.)
  • Climatological aspects of South Pacific tropical cyclones, based on analysis of the RSMC-Nadi (Fiji) regional archive. Climate Research, vol. 42, 2010, p.223-233 (co-author: Terry, J.P.)
  • Time series aerial photographs to detect spatio-temporal changes in coastal areas of Fiji. South Pacific Journal of Natural Science (SPJNS), vol. 26, 2008, p 53-61(co-authors: J.Terry, L.Tokalauvere)
  • A virtual professional community to support effective use of remotely sensed imagery. South Pacific Journal of Natural Science (SPJNS), vol. 25, 2007, p 16-22 (co-authors: M.Govorov, B.Maguire, A.Gienko, Y.Khmylevsky)
  • Parallel algorithms for geometric transforms of video streams in aerial videogrammetry. Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing, 2006, No.3, V.42, p.3-12 (co-authors: M.Tarkov, B.Norenko, A.Zorin)
  • Geometric Accuracy of Ikonos: Zoom In. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, GeoRS(42), No. 1, January 2004, pp. 209-214.
  • GIS data to support feature extraction from high resolution aerial and satellite images. Journal of Surveying Engineering, ASCE, USA, November, 2003, Volume 129, Issue 4, pp. 158-164 (co-author: Y.Doytsher)
  • Geometric analysis of Ikonos imagery: the very first sight - Proceedings of Russian Universities: Geodesy and Aerial Surveying, 2002. - p.11
  • Method of photogrammetric processing of stereo scanner images. Journal for Geodesy and Aerial Surveying. - Moscow, 1987, vol.3 - pp.90-97. (co-author: A. Mikhaylov)
  • Determining rotation angles for stereo scanner images. Bulletin of Central Research Institute for Geodesy, Aerial Surveying and Cartography, Moscow, 1987. 鈥 p.12.

Reviewed conference papers

  • Govorov, M., Beconyt臈, G., and Gienko, G.: Spatial Component Models with Artificial Neural Networks for Spatially Constrained Regionalization, Int. Cartographic Assoc., 1, 99, Tokyo, 2019,
  • Terry, J.P., Gienko, G., Liou, Y.-A. and Winspear, N. 2018. Big Earth Data needs for typhoon track analysis. The 3rd Digital Belt and Road Conference, 5鈥7 December 2018, Tengchong, China
  • Govorov, M., Gienko, G., Putrenko, V. Supervised Machine Learning for Regionalization of Environmental Data: Distribution of Uranium in Groundwater in Ukraine. International Cartographic Congress. July 2-7, 2017, Washington, DC
  • Govorov, M., Gienko, G., Putrenko, V. Unsupervised Machine Learning for Regionalization of Environmental Data: Distribution of Uranium in Groundwater in Ukraine. 27th International Cartographic Conference, 23-28 August 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Developing a technique for categorizing tropical cyclone tracks in the South Pacific. In Contemporary Discussions in Mathematics. 2014. Proceedings of the International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics (2013) Lae. Papua New Guinea (co-authors: Chand, A.P., Khan, M.G.M., Terry, J.P.)
  • Terry, J.P., Switzer, A.D., Lau, A.Y.A., Goff, J., Gienko, G. and Etienne, S. 2013. Reconstructing ancient coastal inundation events (tsunamis and storms) from bouldery deposits: methodologies, challenges and new approaches. GEOS 2013. 2nd Annual International Conference On Geological and Earth Sciences. Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF), 28-29 October 2013, Phuket, Thailand.
  • Geo-visualization of dynamic changes for regional environmental monitoring. Spatial Data Processing and Remote Monitoring of the Natural Environment and Large-Scale Anthropogenic Processes (DPRS'2013). Barnaul, Russia, September 30 鈥 October 04, 2013 (co-author: Gienko, A.).
  • Exploring Distribution of Uranium in Ukraine: Geo-visualization and Spatial Statistics. 26th International Cartographic Conference, 25 鈥 30 August, 2013, Dresden, Germany (co-authors: Govorov, M., Putrenko, V.)
  • 3D modeling of boulder shape and volume using digital photogrammetric techniques. Applications in coastal geomorphology. 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology. 27-31 August 2013, Paris. (co-author: Terry, J.P.).
  • Exploring Spatial Patterns of Uranium Distribution in Ukraine, 16th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, 14-17 May 2013, Leuven, Belgium (co-author: Govorov, M., Putrenko, V.)
  • Mapping spatial changes using multi-temporal satellite images. VIII Intl. Congress Interexpo GeoSiberia-2013, 24-26 April 2013, Novosibirsk (co-authors: Gienko, A.)
  • Geo-Information and change detection techniques for ecological assessment of natural resources. VII Intl. Congress Interexpo GeoSiberia-2012, Novosibirsk, 17-19 April 2012 (co-authors: A.Gienko, M.Govorov)
  • Geostatistical mapping for environmental studies, 25th International Cartographic Conference, Paris, France, 3-8 July 2011 (co-author: Govorov, M.)
  • Visualizing tropical cyclone spatial characteristics: a GIS-based approach, 22nd Pacific Science Congress, 14-18 June 2011, Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia (co-author: Terry, J.P.)
  • Proposing a new index for quantifying the morphology of tropical cyclone tracks in the Pacific Basin. Proc. of Asia Oceania Geoscience Society, AOGS-2010. Hyderabad, 5-9 July 2010 (co-authors: Terry, J.P., Feng,Ch.)
  • Locations of tropical cyclogenesis and decay in the South Pacific over the period of satellite record. - XI Pacific Science Inter-congress, 2鈥6 March 2009, Tahiti (co-author: J.Terry)
  • Storms, islands and vulnerability: GIS investigation of tropical cyclone tracks in the South Pacific and some observations on changing patterns. Proc. of An International Perspective on Environmental and Water Resources, American Society of Civil Engineers, 5-7 January 2009, Bangkok, Thailand (co-authors: J.Terry, P.Malsale, N.Rollings).
  • Design of the stereoscopic eye-tracking system for quantitative remote sensing applications. Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 7087, Optics and Photonics, 2008 (co-authors: A.Sergeev, E.Levin, M.Roggemann)
  • A human centric approach to geospatial data fusion for real-time remotely controlled robotic platforms, Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 6983, 2008 (co-authors: E.Levin, A.Sergeev)
  • Participatory mechanism and media data portal for visual image analysis. Proc. of INTERCARTO-INTERGIS 14, 2008, Saratov, Russia - Urumqi-Lhasa, China (co-authors: Govorov,M., Gienko,A., Maguire, B., Khmelevsky,Y.)
  • Eye movement analysis in visual inspection of geospatial data. Proc. of ASPRS Intl. Conf., Portland, Oregon, April 28 - May 2, 2008 (co-authors: E.Levin, W.Helton, R.Liimakka)
  • A 鈥渟ight-speed鈥 human-computer interaction for augmented geospatial data acquisition and processing systems. In: Stilla U. et al (Eds.) PIA07. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 36 (3/W49B), 2007, p. 41-46, (co-author: E.Levin)
  • The user interface for web-based community-open remote-sensing participatory mechanism. Proc. of XXIII International Cartographic Conference, 4-10 August, 2007, Moscow, Russia (co-authors: Govorov, M., Maguire, B.)
  • Geometric approach to multisensor, multiresolution image fusion. Proc. of ASPRS Int. conference, Baltimore, USA, March 2005 (co-author: E.Levin)
  • Eye-tracking in augmented photogrammetric technologies. Proc. of ASPRS Int. conference, Baltimore, USA, March 2005 (co-author: E.Levin)
  • Geoinformation reality: mass user oriented modeling of environment. Proceedings SPIE Vol. 5434, p. 319-326, 2004 (co-authors: A.Zarnowski, E. Levin, Jannson, T.)
  • Neurophysiological features of human visual system in augmented photogrammetric technologies, Proc. of XXth ISPRS Congress, Istanbul, 2004 (co-author: V. Chekalin)
  • Development of analytical photogrammetric networks based on Russian satellite imagery. Proc. Of ASPRS Int. conference, Denver, USA, 2004 (co-authors: E. Levin, P. H. Salamonowic, V. Chekalin)
  • Geographic information to support vision-based approaches for GPS-independent autonomous navigation. Proc. of ASPRS 2003 Annual Conference, Anchorage, USA May 2003. (co-author: E.Levin, A.Zarnovski)
  • Open source data to improve geometric accuracy of Ikonos Geo images. Proc. of ASPRS 2003 Annual Conference, Anchorage, USA May 2003
  • Multilevel frame method for phototriangulation and digital elevation model generation. ASPRS 2003 Annual Conference, Anchorage, USA May 2003 (co-author: V.Chekalin, E.Levin)
  • Some aspects of tactical and satellite imagery exploration for none-GPS navigation in command and control real-time technologies. Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5097: Geo-Spatial and Temporal Image and Data Exploitation III, AeroSense, 21鈥25 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA (co-author: E. Levin, A. Zarnovskiy)
  • Flexible simulation strategy for modeling 3D cultural objects using multisource remotely sensed imagery. Electronic Imaging: Videometrics VIII (EI14) 鈥 Proc. of I&ST & SPIE 15th Ann. Symp. Jan. 2003, CA, USA (co-author: E.Levin)
  • From pixels on image to boundaries in GIS: extraction of roads with uncertain edges 鈥 Proceedings of GISRUK, Sheffield, UK, April, 2002 鈥 p. 4 (co-author: Y.Doytsher)
  • Data integration in multi-detailed object-oriented GIS. Proceedings of the EuroGIS'97, Vienna, Austria, Vol. 1, 1997. - p.9 (co-authors: A.G. Khorev, M.O. Govorov, Ye.L. Kassianova)
  • Integration of different generalized cartographic data into object-oriented multiscale GIS. Proceedings of Int. Conf. INTERCARTO 3: GIS for Ecological Development, Novosibirsk, 1997, pp.272-282. (co-authors Govorov M., Khorev A., Elshina T., Mistrukov A., Gubin A.)
  • Geometric correction of digital scanner images by photogrammetric processing of materials of synchronous scanner and photo survey. Proceedings of Novosibirsk Institute for Engineers in Geodesy, Aerial Surveying and Cartography, 1993. - pp.14-19.
  • Digital filtration and data compression in automatic photogrammetric systems. Proceedings of Novosibirsk Institute for Engineers in Geodesy, Aerial Surveying and Cartography, 1990, - pp.10-13 (co-author: V. Korkin)
  • Database for digital image processing with minicomputer stations. Proceedings of Novosibirsk Institute for Engineers in Geodesy, Aerial Surveying and Cartography,1990. - pp.63-72
  • Digital photogrammetry and GIS: data integration and processing. Proceedings of Regional Conference in Geodesy and Cartography, Novosibirsk, 1995. - pp.5

Career History/Work Experience

2012-present Professor, 香港六合彩资料
2009-2012 Associate Professor, 香港六合彩资料
2004-2009 Senior Lecturer, University of the South Pacific, Fiji Islands
2002-2004 Associate Professor, Siberian State Geodetic Academy, Russia
2001-2002 Research Scientist, Israel Institute of Technology (Technion), Israel
1991-2001 Associate Professor, Siberian State Geodetic Academy, Russia
1988-1991 Assistant Professor, Siberian State Geodetic Academy, Russia