Jackie Cason

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Department of Writing
ADM 103L

(907) 786-4367


  • Ph.D., English, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
  • M.A., English, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
  • M.A.T., 香港六合彩资料
  • B.A., English, University of North Carolina, Charlotte


Jacqueline Cason coordinates the composition program and is engaged in scholarship on the transfer of writing-related knowledge from first year composition to general education to disciplinary contexts, with attention to the design of writing assignments, threshold concepts, and learning dispositions. She will be attending the 2015 Dartmouth Summer Seminar for Writing Research, which focuses on data-driven inquiry into writing programs.

Her research also focuses on ways to embed information literacy throughout the writing curriculum and will examine potential alignment between the Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing and the recently released Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education, both of which emphasize cognitive skills and affective habits of mind.

Her presentations and publications include "Wild or Generically Modified? Pushing Genre Boundaries to Develop Resilient and Adaptive Writers" (CCCC  2015); "Fostering an Academic Literacies Model for General Education Assessment" (IWAC, 2014);"Adapting Instructional Documents to an Online Environment" (Co-authored in Online Education 2.0: Evolving, Adapting, and Reinventing Online Technical Communication. 2012); and "The Spirit of Synecdoche: Order and Chaos Contend in the Metaphors of Loren Eiseley" (in Artifacts and Illuminations: Critical Essays on Loren Eiseley 2012).

Teaching Responsibilities

  • Composition Theory and Practice
  • Evolution of the Essay Genre
  • Nonfiction Narrative
  • Deliberative Rhetoric
  • Public Science Writing
  • Technical and Scientific Writing
  • First-year Composition
  • Persuasive Writing
  • Advanced Composition